Posted 12 February 2016 - 03:21 PM
finally found some free time to finish this, killed all but two of the bad guys and only missed the one super secret place you alluded to (pretty rare for me since I absolutely suck at finding secrets). For the most part, I liked the design a lot. The maze like caves in the beginning were fun and the expansive swamp-lands were about spot on and the decision to place jumping lizard guys and octabrains towards the tree tops made for some really fun, frantic firefights.
Unfortunately design suffers in most of the high tech/industrial ares with it bottoming out in that large area that connects the caves and the swamps. Like, in comparison to the other areas, it looks like it was designed by someone else. The overall layout is funky and kinda nonsensical, the scaling is pretty crazy (the building itself is enormous, but the garage doors at either end are like, half the size of it), a lot of the textures weren't panned well on the floor and ceiling, giant textures were used for small trimwork areas, smaller textures were used for giant walls/doors (garage doors)... I could go on but it might start to look nitpicky, and it probably already does, but my point in mentioning it is that none of those things are in the swamps or the caves. It really, really stands out and makes me kinda curious over what the design process involving that area was like.
Anywho apart from that, I really liked everything else. Gameplay was solid and evenly paced, about the only complaint I've got for that is that there were too many drones, but that's got more to do with the enemy itself than the map's use of them. Overall, it was a fun and really well done map, just had a few parts that seemed a bit sloppy and rushed.
This post has been edited by CruX: 12 February 2016 - 03:26 PM