RunningDuke, on 13 December 2020 - 05:10 AM, said:
Just curious, did you manage to find every secret and even kill every enemy and still manage to run out of health/ammo or you just try to first finish the levels quickly and move on to the next mod?
I tried to find the secrets, but they started to get bullshit too, real fast. Eventually the author stopped marking them altogether. So I settled for finding the ammo dump. And while that would carry me through to the next level just fine, not finding it in the next guarantees it will be uncompletable. The incessant conga line of battlelords and overlords make sure of that. As well as being in generally poor health since healing items also usually exist only in secrets. It's pathetic. Especially for a mod that's trying to carry on the legacy of Duke 3D before we got an actual Episode 5.
I know expecting actual commercial-grade level design on par with the originals is asking a lot for a modder, especially one from the 90s, but even with that in mind, if you're going to have the balls to call your mod episode 5 and episode 6, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect you fill it with something better than your first mapping attempts.
And it's for that reason I really don't feel like going back. Even if the aesthetics have been improving, like I said the gameplay has just been a flat curve of misery. It did not improve with the visuals. Given that I'm in the part of the episode considered "average" and yet I'm just as angry and frustrated as the first three, I think it's a fair assumption that the "Good" parts are probably not going to be "good" for me. I care way more for gameplay over aesthetics here and the gameplay is just terrible across the board. I really don't see why I should expect the level design to improve that much in terms of play by then.
Also the health thing, who knows. I can tell you that you probably weren't intended to do the dives without the suba gear. The author just decided to hide it. When I reset the episode after the softlock, I checked that again. It's actually
not marked as a secret. He expected you to find it. In the piss-poor visiblity of the level. A+ level design.
RunningDuke, on 13 December 2020 - 05:10 AM, said:
(didn't want to jump directly on Demon Throne and wanted to learn the basics)
As a WGR2 veteran, let me advise you against that. First, the level designs didn't change much between versions. There are some differences here and there but that's mostly for the better, such as the start of the game and beginning of Evil Awakens being
way less of a slow burn, and getting you into fights a lot faster.
Second, the weapons have changed a little, and outright replaced in the case of the flamethrower, so learning the basics will actually end up being a
detriment as you will have to relearn habits you built up. Especially in the case of the gunners. If you try OG strategies against them in DT, you will die.
Fast. Some of the powerups and items have also been completely reworked with the arrival of a proper upgrade system.
It took me a lot longer to get into the groove of DT because of all that. I really strongly advise just starting with DT. Mod compatibility isn't really even an issue anymore since as of 2.0, Castle Demonhorn and Utter Chaos have been brought back to DT, and the previously standalone Knee-Deep was also integrated (I was the beta-tester for all three conversions!). I promise you, as someone who went through Siege Breaker many different times, I remember it down to surprising detail. So believe me when I say this: you are literally missing out on nothing. Everything that was in SB is present in DT. There was no content lost, especially with the lost levels having been resurrected and converted.
Third, DT is just overall a better experience. A lot of the rough parts were smoothed over, both in terms of what small level design changes there were, gameplay refinements, Quality of Life improvements, and even changes to the level progression in the case of Episode 2. In SB, the WGR1 levels had two new levels inserted into the progression. While they weren't bad, they were definitely way harder than the surrounding levels, so in DT they were more appropriately shifted to episode 3, leaving the original WGR1 ordering intact.
You mentioned losing gold in SB, well in DT not only does gold dropped onto hazardous surfaces automatically get sent to your wallet, but gold that falls out of reach or gets hidden behind corpses or you just overlooked, there's now statues that you can pay some health to have all the loose gold summoned to the statue's location. And that's just one of the changes. There are a bunch more that just make the game a smoother experience overall to play. Plus there are bug fixes, like the Headshotter (kinda your main weapon) having its iron sights work properly on differing elevations.
Also the game looks better too.
AllMost of the sprites borrowed from other games have been redrawn by dukeboss. It makes everything look a lot more cohesive, while everything that was original (such as most of the weapon sprites) has remained.
Again, as a seasoned veteran of WGR2, I advise strongly against playing Siege Breaker for your first run. Not only is it an inferior game in comparison to DT, you will be developing habits that will
actively get you killed. It is a lot better to learn from a blank slate than it is to
relearn strategies you already developed.
EDIT: Correction.