Probably gonna be the best user map we see this year, certainly my favorite, both for 2016 and probably of all time. Not even trying to kiss ass, I've honestly just never seen anything quite like this in DN3D. Like, I've never seen a large, sprawling urban map designed
this well and I've damn sure never seen a disaster-oriented map get the sort of execution and attention to detail that this one has. Doing either of those things on their own is great but both at the same time? Yeah, color me impressed. Almost everything about it floored me, from the toppled building you have to use to get back to ground level, to the skylight in the mall to the wrecked apartment that comes before the last part of the map, it's all so well put together and so finely detailed it's kinda hard to wrap my mind around it. That'd be enough on it's own, but it flows nicely and the firefights compliment it exceedingly well; enemies are placed really intuitively in a way that offers just enough to be challenging without it feeling unfair, like those two stayput battle-lords that spawn when you deactivate the force-field in the sushi restaurant.
The only complaint I really have boils down to personal taste, but the sequence in the beginning was more frustrating to me than suspenseful. Like I said, personal taste. I get that it was to start things off with a bang, but I really don't like running blindly through an enclosed area with no idea where I'm supposed to be going or what I'm supposed to be doing. I died about eight times total, and five of those were in the first minute of playing it. If it'd been anyone else, I might've just ragequit, but I kept telling myself "it's an Oostrum map, just keep trying, it'll be worth it" and boy was it ever. Name recognition definitely saved it in my case.
Funny note to end it on, I accidentally cheated my way through part of the last fight. I wasn't expecting all of those octabrains and fat commanders to ambush you right before the last two battlelords become visible, so even though I managed to come of it alive, I'd lost too much health to stand toe-to-toe with the moving battlelord, and he more or less pushed me back to back to the large canyon that separates the first part of the map from the last. I was at about 25 hp and in desperate attempt to put some distance between me and him, I side-straffed and jumped across the canyon, back to the first chunk of the map. Now, I'm kinda familiar with the AI in DN3D so I don't know why it surprised me so much when the big dumbass followed me over the edge, but it
did and I got a good laugh out of it. Got curious after I finished the map and spawned a jetpack so I could check out the bottom of the canyon. The screencap is of Mr. Darwin Award himself, idled out