About a year I've been working on a mod that brutalizes the game. (Still working)
I was inspired, of course, by Brutal Doom.

I don't know if there's already a mod called "Brutal Duke" ... if there is one, it will not matter, since mine is not an official mod... I know that many mods around here increase blood and gore too.

After a long time, I decided to release my alpha version.
This "Brutal Mod" simply increase the blood effects. (Floor, wall and ceiling decals, bloodspray effects, jibs, shells, actors and some sound effects ...)

Also, I've done two new deaths animations for troop.
To trigger one of them, just kill one of those maggots with a Shotgun when you are closer to them or kick them in the face when in "suffering state".

All effects have been made by myself. I've re-used many sprites from the game and from other games.
Right now the mod is stored on Bitbucket. Further on I'll open the repository to public access.
Download & Enjoy: Click HERE (GRP not included)
Warning: This is an working very very very ALPHA! Maybe there will be some small bugs... Send them to me if you notice one.

Hope you enjoy!