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Duke Plus  "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"

User is offline   3D Master 


View Postsupergoofy, on May 9 2010, 12:05 PM, said:

try r1623 or r1624

Like I said, they don't work. Polymer on, equals exit to windows when level is supposed to start.

User is offline   williamjcm 


View Post3D Master, on May 9 2010, 12:10 PM, said:

Like I said, they don't work. Polymer on, equals exit to windows when level is supposed to start.

Are you using Windows ?
If yes, have you tried compatibility options ?

Personally, I run Eduke32 fine on Vista 32 Bits without those freakin' compatibility options.

This post has been edited by williamjcm: 09 May 2010 - 03:22 AM


User is offline   3D Master 


View Postwilliamjcm, on May 9 2010, 01:21 PM, said:

Are you using Windows ?
If yes, have you tried compatibility options ?

Windows 7 64-bit, and compatibility options don't matter. You need to have seriously old stuff for that to have an effect. Hell, I've seen seriously old stuff that doesn't work with compatibility options on, but does work in Windows 7 native.

Like I said, r1633 works; although there are a lot of bugs in it, bugs that quite a few are reporting.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I have a feature request for when you have time: a map effect that kills the player, perhaps while fading the screen to white. I was thinking that some kind of timer could be started by a switch or touchplate, and if Duke doesn't hit a switch/multiple switches or maybe enter a certain sector before the time runs out then he dies, but if he does do those things the threat gets neutralized. This would be good to replicate nuclear meltdowns to be averted by activating a set of consoles or a nuclear strike that needs to be outrun.

User is offline   williamjcm 


View PostMicky C, on May 11 2010, 12:47 PM, said:

I have a feature request for when you have time: a map effect that kills the player, perhaps while fading the screen to white. I was thinking that some kind of timer could be started by a switch or touchplate, and if Duke doesn't hit a switch/multiple switches or maybe enter a certain sector before the time runs out then he dies, but if he does do those things the threat gets neutralized. This would be good to replicate nuclear meltdowns to be averted by activating a set of consoles or a nuclear strike that needs to be outrun.

And perhaps add a message like "Mission failed. Subject: Nukem. Did not react fast enough." as the last chapter in HL2, when you have to kill Dr Breen.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Special effects in DukePlus are soo beyond amazing.
Water effect is cool and pretty sector economic.
As u don't need to make extra sectors for underwater :(

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostZaxtor, on May 13 2010, 01:25 AM, said:

Special effects in DukePlus are soo beyond amazing.
Water effect is cool and pretty sector economic.
As u don't need to make extra sectors for underwater :(

This has been in DukePlus for almost 3 years now. (give or take)

User is offline   Night Wolf 


I used to like Duke Plus , but I think it's gone a little over the top... it was good when it was simple in my opinion, like the older versions of duke plus.
I know most of it can be turned off ..but I dunno its a little cluttered ...

Could you make the sound options more flexible...
for example I like the sounds where the bullets hit specific surfaces and the sounds for walking on different ground surfaces .. but I don't like the new weapon sounds and new explosion sounds..
the blood is also a little overboard ... not sure if there's an option to turn that off?
and maybe an option to take off the different font colours example ...(a secret place).... I liked the plain blue

But I guess that's just me...

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postozz, on May 27 2010, 02:46 PM, said:

I used to like Duke Plus , but I think it's gone a little over the top... it was good when it was simple in my opinion, like the older versions of duke plus.
I know most of it can be turned off ..but I dunno its a little cluttered ...

Could you make the sound options more flexible...
for example I like the sounds where the bullets hit specific surfaces and the sounds for walking on different ground surfaces .. but I don't like the new weapon sounds and new explosion sounds..
the blood is also a little overboard ... not sure if there's an option to turn that off?
and maybe an option to take off the different font colours example ...(a secret place).... I liked the plain blue

But I guess that's just me...

What I need to do is make a new and improved menu system with scroll bars, check boxes, and other fancy stuff. Then I could add options for every single sound and whatever else people want the option of changing. The way it is now, I can't really have tons of options.

Having said that...I find it hard to understand how you can go from liking the mod to not liking the mod because of the things you mentioned. For example, do you really prefer there to be only the one explosion sound from the original game as opposed to the assortment of explosion sounds in Duke Plus? Most of the stuff you mentioned has been in DP for a long time now.

User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostDeeperThought, on May 28 2010, 08:35 AM, said:

What I need to do is make a new and improved menu system with scroll bars, check boxes, and other fancy stuff. Then I could add options for every single sound and whatever else people want the option of changing. The way it is now, I can't really have tons of options.

Having said that...I find it hard to understand how you can go from liking the mod to not liking the mod because of the things you mentioned. For example, do you really prefer there to be only the one explosion sound from the original game as opposed to the assortment of explosion sounds in Duke Plus? Most of the stuff you mentioned has been in DP for a long time now.

Don't get me wrong Duke plus is great, it just seems to me its moving away from Duke 3D's roots a bit ... I used to have a old copy of it , then I lost it somehow ... then downloaded the new one ... and it didn't have that duke 3d feel ...
for example the new chaingun sound it sounds good , but it doesn't fit into duke 3d world ... I always imagined the Ripper sounded like that because it was a futuristic chaingun (maybe with a silencer).... when its just a normal chaingun sound it also effects the monsters, like the Battle Lord and its just sounds strange..

the explosions are Ok , but sounds weird if make several explosions at the same time.

I haven't used Duke Plus in awhile though due to how much framerate drops when running the mod in polymer
,so maybe the options are more flexible I don't know.

its still a great mod its just some little things like the font colour bug me ..I don't know why but they do

User is offline   Mikko 

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I agree about the chaingun sound. Not really an improvement.

User is offline   williamjcm 


View Postozz, on May 28 2010, 09:36 AM, said:

how much framerate drops when running the mod in polymer

Me too, even with all graphics options to the lowest settings. My computer is from 2008.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postozz, on May 28 2010, 12:36 AM, said:

the explosions are Ok , but sounds weird if make several explosions at the same time.

That's an EDuke32 bug. After about 15 minutes of gameplay, the stopsound command (which I use in order to stop the original explosion sound and then randomly select a new one) gets broken and the result is a cacophony. This bug was introduced when EDuke32 went over to the new sound system last year. I complained about this bug a lot (and so did others) but I finally gave up and stopped talking about it. When it happens I just save the game, quit and reload. Bottom line: IT'S NOT MY FUCKING FAULT!

I actually agree about the chaingun sound I have been thinking about changing that for some time now.

User is offline   williamjcm 


I may have a suggestion for Duke Plus : bunny jumping like in Painkiller (as a movement option) ! Combined with realistic running it will allow you to get to high speeds.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postwilliamjcm, on May 30 2010, 10:09 AM, said:

I may have a suggestion for Duke Plus : bunny jumping like in Painkiller (as a movement option) ! Combined with realistic running it will allow you to get to high speeds.

The realistic running option does not reduce your maximum running speed. It reduces your acceleration, so it takes longer to reach max speed. Also, it adds some commonsense to the equation (you cannot run as fast while moving backwards, etc).

I don't know what bunny jumping is, but I think Duke can already run incredibly fast.

User is offline   Night Wolf 


I don't know if this is already a duke plus effect... but is it possible to make the windows crack with say the first kick and then completely shatter on the second kick or bullet etc.
I saw this effect somewhere in a video.

User is offline   Stabs 


just tag the glass sprite with a lotag of 1

User is offline   williamjcm 


View PostDeeperThought, on May 30 2010, 07:38 PM, said:

I don't know what bunny jumping is

Here is the answer, from Wikipedia :

Wikipedia said:

Bunny hopping, or bunny jumping, is a term used in video games to describe the basic movement technique in which a player jumps repeatedly, instead of running, in order to move faster.

This technique is included in games like Painkiller and Warsow.

This post has been edited by williamjcm: 31 May 2010 - 04:50 AM


User is offline   bioman 



DukePlus does not work any more on Linux with a recent EDuke32 build, last try was with rev 1637 and it was ok.
Log http://pastebin.com/0nEzGv2X

User is offline   king karl 


i dont like how most of the gore effects dissapear quick leaving only a few plain heads and limbs (even the blood splats dissapear) would it be possible to adda n option to change that for faster computers,

also the blood splats that hit the walls are kinda just strait lines and a whiel ago they looked much moe....splatty, what happend to them?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postking karl, on Jun 4 2010, 12:41 AM, said:

i dont like how most of the gore effects dissapear quick leaving only a few plain heads and limbs (even the blood splats dissapear) would it be possible to adda n option to change that for faster computers,

also the blood splats that hit the walls are kinda just strait lines and a whiel ago they looked much moe....splatty, what happend to them?

I'm a bit inebriated as a type this, but hopefully it's accurate...

Gore disappearing is a good idea not just to protect framerate but also because there is a hard sprite limit of 16384, and you could easily exceed that in some maps if gore stayed around for very long. Plus it's hard to add more options the way I have it coded currently (see my previous post about that issue).

As for blood splats on walls...the hardcoded ones have a nice feature, they stretch and appear to drip down the wall. I was too lazy/incompetent to try and emulate that feature with custom art, so I reverted to the hardcoded splats on walls.

User is offline   king karl 


ah that makes sense about hte spirte limit

but as for the splats on walls waht if u just made smaller versions appear beneath the other giving the illusion of dripping?

User is offline   Night Wolf 


Here's an idea, how about making a blood splatter effect on the HUD when shooting an enemy at close range?
kinda like this
Posted Image

User is offline   Night Wolf 


hmm didn't show use this link
HUD blood

User is offline   king karl 


that be a nice effect in addition but it just doesnt beat having good realistic blood allllllll over the walls

User is offline   Night Wolf 


View Postking karl, on Jun 7 2010, 10:29 AM, said:

that be a nice effect in addition but it just doesnt beat having good realistic blood allllllll over the walls

Realistic blood on walls would be great , I think I brought that up a while back.

but there's no reason the same thing could be applied to HUD ... allot of modern games have similar effects.

Another idea i had was, making duke catch fire when running though fire.. maybe he stays lit for 5 seconds,, losing a tiny bit of health... might be something to think about

User is offline   Stabs 


knowing how polymer loves to handle cutout pngs i think the blood splatter would result in alot of up close & personal clipping :(

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


In an older version of Duke Plus, this happend randomly. I just got lucky having Fraps loaded the other night playing that old version and when I released a captured monster, it spawned a freakin bunch more!
I mentioned it before, but now I can show it.
The coolest bug in Duke Plus ever, captured on video!

Cool Duke Plus Glitch

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostVinsaneOne, on Jun 15 2010, 10:17 PM, said:

In an older version of Duke Plus, this happend randomly. I just got lucky having Fraps loaded the other night playing that old version and when I released a captured monster, it spawned a freakin bunch more!
I mentioned it before, but now I can show it.
The coolest bug in Duke Plus ever, captured on video!

Cool Duke Plus Glitch

Well I'm sorry I made it less cool by fixing that bug!

By the way, there will be an update of DP coming soon. The main purpose of the update is to include some new maps: "Have Fun Storming the Castle" by Salacious Crumb, and "Nightshade Army" by Mike Norvak. For those who have played those maps, and have been keeping up with EDuke32 snapshots and the latest DP code, there won't be won't be much new. It's basically going to be a maintenance update.

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


View PostDeeperThought, on Jun 16 2010, 01:27 AM, said:

Well I'm sorry I made it less cool by fixing that bug!

Thats ok, I can play it till I melt my H.D. On that note, I should run a back-up on my disks just in case!

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