How to Use
Download the following:
1. Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour
2. EDuke32 - latest build
3. The Stopgap - latest release
4. (Optional) Uncensored Health Pickups Patch (also works in World Tour itself!)
Extract everything to your World Tour folder, usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Duke Nukem 3D Twentieth Anniversary World Tour", or wherever you have installed the game.
This means that duke3d.grp, eduke32.exe, e32wt.con, tiles*.art, and more must all be in the same folder.
Then you can run EDuke32! Select Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour [Stopgap] in the startup window.
Other links:
Stopgap Project Git Repository
Settings configurable via the in-game console:
Option: New Duke voice acting. Use `setvar voice <value>` in the console to configure. 0 - 2016 voice, 1 - 1996 voice except during Episode 5, 2 - 1996 voice except new lines only
Option: Developer commentary. Use `setvar commentary <value>` in the console to configure. 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - show but don't allow playback
[Polymer only] For the time being, normal maps only work with `r_pr_artmapping 0`, for the same reason texture filtering is incompatible with the artmapping feature.

As of EDuke32 r8791, the new weapons and enemies are fully implemented! Thanks to Nuke.YKT for reverse-engineering behaviors hard-coded into the WT exe.
Always bet on EDuke32.