This will be the "official" thread to discuss and contribute to the BloodGDX HRP.
I salvaged some stuff from HRP for BloodCM that I and other people been working on years ago and made it compatible with BGDX. I only chose assets that met some quality standarts and had to scrap the rest.
Currently, I have some HUD elements and a dozen of textures, but all of them could be remade from scratch too.
Feel free to contribute any texture or model you want, but there are some rules for applying:
- High resolution textures should be at least 10 times bigger than the original ones. They should also include normal map. Specular/glow maps are optional.
- Keep the look of the textures and models as close to the original ones as possible. Don't just replace everything with some random wood/stone textures found on the internet.
- Textures should be "true" high resolution. Enlarging the low res one and slapping some filters and detail textures on them won't do in most cases. There might be some exceptions though.
- Do not alter the original style in any way. No need to slap naked girls on every surface, like in that other HRP.