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Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour


I agree, a cross on a medkit just fits. And it seems you can get away with it, so it's funny that technically Duke is trying to offend less than Overwatch, at least on this issue.

(I do love Dr. Mario though, for the record)

This post has been edited by PsychoGoatee: 05 September 2016 - 04:46 PM


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 Marphy Black, on 05 September 2016 - 01:33 PM, said:

Duke's original lines definitely existed in very high quality format, and they were used in the development of Total Meltdown:

(listen to the Duke talk at 0:13 and 1:27)

Even some of the sound effects, like the Sentry Drone's "SNAKATA" cry at 1:29, can be heard in high quality in these cut scene clips. Sadly, the question is whether any of these source files survived until today.

I guess it all comes down to your definition of "very high quality." Sounds pretty low quality to me still. I have long thought that the muffled bassy tones in the original files have had more to do with cheap recording equipment probably meant for AM/FM radio production.

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 Shaq Fu, on 05 September 2016 - 10:01 AM, said:

Yeah, but Randy sure doesn't.

Posted Image

Well, at least he can apparently travel through time(looking at the date that the video was published). :D

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I can't really think of anything more stupid looking than a red/white pill that's supposed to represent a medipack. But I guess we just have to live with it, or then on the userside modify it out..

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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 TerminX, on 05 September 2016 - 04:08 PM, said:

Man, with all of the back and forth and specific directions I gave you regarding this track, I practically deserve to be credited as someone who helped with the composition. :D

:D Circa 2007:

No, but really you did give a lot of suggestions and direction regarding instruments and elements I wanted to add and take away. Kept me grounded. I can get really zany when I'm experimenting. You were a strong voice for judging whether those ideas were too out there or not (some of them were). And, of course, you were looking for just the right sound for your project.

How about a "special thanks" (for making this possible) credit? :D

 Engel220, on 05 September 2016 - 03:47 PM, said:

I respect VertexGuy as a guitar player (he's a fucking excellent one and can play circles around myself), but I prefer your version in terms of creativity.

Thank you, that's very kind. :D

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 05 September 2016 - 06:09 PM


User is offline   HiPolyBash 


 Jimmy Gnosis, on 04 September 2016 - 08:03 PM, said:

The amount of work it would take to "upgrade" the sprites from the source materials makes my head hurt just thinking about it. You'd have to re-render the models and take screenshots in every position again, then once you're done doing that you'd still have to go through and repaint them so they look good.

They did it for Total Meltdown on the PlayStation.


That 2007 one has been in my playlist forever, that ones awesome too. :D So many great version of the Duke theme. I like that Bonch remix, for the more midi-sounding ones. And I'm a metalhead, so these full guitar versions are always great too. The e3 98 gigadeth version is very cool, it's got a dirty groove to it.

Man we've got five weeks until this game comes out, huh?

This post has been edited by PsychoGoatee: 05 September 2016 - 06:47 PM



 TerminX, on 05 September 2016 - 12:27 PM, said:

I got a response from Gearbox about the sound quality, but it was a thank you for pointing the problem out and not a confirmation that it'll be fixed.

About the Firefly: I don't know what work they did on it over the past 4 or 5 months, but when I was working with them more directly the Firefly was using a tile set constructed from an unused enemy created by Chuck Jones that I dug out of the prototype materials I have. That could have changed since then, but that's where things were at the last I saw them.

For anyone curious, those grey trooper guys in LameDuke actually evolved into the Liztroop we all know and love, one step at a time. The art I gave Gearbox represents one stage of that evolution. If you guys check out the back of the Duke Nukem 3D Screensaver and Entertainment Pack box you'll see what I'm talking about. I'm really hoping it made it in... it needed some touching up, but I thought it would be way cooler to have the new enemy be a Chuck Jones original instead of something hacked together out of other enemies.

Is it this one?

Posted Image

Also, why not hire Chuck Jones to design a new enemy instead of reusing an old design? At least then the $20 price tag will be more justified.

User is offline   Lunick 


View PostPikaCommando, on 05 September 2016 - 09:03 PM, said:

Is it this one?

No, I know what he's referring to but I can't find the scan that someone posted here a while ago of it :D

User is offline   Mr. Tibbs 


View PostMusicallyInspired, on 05 September 2016 - 03:32 PM, said:

More readily available:

VertexGuy is hardcore, though. He plays better than I do.

Never heard this before. You absolutely nailed it. Beside the original, it's my favorite rendition. I love that it avoids the obvious and is packed with so many unique flourishes that don't feel arbitrary. All the different developments manage to sit together really well. Killer job!

User is offline   xMobilemux 


View PostPikaCommando, on 05 September 2016 - 09:03 PM, said:

Is it this one?

Posted Image

I think it's this one.
Posted Image

User is offline   MetHy 


I'm a little confused here whether this would be the Firefly, or if TerminX is talking about 2 different enemies (one based on an unused enemy, which would be the firefly, and the 2nd one would be this pic above is the evolution of the trooper) or if both are the same.

View PostTerminX, on 05 September 2016 - 11:53 AM, said:

IIRC Levelord and Allen are the ones who placed the lights in the original maps. I know Allen did E1L1 at least.

I can't say if that's good news or not. I really don't like the lights we've seen in those gameplay videos, they're all the place with plenty of colours. It kind of reminds me of some post-Quake FPS. Then again, I'm not a Polymer player, the lights aren't for me as I'm not going to play with them, perhaps people who do like them.

BTW - in that beta video, at one point when Duke is riding the subway car, he seems to be shooting with the old Incinerator, which seems to behave a lot with how it is in the 20th anniversary trailer.
Damn, I can't seem to find it anymore in the video. Maybe it was in another one. I'll try to find it.

NVM that, it's not an "old Incinerator" I was thinking of this, which is actually the RPG, at 4:50

Which with its trail of fire sprites looked like the Incinerator in the 20th anniversay trailer, at 1m23

But there is probably no connection.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 06 September 2016 - 03:26 AM


User is offline   Lunick 


View PostxMobilemux, on 06 September 2016 - 03:04 AM, said:

I think it's this one.

That's pretty sure what I think TX is referring to but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that since it is called the "Firefly" they probably edited the sprite a lot.

User is offline   deuxsonic 


Firefly... It sounds like a bug enemy. I'm thinking like those giant wasps in Powerslave only some other kind of bug that like shits napalm on you? So it'd be like red and yellow and orange?

This post has been edited by deuxsonic: 06 September 2016 - 04:52 AM



When I think of Firefly, I imagine it to be an enemy with a distinct light shining from their armor, or that popular TV series.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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View PostPsychoGoatee, on 05 September 2016 - 06:46 PM, said:

That 2007 one has been in my playlist forever, that ones awesome too. :D So many great version of the Duke theme. I like that Bonch remix, for the more midi-sounding ones. And I'm a metalhead, so these full guitar versions are always great too. The e3 98 gigadeth version is very cool, it's got a dirty groove to it.

Well, thank you. I always hated that rendition, though. It's just so undeveloped and weak to my ears now. I was glad to have an opportunity to revisit it. I liked Gigadeth too. I just wished for a long time that someone would to a 1:1 remake of the Duek3D Grabbag with guitars and nobody ever did. So I did it myself.

View PostMr. Tibbs, on 06 September 2016 - 02:39 AM, said:

Never heard this before. You absolutely nailed it. Beside the original, it's my favorite rendition. I love that it avoids the obvious and is packed with so many unique flourishes that don't feel arbitrary. All the different developments manage to sit together really well. Killer job!

You missed the release thread. :D Thanks for the kind words.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 06 September 2016 - 05:32 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


Maybe not wings, the Liztroop flies without wings and apparently so do the beta trooper.

User is offline   deuxsonic 


A glowing lizard trooper that can set you on fire?

User is offline   TerminX 

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View PostMusicallyInspired, on 05 September 2016 - 06:07 PM, said:

:D Circa 2007:

Dunno why you're rolling your eyes. I seem to remember the version for HTTKC requiring a ton of back and forth and specific direction before it was done. Obviously you did all the actual audio work, but I literally spent hours giving you direction over Google Talk, which you were following, because it was paid work, right?

I think we can agree that there is a ton of character in the final track that simply would not be there if you had just randomly decided to revisit your old mix on your own without the outside influence. When you have somebody telling you to add this, remove that, tweak this, bring that higher in the mix, add more overdrive here, tweak the synth there, etc, it goes a little beyond "special thanks for making it possible" IMO.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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Absolutely. :D The rolleyes was just a joke.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 06 September 2016 - 01:29 PM


User is offline   Striker 

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View PostSteveeeie, on 05 September 2016 - 10:40 AM, said:

To blame the consoles for the price of the PC version is just total bullshit. its should be relatively cheaper 'these days' as the architecture is closer to the PC.

This is a re-release done on the cheap so that Gearbox can monopolise revenue for Duke Nukem 3D. Don't believe Randy when he said this wasn't a lazy cash in. Yeah they must have spent some money but this has definitely been done on the cheap.

The new graphics are lazy, they replaced the old propriety menu font with a shitty free army stencil font from dafont. The website is a cheap theme from themeforest that they have paid some intern to modify lets face it, its a bag of shit, the picture of duke in the trailer has just been taken from DNF and the textures are a total fucking mess. I wouldn't be surprised if they just recycled the lines Jon recorded for DNR as well. Jupiter Template

And I wish people would STFU about this new renderer like they put a bunch of money and work into it. They probably just took JonoF's Duke Port and added omni lights, normal maps and ambient occlusion. This isn't a stretch for a video game studio with money.

I mean come on guys. Rust is £15 right now and that has way more man hours put into it than this expansion.

AFAIK they aren't using JonoF's port, but working straight from the DOS source. Perhaps TerminX can confirm or deny this.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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TX confirmed this multiple times in the past before the announcement. It's because they don't want to pay royalties to JonoF, TX, or anyone else.

This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 06 September 2016 - 05:36 PM


User is offline   Striker 

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Yeah, thought I saw him say that, but wasn't entirely sure. Didn't want to risk incorrectly paraphrasing.

I'm not sure what would justify the $20 price tag aside from the new renderer, porting process, and hiring/paying JSJ, Allen, and LevelLord. Apparently the Multiplayer was rewritten from scratch? I wonder if this will entail in-game joining, or at least more reliable non-sync based play... I'll take that over sync-based any day, even if it is P2P still. If it's still sync-based like vanilla and Megaton, at least we have a new toy to frag players with. (Incinerator). I hope map sharing will still be a possibility, because then I'll make some heavy use of it in my existing maps. If workshop gets on the fly .ART file loading (like what Megaton should have had) that'll be the time you start seeing me make new Duke maps.

I sent a tweet Randy's way, asking if the multiplayer has received such improvements... not expecting an answer though.

This post has been edited by Striker: 06 September 2016 - 06:48 PM


User is offline   TerminX 

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It was cheaper in the long run for them to do their own port, so they did. That's kinda what business is about though. I wish they had continued the tradition of using our code and paying us royalties, but they didn't. However, it's not like they maliciously said "ha ha ha, let's take TerminX's money!"

They're actually helping me out quite a bit. It's really hard for me to say "yeah, these guys are just dicks who want all the money!" when they're making sure I'm not starving or getting my utilities shut off, even after fighting with Randy for an hour on Twitter and essentially doing even more permanent damage to the guy's reputation as a result.

So, I like Gearbox right now. I'm really happy that they're more interested in supporting the existing Duke3D community than just acting like we don't exist and doing their own thing entirely. They're genuinely doing a nice thing for me that they have literally no obligation to do, especially after the public butting of heads, and it's impossible for me to feel anything but grateful for that.

User is offline   Forge 

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View PostTerminX, on 06 September 2016 - 07:20 PM, said:

They're actually helping me out quite a bit. It's really hard for me to say "yeah, these guys are just dicks who want all the money!" when they're making sure I'm not starving or getting my utilities shut off, even after fighting with Randy for an hour on Twitter and essentially doing even more permanent damage to the guy's reputation as a result.

So, I like Gearbox right now. I'm really happy that they're more interested in supporting the existing Duke3D community than just acting like we don't exist and doing their own thing entirely. They're genuinely doing a nice thing for me that they have literally no obligation to do, especially after the public butting of heads, and it's impossible for me to feel anything but grateful for that.

I never had nothing against gearbox (employees) - they're people just trying to make a living like everyone else - I just don't like randy. tbh, I don't like scott miller either. they deserve each other.

User is offline   Shaq Fu 


View PostForge, on 06 September 2016 - 08:30 PM, said:

I never had nothing against gearbox (employees) - they're people just trying to make a living like everyone else - I just don't like randy. tbh, I don't like scott miller either. they deserve each other.

I always tried to like Randy. He just doesn't seem like a genuine person to me. Something about him is off.

User is offline   TerminX 

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Randy is... a character. I don't think I've come close to figuring him out. If you cherry pick some of his statements and actions at nothing but face value he looks like a total psychopath, but sometimes I think he just likes fucking with people because he thinks it's hilarious. I enjoyed meeting him. I felt really... I don't know, accepted?

User is offline   Shaq Fu 


Maybe Randy lives on a higher plane of existence and we all don't understand the secret genius in him.

User is offline   Paul B 


View PostShaq Fu, on 06 September 2016 - 08:51 PM, said:

Maybe Randy lives on a higher plane of existence and we all don't understand the secret genius in him.

I think you're on to something... sort of. I think Randy does what he does because he likes to stir the pot. He likes debate and reactions leading to fueled discussions. Randy is full of energy and while he may not agree with everyone on Duke terms he's just a smart guy that likes what he does and he stokes the fire to create more reaction.. A dumb person doesn't get where Randy is by accident. At the end of the day it's Randy money and he will do things in ways that he feels works best whether we agree or not. I have a close friend who has an uncanny resemblance to Randy's personality. Interesting enough they are both creative programmers\ designers \ developers with high energy playing the devils advocate for entertainment purposes by feeding off people's reactions, whether its good or bad. But strip away all that energy / sarcasm and at their core they really have good intentions.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 07 September 2016 - 06:23 AM


User is offline   Forge 

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View PostShaq Fu, on 06 September 2016 - 08:43 PM, said:

I always tried to like Randy. He just doesn't seem like a genuine person to me. Something about him is off.

one of the first adjectives that pops into my mind as well.

This post has been edited by Forge: 07 September 2016 - 05:32 AM


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