Ion Fury "formerly Ion Maiden, launching August 15!"
#3901 Posted 25 June 2020 - 02:17 PM
#3902 Posted 25 June 2020 - 02:57 PM
Truck Stop Santa Claus, on 25 June 2020 - 02:17 PM, said:
F and G for me. My mind associates F with healing, probably because i played Dark Souls with k+m multiple times, and F was my "chug estus" key

This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 25 June 2020 - 04:34 PM
#3903 Posted 26 June 2020 - 03:57 PM
One suggestion: enemies shouldn't be able to move outside the vertical firing range of the player. What I mean is that if the player is, for example, on a platform high above an enemy, the player can only look down to a certain angle, yet the enemies will move right up to the platform such that the player can't see or shoot them. Perhaps the enemies should be given the same vertical firing range as the player, such that they will try to maintain some distance if there's a big height difference?
#3904 Posted 27 June 2020 - 12:00 PM
After that I decided to give the campaign start another go and try to figure out more secrets (somehow I got much better at secret-hunting in Zone 3 compared to the previous two).
So I got here:
I have to say I was surprised myself that I managed to figure this one out, although I kept in mind that design principle by Tom Hall that says if the player can see an item, there must be a way to get it. I made several saved games as a was progressing towards it, because I was not sure if I was actually supposed to be there and do what I was doing (caution, might act as a spoiler):
Oh and by the way, where do I get the updates? Do I have to install GOG Galaxy and update from there?
This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 27 June 2020 - 12:01 PM
#3905 Posted 28 June 2020 - 01:25 AM
MrFlibble, on 27 June 2020 - 12:00 PM, said:
So I got here:
Is this the origami unicorn from Blade Runner? Great idea.
#3906 Posted 12 July 2020 - 01:48 AM
On the other hand, destructible walls marked by cracks seem pretty rare compared to Duke3D, I've only run across like two in the first three chapters. Also, even though there are occasional manholes, none of them could be opened Duke style, and I'm starting to suspect that there are none which are not decorations in this game.
I take some of my words about the AI back. I had more opportunities to observe the guys and they definitely try to work smart, e.g. take cover from the player's fire, but that does not save them from getting hopelessly stuck in corners and the like.
I had this little idea concerning the secrets: I noticed that often they contain "uninteresting" items like the portable medikit or not-so-rare ammo types (probably more useful on highest difficulty, because on UV there is no dearth of regular health items in the levels, or ammo for that matter), and after a few good secrets you get the full arsenal sans the minigun long before the more advanced weapons appear in the campaign if you skip secret areas.
So I thought (partially inspired by Civvie's video on Aliens: Colonial Marines of all things), what if some secrets actually contained secret weapons that would be references to other FPS games? These weapons could use their own ammo pool, with ammo equally being found in secrets only, and rare. E.g. a double-barrelled shotgun a la Doom and/or Blood, and a flamethrower from Powerslave would be at least interesting. Rocket launcher/RPG? This was requested as a regular weapon IIRC. I'm not sure about magical items like the Cobra Staff, or straight copies of "gimmick" weapons like the Shrinker.
Alternately (or additionally), secrets could have weapon upgrades for regular weapons, and/or alternate ammo in the style of Duke64. Not sure if this would work well with the existing weapon balance though.
#3907 Posted 13 July 2020 - 04:54 PM
I'm just waiting on Spymap's next map
also I know coop isn't going to happen
but if we could get MP in Queen of the hill mode, that would be hype
#3909 Posted 20 July 2020 - 10:47 AM

Number of downloads: 53
#3910 Posted 20 July 2020 - 11:00 AM
#3911 Posted 21 July 2020 - 02:41 AM
Fauch, on 20 July 2020 - 11:00 AM, said:
I don't know why that would be surprising. Most retro-FPshooters, despite looking "old", run on modern engines and aren't built in old-school ways. Ion Fury is.
It will tell you as you are about to leave the "level", before passing a point-of-no-return.
#3912 Posted 21 July 2020 - 05:52 PM
Of course, that’s not the same as “dumbing down” the graphics on new engines designed for far more complex graphics, so it’s difficult to compare.
#3913 Posted 22 July 2020 - 05:38 AM
I reached a loading time, but didn't notice something about secrets, though I could still come back, so maybe it wasn't the end of the level. I'll look better next time.
#3914 Posted 22 July 2020 - 05:57 AM
#3916 Posted 22 July 2020 - 04:31 PM
Micky C, on 21 July 2020 - 05:52 PM, said:
Of course, that’s not the same as “dumbing down” the graphics on new engines designed for far more complex graphics, so it’s difficult to compare.
Yes, obviously; what I meant was more that a lot (most) retro games (not just FPShooters) are built in very inefficient and roundabout ways, making the computer have to work a lot harder than it should have doing things that end up not showing.
The engines used by other retro shooters generally aren't built from the ground up, but are optimized for very different kinds of games/aesthetics.
This post has been edited by necroslut: 22 July 2020 - 04:31 PM
#3917 Posted 22 July 2020 - 05:38 PM
#3920 Posted 29 July 2020 - 11:49 PM

#3923 Posted 30 July 2020 - 03:10 AM
MrFlibble, on 20 July 2020 - 10:47 AM, said:
I revisited this area (it's actually very easy to get there) and there really seems no way out.
Maybe the devs would add a means for the player to get back into the level (e.g. a palettised ladder that blends in with the wall texture, like in some other secrets), and a message along the lines of You're not supposed to be here or How did you get here? from Duke3D?
Also on Cultural Divide, I wanted to point out this little area:

Number of downloads: 28
For a while it seemed to me that the white object was a medikit, but now I'm almost certain that this is just a plate sprite, rather common in this level, and the area is not supposed to be reached by the player either.
JIC, I'm missing two secrets in this level still, but would not like to resort to walkthroughs to find them, so I'm not 100% certain on either location that they are unreachable.
#3924 Posted 31 July 2020 - 08:31 AM
#3926 Posted 05 August 2020 - 06:52 PM

download link below
#3927 Posted 07 August 2020 - 04:46 PM
btw I messed up as I was using the public test build and gave no thought to the default game. It's been fixed now.
If running normal Ion Fury (1.02a) then you don’t need to do anything. If running the public test build (1.1 at the time of writing) you’ll need to navigate to the Ion Fury\scripts folder, either delete or change weapons.con to something else, and rename weapons(publicbeta).con to weapons.con.
To make a long story short, just re-download the file, if you have a problem.
This post has been edited by Hank: 07 August 2020 - 04:48 PM
#3928 Posted 08 August 2020 - 05:53 AM
BTW, why doesn't the cultist on the right on the screenshot above have a shadow?
#3930 Posted 10 August 2020 - 06:21 AM
I get no video at all, although it runs as usual in software mode, and I can still play in OpenGL via the SVN release of EDuke32.
Ion Fury was not on the list of programmes in the NVIDIA Control Panel settings, but adding it does not solve the problem, either with integrated video card or NVIDIA GPU set to run it. Probably this will get resolved by deleting some settings and/or reinstalling the whole deal, but I still thought that it was worth mentioning.
UPD: I deleted all texture cache and stuff, but to no effect. I can start the game in software mode and then switch to OpenGL in-game, but once I restart it's all over. Very odd, because IF does detect the NVIDIA card, according to the log.
UPD2: Deleting all cache and cfg files from my user directory solved the problem.
This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 10 August 2020 - 06:39 AM