I think you're misled and actually able to make maps, creating automatic shooters and making cranes is actually trickier than making doors (for Doom-styled doors you only really need to tag a sector), everyone always has more stuff to learn so you shouldn't downplay your potential for no reason like this. It's actually a trait I occasionally see in people on here where they essentially can already make maps yet refuse to consider themselves mappers because they never tried making something like a specific door. If you can pull off the effects you described you're a mapper, as those take basic mapper logic already. Sounds like all you need to learn is what each specific tag (lo-tag/hi-tag) can do, some very basic practice with the effect you want to tackle which is super easy with the Infosuite (to this day I regularly use it as a reference, it's not like I know every effect by heart) and then there's no stopping you. I would actually be curious to see a map from you, even a small level. You always have sharp opinions on levels and usually people with specific taste are the ones with style.
Thanks for encouragement, I appreciate your comments. Although I don't really know to make a good looking map, only to make an empty room and create stuff within it. I may learn in future how to create proper maps. I have indeed used Duke3D infosuite in past to learn how to create automatic shooters and cranes because I really liked the crane feature so much that I wanted my own and even place all compatible objects (which are also listed on infosuite) to be picked up by crane, as I always thought that was cool and also allowed for some creative puzzles, which are seen mostly in E1L4: Toxic Dump but there are also two more levels in Atomic Edition (E4L9: Derelict and E4L11: Area 51) that contain cranes but they aren't required for normal progress, I do remember some user maps having quite creative crane puzzles, ones involving a pipebomb picked up by crane and detonate when it reaches the destination, at least that I think, if something wasn't done already, then surely I played a map that had a pipebomb sliding on conveyor belt while looking at monitor and waiting to reach a place with crack to detonate, I'm sure I played something like that so far (Fernando Marquez' FM2X07 comes in mind). And for automatic shooters, I also liked shrinking puzzles, they added another unique element to the game. Though of course it doesn't have to be just automatic shooters as seen in say E1L4, E1L5 and E2L11. It can also be as in E4L2: Duke-Burger where you have to shrink yourself using a mirror and there are many user maps that have done similar puzzles as well. You can do a lot of creative stuff with Duke3D.
About Dark Side of the Moon, I understand. Well I will get to that level soon and I will see how it goes this time.
And yes the die-and-retry style is kind of what I meant with the 8-bit era game comparison, although watching what I had left to watch of your videos I realized how much at the time I was really trying to make every bullet and monster count, for the player to always remain on their toes. Levels typically supply the player with weaponry really early on if not right off the bat and then level them up consistently so that they can have fun smashing foes, but that really wasn't my style at the time, I just wanted the entire level to feel like a challenge by never oversupplying the player and thus in return they'd kind of feel like intro sequences that would drag on for the two thirds of the levels.
Haha, I see. Well thing is I didn't grow up with the 8-bit era games, I mostly grew up with early DOS FPS games (Duke3d was obviously my first and also my favorite game of all time, then I played Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein 3D, Heretic, Hexen and few others) and I was used to saving my game often, it has great results and makes frustrating maps more tolerable. In that case, yeah I realized I had to make every bullet count but I think despite missing once or twice, I think what can really change how these kind of Duke3D maps play with strict ammo placement is that Duke3D monsters have randomized drops. Troopers sometimes drop pistol ammo, pig cops sometimes drop either shotgun (1-4 ammo) or used armor (50 or 75 armor, also may remember as kid sometimes giving only 25 armor as well or is it a false memory?) and enforcers sometimes drop either chaingun ammo or actual chaingun, both cases 50 ammo but the latter is better if you don't have chaingun, otherwise if you already have one, it's same as if he dropped ammo.
Compare that to Doom where zombies will always drop their ammo/weapons. Yeah, Doom has also randomized damage which plays a very important role and in some cases can make the difference between life and death (whether a hitscan attack will take as little as 3 or as much as 15 damage, whether a revenant rocket will do as little as 10 damage or as much as 80 damage, etc) and Duke3D sometimes has randomized damage as well, from what I noticed trooper lasers can do between 6 and 13 damage, the pig cop damage depends of how many pellets hit you, hitscanners in general if they hit or miss you, etc. It just depends.
I actually noticed the chaingun thing in your Clerey video and thought it was funny (also gameplay style I just described happened to have the effect of making enemy drops that much more valuable, interestingly enough), situation in the NDA video where that one crouching Pig Cop kept sniping 1 HP-you also made me chuckle.
Yeah that's what I was thinking as well while playing the maps and what I said now above. That pig cop part, yeah I admit now it's a bit funny when I think back at that but when I was playing I wasn't laughing. At least I no longer rage like I did many years ago when I was losing and dying often at video games, I am a lot more calm these days but I still wanted to rush whenever I died unfairly, if you noticed after loading game I was immediately running to place where I died. I still hate when they snipe you and also having 5 or less HP in general means that pretty much anything will kill you instantly and the armor also won't save you from the fatal shot that normally would protect you if your health is higher than the attack damage, to explain further, having 5 HP and 100 armor will do nothing against an enforcer bullet, you will still die, whereas if you had full health, you would end up with 96 health and 99 armor as usual. Not sure why armor doesn't save you from fatal attacks, I guess the game checks first health and then armor, plus when you die, armor becomes 0 anyway.
Like I was saying I don't regret those levels at all, they are maps that exist (beyond even my own comprehension), it's just funny to me how people are still playing them in 2020 when to begin with they're almost personal history to me, and getting to watch players struggle against all those old mean booby traps to this day makes my day (those Pig Cops warping in inside that cramped room in NDA where you push the fake multi switch combo is straight up mean).
Yeah, I didn't think I would play these maps again (or rather for first time, you will see below that I just finished playing another one of your maps now and it was first time I played it). I just decided that I should do anyway, even if it's for the last time and now that I am getting older and recently with the job and the ongoing pandemic, I just decided I should just play as much stuff as I want, finish them 100% and never play them again.
Good luck for the rest, I think there's definitely a niche to tackle when it comes to focusing on the evolution of individual mappers' styles and all even if it's only a secondary focus, just the consideration itself is cool. About the YouTube compression issue, upscaling your video and then uploading the upscaled version might be a solution like I was describing earlier, if YouTube recognizes your video as 1440x1080 then it won't crunch it, I think MPEG Streamclip is Mac only but surely there are dozens of PC alternatives. Also your problem of not being able to read your video with Windows Media Player sounds a lot like a codec issue, I hate those (which is why I switched to Mac for such tasks). About the ViDi mention, surely I didn't mean to say you should do something in the same style, you should follow yours but his work is still a good example (out of many I could have picked) of quality presentation, great to hear you have that on your mind though. I'll be on the lookout for your videos! Cheers.
Thanks man! I just finished now Tours - Rives du Cher and it was a blast! I actually managed to do without dying but it was quite challenging at times, I still got stuck at some points, still a bit cramped, still had to drink some water later (not much as I didn't go into very low health) because I had around 50-70 health and was looking for leftover health but didn't find immediately (and I made use of the 2-3 portable medkits in map, shame that last medkit was used on just two pig cops shooting me) and I didn't find the single secret (must have been behind a tiny crack, at least this time the cracks were more easily seen compared to CLEREY and NDA with tiny cracks) but I will search for it now and put a Part 4 video that shows secret only (and an unmarked atomic health I've seen in mapster behind a picture inside that apartment), sorry that it has 3 main parts and they are also low quality like previous videos, also lots of saving but at least I did without dying, no more frustrating moments! There was also a lot of ammo (mostly shotgun ammo almost everywhere) and there were few armor pickups as well (funnily enough that armor pickup on the street remained unpicked because I got used armor 75 AP from a dead pig cop relatively early and served me well throughout map, still got other used armors and an actual armor pickup). I was also careful to not get crushed by doors when opening them (one time in a cramped room, I hesitated to close that door since it was very close to me) and that sector at end confused me because the nuke button was behind that sector that I was trying to crouch to reach it and I was fearing it would crush me right at end but thankfully didn't. It may be boring to watch and took me almost an hour to do, plus a few notes when I was stuck at end of first part, I searched off-screen for few minutes before I found the room that I didn't go before and on end of second part, I stopped because I had to restart laptop as I heard beeping noises thinking something is wrong with my laptop but I think it may have been the custom music doing these noises! Either way this map was much better and I liked the custom midi! Forgot to ask about the midi music in CLEREY, it sounded familiar, I must have heard in another Duke3D map/mod before!
Nice discussion, guys (or maybe I was just hungry for some Duke topics here for a change). I'll put my 5 cents in - sorry for the messy quotation style, but there's a lot of stuff I'd like to reply to in there.
Thanks! No worries, feel free to join the discussion. I would want to hear your thoughts on ck3D's maps and in general talking about playing maps. I will still play your AlexCity map, I want to see if I will be able to do more of ck3D's maps before I do yours and also other people's maps (that I have installed) such as ARSP1!
It would be really cool to actually see something like this, maybe not in the form of full level playthroughs, but a video showcasing a certain mapper through his maps - both in terms of his evolution, but also in terms of characteristic aspects or cooler stuff in his maps. All that with a proper commentary, like a documentary movie talking about some artist with brief descriptions of his work. Of course that would take a hell lot of a time to prepare even a single movie and I wouldn't expect anyone really going with this idea, as the audience probably wouldn't be too broad either (maybe it would interest more people on the other hand). Just dropping that idea here and maybe someone with a lot of spare time would prove me wrong
Now that I think of it, it would be also nice to see a mapper playing his own level and explaining stuff (effects, inspiration, anecdotes about the making or easter eggs) in the meantime - like dev commentaries in 20th Anniversary World Tour.
Yes, I agree. Although I don't do documentaries (would have loved to record myself talking about each map and say what I liked and didn't like about the map, etc), I will still play through people's maps just like people have done before with user maps videos on YouTube. There is one difference that I said above, in that I'm doing older maps in DOSBox 0.74-3 (hopefully there will be a newer DOSBox version in future as I really want to do some games/mods that didn't work in current version) and it also makes for a more interesting approach. Of course not many people care about vanilla accuracy, it's not something that I had years ago in mind, I still remember years ago how I searched for random user maps to play and play in EDuke32. It's something I decided recently because after I was fed up with some mods being broken in EDuke32 (this is probably what also made NightFright to create his Addon Compilation, which is handy since he did good job in making those maps and mods playable in EDuke32), I decided to play them in DOSBox and since they worked fine, I went with trying many others as well and was surprised how different they feel and play compared to EDuke32. Also there are some maps and mods being made with 1.3D in mind, as have been the early maps by ck3D. Since I own the original full version of Duke3D as well as both the Plutonium PAK and Atomic Edition (unlike in Doom's case where I never had the registered version with 3 episodes, only shareware and Ultimate), I will play through each map and mod as intended, plus they wouldn't work in Atomic Edition anyway, at least mods that use 1.3D cons, the 1.3D user maps themselves should still work in 1.4/1.5 just fine. Of course Plutonium PAK 1.4 is kinda pointless since there is no reason to use 1.4 over 1.5 as the Atomic mods are compatible in both versions, only time I would use 1.4 would be for those few mods (I think Alien Invasion is one of them?) that have demos recorded in 1.4, otherwise use DUKE3D 1.5 for every user map and mod that requires it.
Agree - being able to make effects/remembering tags is quite a secondary aspect to making maps, I still sometimes have to test some effects which aren't super-complex for like 10-20 times. And with more sophisticated stuff it may take even more tries, but that's something you kinda learn along the way. Your way of talking about maps is really cool and it seems you of all people would be able to create a really decent gameplay, RunningDuke, so I'd also like to see some release from you (although I understand that starting new job isn't exactly the best moment to get involved with Mapster).
Thanks! I will try making a test map in upcoming weeks to showcase all the stuff I can design in a map. It will include cranes, underwater sectors, automatic shooters, some weapons, items, enemies placed in map and so on. Sort of an uglier ZOO type of map.
Oh how nice of you

I think there's one video of AlexCity on YT already, but I'll happily view yours also. I sent it last week to some guy on Discord and he played it right away, it was pretty cool to hear his live commentary from the gameplay.
Thanks again! I will try to play through it later today after I do one or two more of ck3D's maps, well after I find the missing secret in TOURS.
That's like playing COOP in single player?

Never heard you could do that.
Last week I hooked up with some guys in Discord for Dukematches (so far we were using Megaton edition on Steam), they were all from Poland like me so the connection was OK, but I suppose it wouldn't be a problem for other people to join - if anyone would be interested in playing some multiplayer, feel free to PM me and I'll send you the Discord server.
I'm actually really curious to try out the "Duke-Tag!" mode in "The Queen" as that's something I've never tried before (and didn't really expect I will, but now I guess I have "resources" in form of more players). There are actually no worthwhile videos of that on YouTube besides some very basic tutorials, so if it's any fun, I will maybe also try to record a video of the game.
Yeah, there is a glitch in 1.3D that makes coop/deathmatch available in single player with a glitch involving loading a saved game while viewing a multiplayer demo (cooldemo from 3D realms website). The single player will be glitched when you load the saved game (don't worry, your saved game isn't affected) with message "PLAYER 2 KILLED" will appear, then you get multiplayer options in the NEW GAME menu, so you can start a SP/DM game on any map, with the side effect of 3 other inactive Dukes standing in place. This makes a few changes such as being able to respawn upon death, there will be new items appearing in single player (example shotgun and pipebombs on the roof of E1L1), you can't pick up weapons you already have (only if dropped by enemies), the inventory items will respawn after a while (a spinning nuke icon appears when you get the item), etc.
I should post those videos of E1L1 and E1L2 I did a while back, in coop mode (I played by myself, those players were just staying at start and they got killed by enemies in E1L2 when I went inside book store). Just wait until I finish the maps I mentioned above (then I will upload the videos I recorded recently on YouTube) as I have a lot of things to do and very short time. Then I will post videos on forum, so you can watch.
I'm also curious about the Duke-Tag mode in E4L10. I heard about it before but don't know how to activate.
Anyway I will take a break now and hopefully later I will find that secret and play 1-2 more maps, then I will post videos. They are all unlisted at the moment (ratings/comments are also disabled), not decided if I will make them available until next week/month at least. I try to experiment right now and if the videos are successful, I will make them available for public!

Also had to remove 1-2 quotes/paragraphs as I had already reached max number of quotes, now I can finally post the message.