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What have you been playing? (posting about Duke 3D maps)

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View Postduke3d.exe, on 22 June 2021 - 08:44 AM, said:


im not sure why the author made a place that is completely pitch dark. I can't see anything and there's no way out.

because the current snapshots of eduke32 at the time had messed up lighting and visibility. If you had played the map the day it was released things wouldn't have been pitch black.

go get a snapshot from february 2010

or go get the updated version of the map from Paul B's now non-existant duke32 map hosting site

not worth the effort, imo. The map is trash & so is the mapper. :turned:

This post has been edited by Forge: 01 November 2021 - 10:58 PM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Is there anywhere else to get the updated version? I've been thinking of trying out your series as part of this big user map list I've been working through.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


Paul B was the only one interested in updated versions in 2019 to deal with all the eduke32 changes in lighting and physics.
Not only was the lighting/shading messed up in that one, half the gimmicky tricks no longer worked -some were game breaking - like the barrel no longer went down the stream without constantly getting stuck or getting blown up due to how conveyors and explosions were altered. I had put a sprite ladder in so the player didn't have to rely on the barrel to make the jump, but then sprite based ladders no longer worked. I don't even know if that map can be completed anymore.

meh. i had a copy sitting in the back of my old build folder. good luck.
Attached File  Duke234_3.zip (257.53K)
Number of downloads: 190

This post has been edited by Forge: 02 November 2021 - 08:00 AM


User is offline   Sangman 


Finally got around to playing WGFang and Maarten's Weissensee, both excellent maps indeed :dukeaffirmative:

User is offline   Merlijn 


I found this map while browsing through old topics: http://www.scent-88....ine/routine.php

Actually quite an interesting city map. The street sections look pretty different from anything I've played and have a very interesting look to them. The sheer scale of the buildings is pretty noteworthy as well.
Indoor sections are a bit of a mixed bag, but they also feature some neat ideas.
Gameplay is also noteworthy, because the map gives you very little ammo and health which forces you to be strategic and careful. Especially the first half actually led to some tense situations, as I was below 20% health with no health packs in sight and only a couple of bullets left. Not everyone will like that, but eventually the map becomes a bit more generous and I managed to pull through. Only BS was

I'd say it's worth a shot if you've never played it.

This post has been edited by Merlijn: 01 December 2021 - 11:54 AM


User is offline   ck3D 


View PostMerlijn, on 01 December 2021 - 11:53 AM, said:

I found this map while browsing through old topics: http://www.scent-88....ine/routine.php

Actually quite an interesting city map. The street sections look pretty different from anything I've played and have a very interesting look to them. The sheer scale of the buildings is pretty noteworthy as well.
Indoor sections are a bit of a mixed bag, but they also feature some neat ideas.
Gameplay is also noteworthy, because the map gives you very little ammo and health which forces you to be strategic and careful. Especially the first half actually led to some tense situations, as I was below 20% health with no health packs in sight and only a couple of bullets left. Not everyone will like that, but eventually the map becomes a bit more generous and I managed to pull through. Only BS was

I'd say it's worth a shot if you've never played it.

I share the same enthusiasm about Perro Seco's works in general. Planisphere 2 (the Doom map) is still one of the most insane enterprises I've ever seen for a first person shooter level of that time period, and despite not really playing video games anymore I'm definitely looking forward to his Blacklist TC: https://www.moddb.com/mods/blacklist

I actually need to play Duke 2070 (his other user map release) in full sometime. If you've missed that one, I'd recommend looking into it, may be right up your alley if you liked Routine.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 04 December 2021 - 02:29 PM


User is offline   Merlijn 


Thanks for the recommendation! Duke 2070 looks pretty cool, I'l definitely check it out.

User is offline   Arzca 


Right, more Dukematch posts and with some friendly (no crashes, no timed out) co-operation from EDuke32 oldmp's part, I did manage to record two full 1v1 LAN games. More of the "same old" in the map deparment, but it was fun as hell as Dukematch usually is. Both of these games are recorded from my friend's prespective, while I was using my ancient potato-laptop which is pretty much useless when it comes to recording anything, or even running any modern games to begin with. Also, it should be noted that we're running modified User.con-files to give to give us more ammo (2X) to counter any potentially unbalanced co-op maps and so on. We always play best out of 10, so when your kill conter reaches 10, you're the winner.

E2L6: Tiberius Station We kicked off with this map. I had a terrible start, but I made a decent comeback towards the end. It was all vents and mind games here as it often tends to be. There was a funny moment where I was very low on health and decided to lock myself inside the room with a Shrinker. I was merely delaying the inevitable, and it didn't take too long for my friend to finish me off with his Pistol. :D. We also had a funny "tie game" inside the vents, where both of us somehow managed to blow each other up simultaneously with a Pipebomb.

The match:

Screenshots from our E2L6 match:

1) Attached Image: e2l6b.jpg My friend somehow managed to evade this
2) Attached Image: e2l6e.jpg My last stand, I tried to shrink him but died instead :D
3) Attached Image: e2l6g.jpg The final kill

E3L4: L.A. Rumble: NOTE: We had a brief break before we started this one, so feel free to skip the first minute or so. Anyways, this one was off to a pretty slow start, and both of us were trying to build up our arsenal, which led to inconclusive Jetpack & RPG spam for the first half of the game. We kind of "silently" tuned down our Jetpack usage after the first kill, because I feel neither of us was too happy being practically invulnerable and almost impossible to kill. The game picked up properly after this, and there were some pretty hectic moments and a few nice Pipebomb kills too. :dukehappy:

The match:

Screenshots fom our E3L4 match:

1) Attached Image: e3l4d.jpg Early game mid-air duels (That 2% Jetpack though)
2) Attached Image: e3l4b.jpg I got blown up (predicted Pipebomb) :nuke:
3) Attached Image: e3l4a.jpg My friend's tying (1-1) kill

I guess that's that, I might post more of these multiplayer things when we're Duking it out again. :dukeaffirmative:

This post has been edited by Arzca: 10 December 2021 - 11:27 PM


User is offline   Aleks 


View PostArzca, on 10 December 2021 - 11:25 PM, said:

Right, more Dukematch posts and with some friendly (no crashes, no timed out) co-operation from EDuke32 oldmp's part, I did manage to record two full 1v1 LAN games. More of the "same old" in the map deparment, but it was fun as hell as Dukematch usually is. Both of these games are recorded from my friend's prespective, while I was using my ancient potato-laptop which is pretty much useless when it comes to recording anything, or even running any modern games to begin with. Also, it should be noted that we're running modified User.con-files to give to give us more ammo (2X) to counter any potentially unbalanced co-op maps and so on. We always play best out of 10, so when your kill conter reaches 10, you're the winner.

Glad to see Old-MP working well for you and you guys still kicking ass. If you wanna try some annoying Megaton for a change during the Christmas break, hit me up here or on Steam, now you made me wanna play some Dukematches :D

User is offline   Merlijn 


View PostMerlijn, on 06 December 2021 - 08:16 AM, said:

Thanks for the recommendation! Duke 2070 looks pretty cool, I'l definitely check it out.

Well.. unfortunately Duke 2070 wasn't a very enjoyable experience. It's a huge sandbox-type of map, with basically an entire city to explore. Tons of different areas which are all interconnected in several ways (including multiple subway systems).
And while the sheer scale of the city is impressive, exploring it wasn't quite as fun as it could have been.

Like Routine, ammo and health is pretty hard to come by at first. But since the city is so massive and non-linear it's mostly a matter of luck if you find enough weapons and ammo to deal with the enemies. After a while you will gather enough supplies but this still felt too much like trial and error to me. Moreover the mission is a generic 'find the 3 keycards' so you're mostly just blundering aimlessly through the city until you stumble upon said keycards. One of them is really hard to find too, especially considering the size of the city

I would have much preferred GTA-styled missions, like 'get this item at the Northern docks and bring it to the secret rebel hideout near the cinema at the park'. Which would have fit the sandbox-styled city a lot better IMO.

Also, indoor sections are still a mixed bag and I feel more could have been done with the futuristic theme. Still, the city itself is quite a sight to behold and there are some really unique outdoor areas plus a lot of variety. There are a lot of fun little details, like the polluted ocean surrounding the city, the cars driving around, the various signs on the buildings etc. So it was worth checking out for just that, even if the gameplay wasn't my cup of tea.

This post has been edited by Merlijn: 11 December 2021 - 01:51 PM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


I remember running into similar problems when I tried to play 2070.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 11 December 2021 - 01:02 PM


User is offline   ck3D 


Haha well I should have been more explicit to begin with. All you just described is exactly why I was saying I never played through that map in full, I remember getting stuck early on then just watching a video or something so I know the navigation is notoriously weird, IIRC every review points that out and the last time I even just mentioned the map on here, someone (I think Sanek) instantly commented on that aspect too. That map seems to low-key cause some trauma.

I was recommending it for the aspects that you did appreciate, though. You were commenting on the look of the streets in Routine and in my opinion Duke 2070 kind of pushes that whole look, but I didn't expect you to jump in for a ride that feels like it might as well really end in 2070. It's more of a curiosity than a genuinely fun level; guess I'll be careful to specify next time for sure.

User is offline   Merlijn 


Haha yeah, I just checked the initial release thread and this map was getting divisive responses from the get-go. Interestingly enough, some people had trouble finding the red keycard but that was the one I found first. Others had trouble with the yellow one, and I didn't find the blue card until I looked it up in mapster. :D I guess it really depends on which route you take and how "lucky" you get. But that kinda examplifies the problem of this map, finding the stuff you need is mostly based on chance instead of skill.

I guess the main takeaway here is that if you're going for this type of map you should give the player some clear objectives or at least steer them in the right direction.
Oh and give them a decent amount of weapons and ammo to start out with.

I also didn't realize he made the New York map for Doom, this map did remind me of it so that makes sense.
Thanks for recommending it, even if I didn't enjoy the gameplay it's a very unique map and I'm glad I checked it out.

EDIT: this also makes me question if we (being me, Maarten and William) didn't go too far with the Bombshells level for Alien Armageddon. That one also has a very complex and unlinear layout that's bound to confuse players haha. At least certain sections of the city are still closed off in the beginning.

This post has been edited by Merlijn: 12 December 2021 - 01:37 AM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostMerlijn, on 12 December 2021 - 01:29 AM, said:

EDIT: this also makes me question if we (being me, Maarten and William) didn't go too far with the Bombshells level for Alien Armageddon. That one also has a very complex and unlinear layout that's bound to confuse players haha. At least certain sections of the city are still closed off in the beginning.

Can't speak for everyone here but I didn't really get lost much, save for in the sewers once or twice on my first playthrough.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


I really don't know why but I decided to spin up LR&WB again. I guess I wanted to try and solidify my opinion on Water Bases, and to be completely honest, I think I dislike it.

I will grant that the artistic side of WB is pretty great. The new textures, the aesthetics, and honestly even the overall atmosphere is pretty top-tier. I still don't think it's a very Duke-like atmosphere, but the atmosphere it does have is good. I've also mentioned that I enjoy the new enemies on their own as well (except the alien roaches which just make all the vents hazardous).

But to me, play matters most and the one word that I think encapsulates the actual level design of both WB and its predecessor the best is "painful." The monster/ammo/weapons balancing is just plain broken. LR has it bad enough by putting you up against frankly ridiculous opposition and does not give you the means to take them on, except buried in one single secret, at which point the pendulum swings way too far in the other direction and becomes too easy. It gets slightly better at the tail end of LR, only to be replaced with a completely different problem in the form of overbearing darkness that makes it hard to see what's attacking you. Then again that's a consistent problem across the entire package.

WB also suffers from that same problem, as well as again the ammo shortage. Even with 100% secrets, the constant barrage of overlords with no explosive weapons except tripmines and pipebombs gets tiring at best. Eventually you do get an RPG. Against Queens. In a secret.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 26 December 2021 - 11:10 PM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Finally got around to playing Forge's Duke X:X series (already had them downloaded).

Man Forge, you're way too hard on yourself. These are actually great; even the first one (I don't know what Mikko's on about. I didn't have ammo problems...). Hell, they all qualify as maps that sell a non-vanilla location with pure stock assets (Power station, train station, hydroelectric dam, mall). Sure, some of the themes have been done in other user maps, but these are among some of the best in their fields. I also liked the dash of level design-based storytelling, like the slimer in the baby crib (damn that is dark). I also don't think I've seen another set of maps that employed fake 3D as much as these did (using sprite floors on top of sprite floors on top of sprite floors). To my surprise they were way less buggy than I expected them to be. I only teleported to the roofs a handful of times. Regardless they really did go a ways to making these places feel real.

In a lot of ways these maps reminded me of Roch, but unlike Roch I found the gameplay to be a lot better (in terms of combat at least). Earlier on the fights have a bit more teeth to them than early Roch, and later fights avoid the tedious "wall of battlelords" that Roch employed a lot of near its end.

I have zero complaints about the secrets as well; I 100%'d all four maps but I wouldn't call it easy to do so. Some of those secrets were tough, but none of them were unmarked.

It's a small thing, but I also want to draw attention to the natural sky change from day to dusk. Yes, I'm aware it's just a texture change with maybe some small changes in how the shadows are drawn, but that doesn't make it any less appreciated. You'd be surprised how rare it is to have a showing of time progressing at all, let alone a fairly natural one (that yellow sky one is kind of rare too, and I don't think I've ever seen it in this context of being early evening to that E4 sky's late evening).

Also, the music choice was on point.

I can't really think of any major critiques. Anything I can come up with are fairly minor gripes (weird scaling in the earlier maps, fake cracks, etc). There was nothing show-stopping (that wasn't eduke's fault, at least). Which reminds me. Someone should bug Mikko to add the updated version of 23:4 to his site, since yeah the version there is unplayable (or maybe just an updated rerelease of the maps as an episode?).

All in all, I had a great time with these maps, and was also happy to see that it did have a proper conclusion unlike so many other map series. I can see myself maybe coming back to this one in the future.

User is offline   ck3D 


Forge's maps are one of my favorite series, and now I feel like I definitely ought to replay all of them sometime, nothing but fond memories of those. Would be a great contender for Dod of the Month, actually.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


I'm happy that you enjoyed them as much as you did, and I sincerely appreciate the compliments.
Thank you for playing them.

since there's so few maps in that series, you'd have to combine them with your anarchy series.
You know how much I like that series, and that 1st map puts me in my happy place.

User is offline   ck3D 


View PostForge, on 02 February 2022 - 11:32 PM, said:

I'm happy that you enjoyed them as much as you did, and I sincerely appreciate the compliments.
Thank you for playing them.

since there's so few maps in that series, you'd have to combine them with your anarchy series.
You know how much I like that series, and that 1st map puts me in my happy place.

Honestly you know how much I think those ancient levels are relatively humble and poor under certain metrics, but it does make me happy whenever somebody mentions playing them because they do hold a special place in my heart for some reason too. Probably the remembrance of once being a hyper teenager who was super into making them and some absurd romanticization of those times that warms my heart whenever others somehow connect, it's funny. Those levels are so old. Would be kind of cool if someone just so happened to currently be working on a sequel/remake. Hmm...

This post has been edited by ck3D: 03 February 2022 - 09:07 PM


User is offline   FistMarine 


View Postck3D, on 02 February 2022 - 11:40 AM, said:

Forge's maps are one of my favorite series, and now I feel like I definitely ought to replay all of them sometime, nothing but fond memories of those. Would be a great contender for Dod of the Month, actually.

If only you had told me before I started this month's topic, I could have included Forge's maps as well, since even the two episodes chosen for this month are somewhat short. :P

Anyway, I can make an exception this time and add Forge's maps to be played later this month, as bonus content, if anyone is fine with the idea, otherwise I will have to couple them with something else in the following months. I think ck3D's maps will also be a nice contender (wonder why ck3D's maps weren't nominated so far?) for one of upcoming months, so they can be probably coupled together.

As for Forge's maps, I remember playing these back when they came out and I found them pretty good. I think it would be a great time to revisit these maps nowadays and see if they still hold up. I second 96's suggestion with making an episode of these maps and update them with fixing whatever issues they had, that should also take care of people accidentally downloading the outdated version of 23:4 from MSDN.

User is offline   geomancien 


Hello to all the fans, I came to present you the last VOD on this map of Duke Nuken and these mods from hell,
I invite you to attend this level of pure carnage, do not hesitate to give me your opinions and Subscribe so you don't miss anything friends.
https://youtu.be/pw0OI8-lQ8o Posted Image

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Had Mikko's MSDNOldMapPack sitting around and decided to play through the set.

So.... Has Abattoir always been this completely broken? The level ends not even halfway into it because of a sector tag, after a fight against two boss battlelords where I'm pretty sure they're supposed to stand still, one does the other doesn't and just casually strolls up to you while clipping into the ceiling and you can't do anything about it, and even if the end sector didn't abort out (as I suspect it's not supposed to do since there's a box of shells adjacent to it), when you go down into the sewers you are in a room that won't take you to the red key because the switch that at least looks like it's supposed to open the water way to a small courtyard it doesn't it just does nothing there's a secret to a disused subway tunnel but that doesn't go anywhere and there are two more end sectors and what the hell am I playing

Considering the DOS version aborts early too I'm inclined to believe it's always been broken... This doesn't even seem to be a case of it being a co-op exclusive area since the text file clearly says "no" under that line, and the author goes on to talk about a secret area with a view to an area you can't get to outside of dukematch (which is also broken, for the record).

EDIT: Okay part two is that entire missing section but also not part 1 WHY.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 22 March 2022 - 11:11 AM


User is offline   geomancien 


Hello everyone, I come to present to you my latest VOD on Duke Nukem 3D in 4-person multiplayer.
I invite you to come laugh with us, do not hesitate as usual to join the community,
I look forward to seeing you soon.

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User is offline   geomancien 


https://youtu.be/jERhX3_wmwQ Hello everyone, I present to you the last video of my channel, on Duke Nukem Forever 2001,
come see me test this sublime game which leaked not long ago on the networks, I await your opinions, your comments and
do not hesitate to follow me because other VODs will arrive shortly Posted Image

User is offline   ck3D 


I haven't played this (can't even seem to see a download link), but this looks like quite the interesting, unique approach to Duke 3D level design, from I think a Russian (?) author:


User is offline   Sanek 


Reminds me of some old map that Eddy made.

Also reminds me of my own "moody" map Cold in November.

Don't like the propaganda aspect of the map and the thumbnail though. But design is really cool, better than in both of our maps.

User is offline   ck3D 


I didn't even really catch the propaganda aspect in the color palette at first (well I did match it with the creator's country of origin, but didn't think about anything political in particular). I just assumed the author had general nationalistic traits since that's not exactly uncommon to see in user mapping but now that you're saying it, yeah, coincidentally or not the timing is delicate.

You're right about Cold In November too, I can see it. I really liked some of the more experimental art direction in that map of yours.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 11 July 2022 - 02:53 AM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Is that gameplay mod a part of it? Or is that separate?

User is offline   ck3D 


People have been asking the same thing on Discord, I literally have no idea about the what's and the why's of that map besides that it exists and I found that video, but apparently the mod is separate (at least originally) and is called KickAss Duke: https://www.moddb.co...ds/kickass-duke

User is offline   geomancien 


Today we will try to escape from the Slick Willy and set off towards the Stratosphere,
where Duke Nukem's sworn enemy awaits us. Come and follow this great adventure and
above all don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss anything.

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