xMobilemux, on 06 July 2017 - 09:28 PM, said:
Is there any sort of pre set list of questions and things Yatta, TX and Fred have in place to discuss with Randy or are they just going in there blind and going to discuss what ever they think of in the moment?
If there is a list, some things I'd like to see put on it are:
- Stress to Randy that Jon St John needs to be directed, preferably back in the teeth grinding Clint Eastwood style with the charisma, no more letting Jon do as he wishes.
Agreed they should direct JSJ (who is the man!) to do more of that badass voice. Even though I like his performance in World Tour better than most on here, the stuff from Bulletstorm is not Duke enough by far.
- I like the idea of a live-action Duke movie, it could easily work. Many creative and fun movie makers are out there. It wouldn't be exactly like the games but that's okay, adaptations can be fun because they adapt. Neveldine & Taylor (the guys who did Crank and Gamer) I could see pulling it off, or Robert Rodriguez (Desperado, Grindhouse Planet Terror, Machete, etc). So many could easily pull off a great fun Duke action movie, and plenty of actors could achieve something like Duke's delivery and attitude.
(JSJ is always the voice of Duke though, never replace him in the games)
- The next Duke FPS (I think of it as Duke Nukem 5 or other cool title instead of Duke Nukem 3D 2), I'd like a full on new game. Can Gearbox can pull off a high budget Duke game? I'd like to see it tried at least once, sure. They also mentioned a year or two ago they might get outside help there, so as owners of the IP they could hire plenty of cool devs to do it or help with it as well. I agree with you on more Duke games including lower budget ones along the way would be fun too, more games the merrier.
My personal take on a new Duke game's concept, back to basics. He starts out in a sleezy LA bar (he owns a more modest pad there because why not), maybe you can play poker with a couple cool babes or something, and mess around with throwing darts or something, but have aliens attack without warning, within 5 minutes. Get right to the action with a much shorter intro than Half-Life and DNF etc did, kind of like the new Doom, get you off and running right away. We can find out how the new aliens are different or whatever later on, and go wherever along the way.
On a question for Randy, my one question/comment, please don't make the next Duke game a "reboot" or "re-imagining". The concept and character is evergreen, like James Bond which didn't get rebooted for many decades, I don't think we need a Duke reboot or continuity restart after just two FPS games. On stuff like Duke running for president at the end of DNF, could just not revisit that. Maybe he did and they voted for a politician instead, maybe he changed his mind, doesn't need to be brought up even. They could make any new Duke story without really needing to reboot it.
I'm always excited for a new Duke game, but if it was a Tomb Raider style reboot where we're just meeting a "new" Duke for the first time, this would be appalling to me. Ditto for the prequel idea of Duke Begins that was rumored all those years ago, I think the concept is terrible, but everybody has their opinions here. Since Duke's concept is he's an experienced badass who's kicked ass and saved the world before (even in the hit game Duke 3D), starting over and having him inexperienced in kicking alien ass just doesn't make sense.