I know this is the DN3D forum but I hope you guys will make an exception considering how close SW is and the little activity this game has... (and I did use Mapster32 a lot to make this map!)
If not feel free to move the thread someplace else.
Screenshots :

Video Trailer :
Readme file
Everything you need to know about the map
Shadow Warrior .MAP Authoring Template
Title : Showdown in Suzhou
Date Finished : 25th of April 2016
Filename : suzhou.MAP
Author : MetHy aka MetHunter aka NESfag
Email Address : cocometh.dal@gmail.com
Misc. Author Info : Made a bunch of Duke Nukem 3D maps in the past.
Description : A small town built on an artificial lake and around old ruins.
Story : With his fame renewed thanks to his latest video game reboot,
Lo Wang was shooting a Tomb Raider/Shadow Warrior movie crossover in Suzhou (Chinese Venice).
Also starring Angelina Jolie, the woman got herself kidnapped by an occult branch of the Triad which may have had links with Zilla.
Brad Pitt pressed Lo Wang to go and rescue her, offering him a couple of his hard-earned *cough* Oscars in exchange.
As a debutant actor, Lo Wang jumped at the chance, grabbed his sword and rode on his tuned-up boat.
Additional Credits to : Daedolon, Robman and Steambull, for testing and/or feedback
Robman, for his help on SW mapping
icecoldduke and Hendricks266 for their help on some glitches and crash issues
Anyone keeping Shadow Warrior in any way: the people listed above, General Arcade and
Devolver Digital, the authors of mapping FAQs and tutorials,
the people working on bringing us Deadly Kiss, etc
* Play Information *
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes. Implemented but not tested.
DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No.
Difficulty Settings : Yes: Normal and Hard. Skills 0, 1 and 2 are the same, so "Tiny grasshopper", "I have no fear"
and "Who Wants some Wang" will give you Normal difficulty. Skill#3 "No Pain No Gain" for Hard.
Launching the map without manually choosing a skill setting will automatically give you Normal.
Demo Cameras : Yes, Implemented.
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
New Graphics : No
New/changed CONs : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Started start of July 2014, finished end of April 2016.
Editor(s) used : SWPBuild and Mapster32
Known Bugs : Using Redux you might have the screen flickering black a little when inside rooms with Sector Over Sector.
Using SWP some ambient sounds might be glitchy and heard where they shouldn't.
May Not Run With... : The minimum specs requirement of Shadow Warrior.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this map *
Shadow Warrior central : http://swcentral.weebly.com/
Hopefully on Redux Steam workshop (you may have to run the beta version to find it) if it gets back up online....
* How to play *
- Using DOS/DOSbox (most recommended) : copy the map into your root SW folder. Run Setup.exe, select suzhou.map in "User Level Selection",
then "Save and launch Shadow Warrior".
Or if you're using the GoG version click on "Launch Settings", then go to "User Level Selection", select "suzhou.map", "save and launch SW".
- Using Redux : copy the map into Steam\SteamApps\common\Shadow Warrior Classic\gameroot\maps , then run the game and select the map in the "User Maps" sub-menu.
- Using SWP: copy the map into your SWP folder, launch SWP and in the startup window, click on "gaming" and select the map in the User Maps list.
If the startup window is turned off, you can turn it on in the game's options.
Mapping for SW, a rant by MetHy :
Making this map was at the same time a fantastic and frustrating experience.
It is amazing how much you can do with SW, coming from DN3D, I quickly realized how much MORE you can achieve with SW's effects.
The game has a lot of awesome effects, most of which were barely used in the original game, and most of the time used in their basic form.
However, the more complex the game is, the harder it is to get into and build for. It also didn't help that I got a lot of annoying glitches and crashing issues.
This complexity is probably one of the reasons why SW's mapping never picked up and why there aren't many (good) user-maps to play for it.
But I can tell you one thing: the surface of what is possible to achieve in SW hasn't even been scratched yet.
I hope that someday, a few more people will get into SW mapping and show us how far you can go with it...
Maybe the day it gets a quality sourceport with an advanced map editor like DN3D has ... ? Coming from Mapster32, using SWPBuild felt like a leap backwards.
About the map, at first I wanted it to be a middle sized classic style map, but I quickly got carried away by all the possibilities and the map ended up having around 935 sectors (which is more than 90% of the possible limit).
This being said, while I did try to come up with interesting effects and a fun map layout including RoR and SoS, what I did with the game's effects remained rather simple.
I think this is a cool map, at least I hope, but it's nothing compared to the possibilities the game offer.
Thanks again to anyone who's helped me in any way for this map.
Now I might just go through the same hell with Blood mapping...
Enjoy the map!
Title : Showdown in Suzhou
Date Finished : 25th of April 2016
Filename : suzhou.MAP
Author : MetHy aka MetHunter aka NESfag
Email Address : cocometh.dal@gmail.com
Misc. Author Info : Made a bunch of Duke Nukem 3D maps in the past.
Description : A small town built on an artificial lake and around old ruins.
Story : With his fame renewed thanks to his latest video game reboot,
Lo Wang was shooting a Tomb Raider/Shadow Warrior movie crossover in Suzhou (Chinese Venice).
Also starring Angelina Jolie, the woman got herself kidnapped by an occult branch of the Triad which may have had links with Zilla.
Brad Pitt pressed Lo Wang to go and rescue her, offering him a couple of his hard-earned *cough* Oscars in exchange.
As a debutant actor, Lo Wang jumped at the chance, grabbed his sword and rode on his tuned-up boat.
Additional Credits to : Daedolon, Robman and Steambull, for testing and/or feedback
Robman, for his help on SW mapping
icecoldduke and Hendricks266 for their help on some glitches and crash issues
Anyone keeping Shadow Warrior in any way: the people listed above, General Arcade and
Devolver Digital, the authors of mapping FAQs and tutorials,
the people working on bringing us Deadly Kiss, etc
* Play Information *
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes. Implemented but not tested.
DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No.
Difficulty Settings : Yes: Normal and Hard. Skills 0, 1 and 2 are the same, so "Tiny grasshopper", "I have no fear"
and "Who Wants some Wang" will give you Normal difficulty. Skill#3 "No Pain No Gain" for Hard.
Launching the map without manually choosing a skill setting will automatically give you Normal.
Demo Cameras : Yes, Implemented.
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
New Graphics : No
New/changed CONs : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Started start of July 2014, finished end of April 2016.
Editor(s) used : SWPBuild and Mapster32
Known Bugs : Using Redux you might have the screen flickering black a little when inside rooms with Sector Over Sector.
Using SWP some ambient sounds might be glitchy and heard where they shouldn't.
May Not Run With... : The minimum specs requirement of Shadow Warrior.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this map *
Shadow Warrior central : http://swcentral.weebly.com/
Hopefully on Redux Steam workshop (you may have to run the beta version to find it) if it gets back up online....
* How to play *
- Using DOS/DOSbox (most recommended) : copy the map into your root SW folder. Run Setup.exe, select suzhou.map in "User Level Selection",
then "Save and launch Shadow Warrior".
Or if you're using the GoG version click on "Launch Settings", then go to "User Level Selection", select "suzhou.map", "save and launch SW".
- Using Redux : copy the map into Steam\SteamApps\common\Shadow Warrior Classic\gameroot\maps , then run the game and select the map in the "User Maps" sub-menu.
- Using SWP: copy the map into your SWP folder, launch SWP and in the startup window, click on "gaming" and select the map in the User Maps list.
If the startup window is turned off, you can turn it on in the game's options.
Mapping for SW, a rant by MetHy :
Making this map was at the same time a fantastic and frustrating experience.
It is amazing how much you can do with SW, coming from DN3D, I quickly realized how much MORE you can achieve with SW's effects.
The game has a lot of awesome effects, most of which were barely used in the original game, and most of the time used in their basic form.
However, the more complex the game is, the harder it is to get into and build for. It also didn't help that I got a lot of annoying glitches and crashing issues.
This complexity is probably one of the reasons why SW's mapping never picked up and why there aren't many (good) user-maps to play for it.
But I can tell you one thing: the surface of what is possible to achieve in SW hasn't even been scratched yet.
I hope that someday, a few more people will get into SW mapping and show us how far you can go with it...
Maybe the day it gets a quality sourceport with an advanced map editor like DN3D has ... ? Coming from Mapster32, using SWPBuild felt like a leap backwards.
About the map, at first I wanted it to be a middle sized classic style map, but I quickly got carried away by all the possibilities and the map ended up having around 935 sectors (which is more than 90% of the possible limit).
This being said, while I did try to come up with interesting effects and a fun map layout including RoR and SoS, what I did with the game's effects remained rather simple.
I think this is a cool map, at least I hope, but it's nothing compared to the possibilities the game offer.
Thanks again to anyone who's helped me in any way for this map.
Now I might just go through the same hell with Blood mapping...
Enjoy the map!
Download link
Also attached with this thread.
Enjoy !
Edit: Updated the map, fixed the boss not spawning in the 2 first difficulty settings.
Attached File(s)
suzhou.zip (121.39K)
Number of downloads: 158