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[RELEASE] Dawn of the Pork  "The dead pigcops has risen!"

User is offline   Jolteon 


To play the map properly, bring out everything from the zip (Sounds, art, con,), and put it in your Eduke32 folder. After that, run the .bat that was included in the zip.


The story for this level is kinda cheesey actually. Sometimes when someone mutates into a pigcop by the aliens, it may backfire, and as such, may still have their personality. As such, after Duke Nukem cleared L.A. from the evil aliens, All of the good pigcops were sent to a city called New Pork City, where pigcops lived peacefully without being judged by their appearences. However, the aliens had noticed this, and unleashed a virus all over the city, known as the Bacon virus. This virus turns pigcops into bacon eating zombies. As such, a lot of the good pigcops were infected by this virus. The EDF went in and tried to clear out the city, but they failed, as most of the soldiers were killed. So now it's up to Duke Nukem to clear out New Pork City from the evil aliens, and the Zombie pigcops. (I REALLY suck at making up stories :) )

This is my third level for Duke Nukem 3D. I started this map back in April, and finished it in July. I was on and off with this map (But mostly off, for I been busy).

This level includes four new enemies. They are Zombie pigcops (From Total Meltdown), Underwater Drones (Also from Total Meltdown), Super Zombie pigcops, and the Mini Overlord. The Zombie pigcops are similar to how they were in Total Meltdown, where they will use dual wield pistols on you, and are a little bit stronger than normal pigcops. The Underwater drone are also like how they were in Total Meltdown, where they are pretty much the underwater versions of Sentry Drones. The Super Zombie Pigcops are very dangerous. They are twice as big, and twice as strong than a normal Zombie pigcop. They fire a bunch of rockets at you, so try to avoid them as best as you can. They can drop the Devastator, or ammo for it when killed. The Mini Overlord is just like the Overlord, except smaller, and weaker.

Darkus for ripping the Sprites of the TM enemies
Fox, and Nukey for ripping the sounds of the TM enemies
Trooper Dan for helping me with the code for the Super Zombie pigcop.
(If there is anyone I missed, let me know so I can add them here)

If you found a bug with the level, let me know so I can try fix it. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the map. :P

Attached Image: duke0113.png Attached Image: duke0114.png Attached Image: duke0115.png
Attached Image: duke0116.png Attached Image: duke0117.png Attached Image: duke0118.png

Attached File  DOTP.zip (2.74MB)
Number of downloads: 591

This post has been edited by Jolteon: 23 July 2016 - 11:13 AM



Nice level.

246 kills

9/11 secrets

62:44.29 min (Most of that spent looking for the blue key card :P)

End boss got stuck in reactor pit killed him easy.

Liked the dead pigs note in fountain cave, and few other nice touches.

This post has been edited by Captain Massive: 23 July 2016 - 02:16 PM


User is online   Lunick 


This is really great, I'm a fan of how you incorporated the Zombie Pigcops this time but not as much of a fan of the Super Zombie Pigcops.

Also I got mad about a lot of the light switches not being usable :P

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


Nice one so far - stuck for now because I can't find the blue or yellow key (whatever is needed first).

View PostJolteon, on 23 July 2016 - 11:08 AM, said:

If you found a bug with the level, let me know so I can try fix it.
After returning to the first area via the shortcut, when jumping into the sewer again you're stuck because the switch down there doesn't work:
Attached Image: duke0005.jpg Attached Image: duke0006.jpg

Less interesting observations so far (if you should decide too touch the map at all):
- You can walk right through these wooden planks:
Attached Image: duke0000.jpg
- Two of those traffic lights (left and back) make no sense:
Attached Image: duke0001.jpg
- A camera shows an jumping enforcer frozen mid-air (screen shot too dark to be usable)
- You can glitch your way up by simply running into that gear-wheel:
Attached Image: duke0003.jpg

This post has been edited by LeoD: 24 July 2016 - 09:18 AM


User is offline   Jolteon 


View PostLeoD, on 24 July 2016 - 09:16 AM, said:

Nice one so far - stuck for now because I can't find the blue or yellow key (whatever is needed first).

Thanks. To get the Blue key, you need to

View PostLeoD, on 24 July 2016 - 09:16 AM, said:

After returning to the first area via the shortcut, when jumping into the sewer again you're stuck because the switch down there doesn't work:
Attachment duke0005.jpg Attachment duke0006.jpg

I think this happens because there's a ceiling door in front of it, therefor, you can't press it (Although Kicking the switch does make it work though).

View PostLeoD, on 24 July 2016 - 09:16 AM, said:

Less interesting observations so far (if you should decide too touch the map at all):
- You can walk right through these wooden planks:
Attachment duke0000.jpg

You can go through the window by squeezing through the planks but did you mean that you can literary go through them? (The Planks are supposed to be blockable but not the window itself)

View PostLeoD, on 24 July 2016 - 09:16 AM, said:

- Two of those traffic lights (left and back) make no sense:
Attachment duke0001.jpg

Those Gray walls are supposed to be Barricades, which if you go into view mode and jump, or use a jetpack (There is one hidden in the level BTW) You can see the streets continue, which is why those street lights are there. ( I probably should've used a different texture for them :) .)

View PostLeoD, on 24 July 2016 - 09:16 AM, said:

- A camera shows an jumping enforcer frozen mid-air (screen shot too dark to be usable)

He's supposed to jump at you when you go in there.

View PostLeoD, on 24 July 2016 - 09:16 AM, said:

- You can glitch your way up by simply running into that gear-wheel:
Attachment duke0003.jpg

Weird cause when I ran into them during play testing, I ended up getting killed. :P (At least once)

User is offline   CruX 


View PostJolteon, on 24 July 2016 - 10:00 AM, said:

Those Gray walls are supposed to be Barricades, which if you go into view mode and jump, or use a jetpack (There is one hidden in the level BTW) You can see the streets continue, which is why those street lights are there. ( I probably should've used a different texture for them :P .)

Yeah, that particular texture is really popular for borders, but it doesn't lend too well to the idea of a barricade, i.e something that'd have to be built in a really short timetable. Something like 812 might've worked better. I actually thought the same thing LeoD did at first, but noticed that the wall was cutting off some of the yellow lines in the streets.

Anywho, this is pretty solid stuff especially for it only being your third release, been kinda interesting to watch your maps develop and change making these little improvements here and there. On the whole it was designed pretty well, but it was easy to tell which chunks of the map you were really feeling and which chunks you weren't. Like, most of the city block is nicely developed and textured and it flows pretty well, but the alien base at the end was almost the opposite. Wasn't anything I'd really say was bad, but it felt pretty rushed, markedly simpler than everything else and seemed to rely more on sector effector stuff to sustain interest.

It played okay for the most part. The process of getting the blue keycard should've maybe been spelled out a bit better, but it's forgivable. I really liked how you built that area, you did a pretty good job of making it look convincing with the pigcop barricaded in the back and the badguys trying to hack their way through, it was probably one of my favorite parts of the map.

The fighting was just okay, mostly unremarkable. Didn't really deliver a challenge, but didn't feel like it was supposed to either. There are a few firefights that felt like they were intended to be harder, but got screwed up by the design of the areas they took place in. The court room is a good example of this, as there's only that single kinda narrow door leading into it. When you open it, most of the enemies aggro and try to get to you, but they end up bottlenecking in the doorway at which point either you can blow them away with one or two rpg's or the super pigcop zombie at the other end of the room can do it when he sees you (vanilla DN3D enemies aren't programmed to know that other enemies exist, always a helpful thing to remember when mapping). The last major boss fight suffered kinda the same problem, because once I'd gotten the generator exposed, most of the enemies fell into the pit that it was in. I didn't even bother fighting the overlord. When the door opened, he bum rushed me, I jumped down to the first floor to get away, he followed and then I took the other lift back up.

Anywho, this was enjoyable for the most part. Some things you really nailed, other things fell a bit short. Hope you'll crank out some more stuff in the future. If it were anything I'd suggest focusing on, it'd be your firefights, make sure they jive with the level design, and maybe experiment with texturing a bit more.

User is offline   Polunka 


Liked the map a lot! Took me a bit over 38 mins, got 10 secrets, one missed. Not gonna criticize the design (not a mapper myself), to me it was mostly well-done, tho I can swear I saw something oversized.

What I liked most was actually the concept of Pigcops being allied to humans in this "universe" and how the persuasiveness of this concept was strengthened with various supporting ideas like some pigs hiding in a secret place but not hurting Duke, pigs meeting and "congratulating" Duke at the end along with other humans, the fact that we get the yellow card from a dead pig rather than a dead human (which would definitely be present in a generic map of such kind) as well as
And yeah, of course use of TM enemies (well, z-porks are essential for the map, but I didn't at all expect I would encounter some shark drones)! Btw, I liked the idea of super z-porks, tho they're obviously "kinda" overpowered (fortunately, I can just shrink them to shit :P ).

P.S.: Where did you get z-pigs' wake sound effect (that one enemies emit upon noticing the player)? Aa far as I recall, in TM they didn't emit any wake sounds. (well, maybe my TM version was glitched or sth)

This post has been edited by Polunka: 26 July 2016 - 11:32 PM


User is offline   Jolteon 


Thank you, Glad you enjoyed the map :P

As for the sounds for TM, I got them from here. From what I understand, the sight sound (As I always called it) for the zombie pigcops (Or all the new enemies in TM) is in the game, but it goes unused. I think it's because they are useractors, and useractors enemies aren't coded with sight sounds (Same thing can be said with the Protector Drone as well).

User is offline   Polunka 


View PostJolteon, on 28 July 2016 - 07:22 AM, said:

Thank you, Glad you enjoyed the map B)

As for the sounds for TM, I got them from here. From what I understand, the sight sound (As I always called it) for the zombie pigcops (Or all the new enemies in TM) is in the game, but it goes unused. I think it's because they are useractors, and useractors enemies aren't coded with sight sounds (Same thing can be said with the Protector Drone as well).

Ok, I get it now. Btw, I wasn't even aware a sight sound for the protector drone existed :P (I'd actually heard some sounds that definitely belong to the protector drone in some maps - mostly horror ones - but something always made me think they're unused sounds for the Queen :D)

This post has been edited by Polunka: 28 July 2016 - 09:45 AM



Cool map, I enjoyed it! And those enemies were pretty much new to me (I haven't played Total Meltdown since I rented it in the 90s). Nice flow and feel to it.


Enjoyed playing this map. 276 dead - that's my kinda numbers :P

Some nice little details -things that don't need to be there, but just lift the map such as peering through a crack in a door (IIRC) and there is a duke torso with his leg visible round the corner. Even finding the reactor code made me chuckle.

Struggled a bit by the reactor entrance what with them octobrain bursts going off - til I realised the way round it. Ha !

So, faults. I think a few places were too narrow - the door to the Court Room for example (as mentioned by someone else) - if it were bigger, all those enemies could get out and have some fun chasing around with some cover from the previous room. Also had difficulty in an underwater bit where I wanted to get back into a duct but had trouble. Also, like others, the ending got a lot easier because the big bad dudes fell in the reactor hole.

If anything, probably a bit too much health - I played like a right dumb-ass in places but survived to tell the tale. TBH, probably too much ammo too, but then rather too much than too little, I'm here to kick butt not do stock level audits.

Yep, definitely enjoyed this map and shall return to find the four secrets I missed. Nice one.


User is offline   Jblade 


Just played through the map - a nice overall pack, your build skills are definitely improving. I could see a few inspirations from the Oostrums in certain areas (nothing wrong with that of course) and I liked the plot of the map despite being a bit goofy. Took me about 19 minutes but I only found 6 of the secrets so far. Definitely looking forward to your next map :P

User is offline   Sanek 


Played it....and I think I liked it!
As James said, your skills are definitely improving, and it's only a matter of time when you make somthing really awesome! A new enemies is a nice addition, and I liked the overall, moody atmosphere of the map. The only thing that really annoys me is that this map is WAY TOO DARK at some places. Not extremely original, but enjoyable piece of work! :P

User is offline   Jolteon 


Made a World Tour version of Dawn of the Pork, which I will upload to steam workshop soon. It will still have the Zombie pigcops, and Shark Drones from Total Meltdown (Though the Super Zombie pigcop will not be included). Here's everything regarding to the code for World Tour

Attached File  DOTPWT.zip (617.44K)
Number of downloads: 386

To play simply put the two cons, and art file into the World Tour folder (Which should be located under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Duke Nukem 3D Twentieth Anniversary World Tour) and rename the DGAME.con into GAME.con, place the sounds in the sound folder, and until it's uploaded to Workshop, rename DOTPWT.map into one of the existing levels. Don't Forget to make backups of the original files.

Note: I had to disable the new Cycloid Boss because it seems as though the audio messes up if you have too much code in World Tour.

If you find any issues with the World Tour version of Dawn of the Pork let me know so I can try to fix it.

EDIT: Just uploaded it on the Workshop

This post has been edited by Shadow Jolteon: 29 October 2016 - 10:29 AM


User is offline   Mere_Duke 


Just finished this map, it is good enough to rate it as 4.5/5. Haven't found any bugs/glitches, just solid gameplay with enhancements.
But I want to suggest a feature if you want to improve this map (or next releases, if you plan to put those new enemies into them).
When new SuperZombie PigCop dives, the rockets he is firing towards you are spawning above his head, what is not realistic. So, in the "newpigdivestate" (when SuperZombie diving and shooting) z-coordinate of every single spawned RPG projectile should be changed to lower its position at start. In the "newpigshootstate" everything remains the same. I also recommend to create separate procedure for the code that Trooper Dan has provided.
Same fix may be applied to the "Prison Train" map, for the PigCop Captains (spritepal 18).
If you need assistance with that, I can help.

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