The oldest files directly related to Decay are dated 2004, but many go back further still.
Project history:
It's exciting to think that after all of this time...
Decay is available RIGHT NOW.
...stay frosty.

* An original scenario by Hudson!
* SIX brand new levels!
* All new enemies!
* Exciting blood, gore, and debris to satisfy your dark side!
* A new weapon set to let your bring your own brand of zombie justice!
* New sounds and textures!
* Maps covered with things to explore!
* Zombies, Zombies and more Zombies!
* Entirely based on EDuke32's Polymer renderer!
* And much much more!
Download Now
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ - Decay - ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ (c) 2015 Thought Process. Some content may be subject to claims by other copyright holders. Please contact us via www.duke4.net if you were not properly credited. Thank you! VERSION 1.0 -------------- If you do NOT see this version posted in the main menu you are running an incorrect version, possibly from a save file. REQUIREMENTS -------------- * EDuke32 revision 5293 (included - Windows & Linux [Ubuntu 15.04] 64bit versions) http://dukeworld.duke4.net/eduke32/synthesis/20150711-5293/ * DUKE3D.GRP * System Requirements OS: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10; Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04 CPU: Intel Core2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Recommended: Intel Core i3, AMD Phenom 2 X4 RAM: 4GB GPU: GTX 9800 or above Recommended: 750Ti or above Note: AMD is unsupported, but may still function. HDD Space: 400MB (+cache) * Polymer renderer GENERAL INFORMATION ---------------------- Decay is a stand alone release and should be installed in its own folder. It does not support being run as a "mod" to vanilla Duke/EDuke32 and does not support any custom scripts. * INSTALLATION Extract the game contents into its own folder. Copy DUKE3D.GRP into the folder. * PLAYING Run EDuke32. Select your screen resolution. Make sure the Polymer setting is checked! * AUTOSAVES When entering a level you will see the text "GAME SAVED" in the upper left corner of the screen. These saves will appear in the last slot and overwrite any previous save. WARNING: If you Quick Save, it will overwrite the last save. This applies to Manual Saves or the Autosave. * WEAPONS A small arsenal will be available to you as you explore the world of Decay. - PIPE (Slot 1): A simple metal steam pipe. - 9MM PISTOL (Slot 2): A basic semi auto pistol. This gun has a full 15 shots before it will automatically reload. - 12-GAUGE SHOTGUN (Slot 3): Rip into zombies. A bit of a nasty spread but devastating at close range. Stores 8 rounds. - .357 MAGNUM REVOLVER (Slot 4): Stunningly accurate with a fast rate of fire but only 6 catridges before a reload. - HAND GRENADE (Slot 6): A simple frag grenade that will just as soon blow up in your face as actually kill a zombie. You might see the occasional giant crack in the wall that needs some friendly help however. - M4 RIFLE (Slot 7): This rifle is powerful and holds 30 rounds. Unfortunately it's locked to 3 Round Burst Fire so beware of quickly draining them all. Also includes an M203 GRENADE LAUNCHER (PRESS SLOT 7 TO TOGGLE) but rounds for the grenade launcher are few and far between. - DUAL AUTO-GLOCKS (Slot 8): Sloppy, but you can get off 30 rounds (15 in each gun) before the magazines need to be changed. - BITCHIN CHAINSAW (Slot 0): Actually not so bitchin, since it overheats quickly and slows you down when you use it. Fortunately it provides the beautiful thrill of tearing into the undead. Used wisely she'll be your best friend. * BASIC GAMEPLAY - Explore and find a way to safety! - Things may change as you explore a level so be observant. - The need for key cards (usually well lit) will occasionally impeded your progress. - Conserve your ammo! Killing an undead may only take 2 rounds to the forehead, but 5 or more to the chest. - RUN! Sometimes if you are overwhelmed the only real option is to run away. It's better than being eaten! * IF YOU HAVE FREQUENT FRAME DROPS Please make sure to assign a key to TOGGLE LIGHTING HACK. Pressing this key will enable a feature which disables any lights not in view, so it should speed the game up. You may notice an occasional flicker with it enabled. =================================================== | A message will appear on screen when this is | | assigned and you press the key. If it doesn't | | you may need to reassign it. | =================================================== KNOWN BUGS ------------- * We have noticed the occasional enemy impossibly crossing sector boundaries. Unfortunately we have no good explanation and it happens only rarely. * In two locations in the first map you may notice zombies being unable to enter a building, and bullets are unable to exit. This is unfortunately due to the level being designed with an older version of the engine so tricks were required to create the desired layout. * Occasional visual glitches due to alpha channeled sprites overlapping models. This is an engine bug and unfortunately can't be fixed on our end! * Occasional visual glitches due to overlapping decals. This is an engine bug and unfortunately can't be fixed on our end! We've worked hard to mitigate this as much as possible. * Occasional visual glitch where zombie models aren't properly occluded. This is an engine bug and unfortunately can't be fixed on our end! We've worked hard to mitigate this as much as possible. * Occasional visual glitch where an object disappears from certain angles. This is an engine bug and unfortunately can't be fixed on our end! We've worked hard to mitigate this as much as possible.