Forge, on 29 October 2018 - 06:08 AM, said:
I wouldn't say 'malicious', more like incompetent - since this just one in a list of articles and video interviews that 'accidentally' omit mentioning voidpoint.
Kinda like the advert for Ion Maiden on the 3dr page - the one where 3dr takes credit for the build engine, but doesn't mention Ken. No textual mention of Voidpoint, and if you blink during the reveal trailer, you'll miss the fine-print mention of Voidpoint.
Maybe it's just lackadaisical, kinda like the 3dr forum where no one on staff answers questions, or responds to concerns. Like, why is a patch several weeks late.
(I'm glad the person responsible got better, since he was allegedly sick, but we had to hear that from here, not at the 3dr forum).
3dr deserves credit for helping bring Ion Maiden to the consumers, bu they're coming across as glory-grabbers & using voidpoint as a stepping stone.
I'm sorry you feel it's been "Incompetent". All material, including websites, marketing material and trailers have been done in very close collaboration with Voidpoint.
This is not a case of 3D Realms simply publishing a title, developed by a third party, with no collaboration between both parties.
Initially we approached Voidpoint (And several other build-engine enthusiasts) during pre-production if Ion Maiden here on (You can look up the original thread), to assemble a team to work on this game.
Simply due to the fact that we alone, didn't have the experience with the Build engine required to pull this off. We wanted the best of the best.
And there are no one better than Voidpoint.
Richard/Evan took the lead on making sure Ion Maiden became as good as it did, and they did a tremendous job on it. But it's marketing and public efforts have been a tight and collaborative effort between all of us.
The whole IM team have been part of designing, planning and giving feedback to stuff like trailers, key-art, boxed edition, website designs etc.
(And continue to do so. Our entire content plan has been written in collaboration between all IM developers and 3DR).
About the 3D Realms forums - Yes we're not paying too much attention to it, as 90% of all communication with our community happens through Discord these days.
Joe is occasionally checking up on the Forums, but I've not been good at keeping up with the topics. Something I definitely need to improve upon.