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Been working on this one (on and - mostly - off) for a long time, glad to finally have it out of the way. It was originally meant to be a lot more ambitious... More info in the .txt file.
Fundamental theme of the map has been done to death but I tried to pull it off in fresh ways... Hope you'll like it.
"Yet another city at night - except this particular one is under a pretty fucking serious type of attack.
You wake up to an alien ship having just crashed right down your apartment building.
Out of your window, no scenery left in sight. What's left of the surrounding buildings appears to be collapsing and dissolving into what looks like a sea of green slime. World takeover seems to have effectively begun.
Quite fortunately, your block seems to be magically protected by the vaillant presence of a convenience store just down the street, still proudly adorned by a very circumstancial advertising slogan.
Salvation in capitalism and usually unhealthy commodities ?
Looks like all possible phantasms of procrastination are out of the window right now. Time to clean the mess."
Two versions of the map included - one darker (recommended) & one brighter in case you already have a really dark monitor. Some sections of the level are definitely very dark on purpose though...
Estimated play time : 25 to 35 mins
Attached File(s)
endoftheworld001.rar (310.16K)
Number of downloads: 616