To play the map properly, bring out everything from the zip (Sounds, art, con,), and put it in your Eduke32 folder. After that, run the .bat that was included in the zip.
The story for this level is kinda cheesey actually. Sometimes when someone mutates into a pigcop by the aliens, it may backfire, and as such, may still have their personality. As such, after Duke Nukem cleared L.A. from the evil aliens, All of the good pigcops were sent to a city called New Pork City, where pigcops lived peacefully without being judged by their appearences. However, the aliens had noticed this, and unleashed a virus all over the city, known as the Bacon virus. This virus turns pigcops into bacon eating zombies. As such, a lot of the good pigcops were infected by this virus. The EDF went in and tried to clear out the city, but they failed, as most of the soldiers were killed. So now it's up to Duke Nukem to clear out New Pork City from the evil aliens, and the Zombie pigcops. (I REALLY suck at making up stories

This is my third level for Duke Nukem 3D. I started this map back in April, and finished it in July. I was on and off with this map (But mostly off, for I been busy).
This level includes four new enemies. They are Zombie pigcops (From Total Meltdown), Underwater Drones (Also from Total Meltdown), Super Zombie pigcops, and the Mini Overlord. The Zombie pigcops are similar to how they were in Total Meltdown, where they will use dual wield pistols on you, and are a little bit stronger than normal pigcops. The Underwater drone are also like how they were in Total Meltdown, where they are pretty much the underwater versions of Sentry Drones. The Super Zombie Pigcops are very dangerous. They are twice as big, and twice as strong than a normal Zombie pigcop. They fire a bunch of rockets at you, so try to avoid them as best as you can. They can drop the Devastator, or ammo for it when killed. The Mini Overlord is just like the Overlord, except smaller, and weaker.
Darkus for ripping the Sprites of the TM enemies
Fox, and Nukey for ripping the sounds of the TM enemies
Trooper Dan for helping me with the code for the Super Zombie pigcop.
(If there is anyone I missed, let me know so I can add them here)
If you found a bug with the level, let me know so I can try fix it. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the map.

Number of downloads: 584