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Duke Plus  "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 dopefish, on Mar 4 2010, 08:21 PM, said:

Error: file 'highres/sprites/decals/2298_n' does not exist
Error: file 'highres/textures/0191.jpg' does not exist
Error: file 'highres/textures/0880.jpg' does not exist

Those lines are not in dukeplus.def. Those refer to HRP resources and I'm guessing you would get the same errors if you used the HRP without DukePlus.

 dopefish, on Mar 4 2010, 08:21 PM, said:

Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_pickup.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_1.md3"

i checked and the lasergun_pickup.md3 and lasergun_1.md3 files are both present. the laser gun from previous versions worked fine. everything else in the game works fine.

any ideas? entire log dump here: http://pastebin.com/rh89J8AG


When you say the "previous version", do you mean back when it was using the HRP pistol model for the laser gun, but with a modified skin? I don't know why the new model would fail to load for you. <_<

User is offline   dopefish 


 DeeperThought, on Mar 4 2010, 08:53 PM, said:

Those lines are not in dukeplus.def. Those refer to HRP resources and I'm guessing you would get the same errors if you used the HRP without DukePlus.

When you say the "previous version", do you mean back when it was using the HRP pistol model for the laser gun, but with a modified skin? I don't know why the new model would fail to load for you. <_<

yeah i threw those extra lines in there in case they contained some context for the error; i'm pretty sure those errors would occur without DP as well.

by "previous version" i'm pretty sure i'm talking about the HRP pistol with the modified skin. it was boxy, like the pistol, though duke holds it closer to the center of the screen (like the mp5). i think the last version of DP i tried was 205 or 206 (but i'm on 208 now). it's not the "new" 1950s-scifi-style one that people seem to be up in arms about.

it's not a huge deal, just wanted to see if there was a quick fix. i don't often come across the laser pistols anyway so i could probably disable them and see if it's fixed in a later version.



Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_pickup.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/WEAPONS/lasergun_1.md3"

That's probably a case sensitivity issue. I think it's funny that not only is Windows case-insensitive, but Windows-users are case-insensitive. <_< On Linux, if you say "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS" there had better be a "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS" and not "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/graphics" or "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/Graphics". I strongly recommend that mod makers stick to all lowercase filenames so that there's no confusion. (If I recall, EDUKE.CON and GAME.CON are hardcoded as uppercase though.)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Yes, that was the problem, thanks for pointing that out. By the way, the only part of the file names with a mismatched case was the extension (they were .MD3 instead of .md3). It's easy to miss that, especially when someone sends you an .MD3 file and you are renaming it, because when you type a new name you don't normally change the extension.

EDIT: Also, it seems to me that "does not exist" would be a better error in this situation, since that more accurately describes what is happening (no resource with the name given in the path exists). Prior to this, when it says "Failed loading" I assumed that meant that the resource was found but failed to load for some reason.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 06 March 2010 - 09:35 AM


User is offline   LinuxDuker 


Hey, I'm new here. I built EDuke32 on Linux from source, latest version, and I have DukePlus 2.08 and I'm having a major issue with the mantling feature. Duke3D version is 1.5/Atomic by the way.

The problem is that mantling does not activate for certain ledges. It does not work when I'm inside vents, and I cannot cross the mantling gap in the 'DP Effects' map like you're supposed to. This has resulted in some maps, 'Project Zero' included with DP first coming to mind, being unplayable without having to use the 'noclip' cheat. The only serious CON alterations I've done are to USER.CON in altering MAXPLAYERHEALTH, MAXWATERFOUNTAINHEALTH, and MAXPLAYERATOMICHEALTH.

The main thing is that I can't mantle on ledges that I can't climb on top of, or mantle on ledges where the the sector ceiling is at least vent height. Another example I can think of where I can't mantle is on E2L1, Spaceport when in the largest open area with the two niches in the wall. I can't mantle on the niche edge with the jetpack in it. Tell me if you need anything else. I'm wondering if I'm the first person to have this problem or not, and hope it is not because of me running this mod and EDuke32 on Linux.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Those areas you mentioned are ones where the mantling worked in the past, and I haven't changed the code since then. But maybe I changed code somewhere else that affected it. Another possibility is that some recent source code change has caused problems (unlikely), or it could even be a compiler issue (hitscan, which mantling uses heavily, is very sensitive to compiler optimizations). I'll look into it soon.

What revision of EDuke32 are you using?

EDIT: I have now done a pretty thorough mantling test using eduke32 revision 1599, downloaded from the synthesis folder. I checked some of the areas you mentioned, and a lot of other places, and encountered no problems at all. My guess is that something in the eduke32 source is not getting compiled right for you.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 09 March 2010 - 02:09 PM


User is offline   LinuxDuker 


Just checked and my EDuke32 version is 2.0.0devel with a release date of 1-22-2010. Is this newer than what you used? If so, direct me to the source for what you used and I'll try compiling another executable using it and see if it fixes anything.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 LinuxDuker, on Mar 9 2010, 04:31 PM, said:

Just checked and my EDuke32 version is 2.0.0devel with a release date of 1-22-2010. Is this newer than what you used? If so, direct me to the source for what you used and I'll try compiling another executable using it and see if it fixes anything.

The revision that I am using, 1599, was released on 2-23-2010. You've got an old version there. Here you can find newer source:


Note that revisions later than 1599 have a bug which screws up numbers in the DP menu and maybe parts of the hud.

If using newer source doesn't help, then I suspect the problem is with the compiler you are using.

User is offline   LinuxDuker 


Hmm...it's still saying I'm using build 1592, and no improvement to the mantling problems. Compiler used was gcc.

User is offline   LinuxDuker 


And I'm running on Ubuntu Linux 8.04.4 Hardy Heron LTS (Linux Kernel 2.6.24-27).

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


 LinuxDuker, on Mar 9 2010, 05:46 PM, said:

Hmm...it's still saying I'm using build 1592, and no improvement to the mantling problems. Compiler used was gcc.

Try downgrading to gcc 4.3.3 and see if that helps.

User is offline   LinuxDuker 


I've got gcc-4.2 and 4.1. I'll try using 4.2 first.

User is offline   LinuxDuker 


*sighs* It looks like I'll have to update beyond Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron to get gcc 4.3, and I have the Long Term Support version. I'll see if there's anyway to upgrade my system without requiring an entire system wipe.

User is offline   LinuxDuker 


Alright, upgrading my system to Ubuntu 8.10 which comes with gcc 4.3. We'll see how things go in a couple hours when I'm able to re-compile a third time using it.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I'm afraid I'm out of my depth and out of ideas if that doesn't work. I don't use linux and I don't have the problem at my end. <_<

User is offline   LinuxDuker 


Alright, after recompile using gcc-4.3.2, build went better with no warnings delivered, but the mantling problem is still there. A few other minor glitches are gone though, and the mantling testing was only done initially on E2L1. I'm guessing nonetheless I really do need 4.3.3 of gcc, but I may have to use unconventional means to get it installed as its not available via Ubuntu's built-in software updater.

User is offline   LinuxDuker 


Nah, looks like I'm going to upgrade my system once again. I was fairly far behind other Ubuntu users sticking to 8.04 when the current version is 9.10. Installing the next distribution upgrade will get me to gcc-4.3.3

User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


Your version of GCC is fine. DT was mentioning downgrading to 4.3 because GCC 4.4 has some issues with corrupting code when trying to optimize parts of the engine. If really in doubt, you could try `make veryclean && make RELEASE=0` to compile without optimization and see if that fixes your issues, but I doubt that. I don't think your issue lies in the code itself. Are you sure you're using the same version as DT? Did you extract the 1599 tarball to a brand new directory before building?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Make sure you are using the latest DP code from the link in my sig. I don't think it will help with the mantling problem, but I have been updating that code almost every day with little bug fixes.

User is offline   LinuxDuker 


Did all the things you mentioned Plagman and it still keeps saying I'm using build 1592. How familiar are you with Linux?

EDIT - BTW, those things were done after the second system upgrade that in the process upgraded gcc to 4.3.3.

This post has been edited by LinuxDuker: 10 March 2010 - 04:15 AM


User is offline   boosh 


First, I've gotta say I'm rather late to the party, but I've been playing around with DukePlus with the HRP in the newest build of eDuke32 w/ Polymer, and I've nearly wet myself with excitement. Suddenly, I feel the magic I felt when I first played the shareware version of Duke3d when I was 12 years old in 1996.

Anyhow, forgive this rather noobish question. I want to make sure I'm using the latest version of Dukeplus (2.7?). I've downloaded the latest version from the DukePlus website, and I overwrote the old .CON files with the new ones. However, the UI still says DukePlue 2.0 right before it loads the game. Is this just a glitch? Is there any other way to know which version I'm using?



I may have answered my own question... it says DukePlus 2.0devel 20100122

I'm guessing it's from Jan 22, 2010?

This post has been edited by boosh: 11 March 2010 - 05:44 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postboosh, on Mar 11 2010, 05:23 PM, said:

I may have answered my own question... it says DukePlus 2.0devel 20100122

I'm guessing it's from Jan 22, 2010?

No, it says "EDuke32 2.0.0devel 20100122". It also says "DukePlus 2.0" when you start EDuke32 using DukePlus, even though the actual version is 2.08 -- I will update that again when it reaches 2.1.

EDIT: The actual version number is located in the upper right corner of the screen when you start a game. And if you want to know when files were last updated, just check the "date modified" on the files.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 11 March 2010 - 06:17 PM


User is offline   boosh 


View PostDeeperThought, on Mar 11 2010, 08:09 PM, said:

No, it says "EDuke32 2.0.0devel 20100122". It also says "DukePlus 2.0" when you start EDuke32 using DukePlus, even though the actual version is 2.08 -- I will update that again when it reaches 2.1.

EDIT: The actual version number is located in the upper right corner of the screen when you start a game. And if you want to know when files were last updated, just check the "date modified" on the files.


On a different note, has anybody reported lack of shadows/certain dynamic lighting effects in DukePlus? Today is the first day that I've actually devoted a ton of time to playing around with the mod, and I noticed in plain ol' eDuke32, I can see all the neat shadows, lighting effects, etc (read: it looks totally badass), but when I run DukePlus, the shadows go away (even though they're still ON in the menu), and some (but not all) of the dynamic lighting effects go away. It still looks badass, just not as badass. And yes, I've confirmed it's still running in 32-bit OpenGL.

I've also noticed those things will disappear in regular eDuke32 if I mess with any of the video options while I'm in game. I'll have to start a new game to get them back, and even then they don't seem to carry level to level.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


What you are describing is the difference between using the Polymer renderer (dynamic lighting) and the Polymost renderer. DukePlus does not determine which renderer you are using, so all I can figure is that you have Polymer (or some of the more important Polymer settings) turned off in your dp_binds.cfg. Try deleting the cfg files in your DukePlus folder and see what happens. And when you start EDuke32, make sure that the Polymer checkbox is checked.

User is offline   boosh 


View PostDeeperThought, on Mar 11 2010, 10:28 PM, said:

What you are describing is the difference between using the Polymer renderer (dynamic lighting) and the Polymost renderer. DukePlus does not determine which renderer you are using, so all I can figure is that you have Polymer (or some of the more important Polymer settings) turned off in your dp_binds.cfg. Try deleting the cfg files in your DukePlus folder and see what happens. And when you start EDuke32, make sure that the Polymer checkbox is checked.

I'll give deleting the .CFG files a shot when I get home from work tonight.

The Polymer box has been checked everytime I play. The weird thing is that it will start out using the Polymer renderer, but if I change any of the graphics options (say, for instance, resolution), it's like it switches to the Polymost renderer without warning, and I can't switch it back to Polymer at that point.

Weird, huh?

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


It's not that the the renderer switches, it's just that the fixed lights get turned off. Is light still being generated by fires/atomic healths/explosions? If so it's what I described. I just tested what you did myself and got the same thing.

What you need to remember is that polymer is not a finished renderer, there are still things missing and buggy. But rest assured there are people working on it.

I guess the only solution is not to change the graphics settings, but it's definitely not a dukeplus bug. If you find anything weird happening with polymer and you can't find any other posts about it, this is the official thread to talk about it: http://forums.duke4....?showtopic=1333

User is offline   boosh 


View PostMicky C, on Mar 12 2010, 07:25 PM, said:

It's not that the the renderer switches, it's just that the fixed lights get turned off. Is light still being generated by fires/atomic healths/explosions? If so it's what I described. I just tested what you did myself and got the same thing.

What you need to remember is that polymer is not a finished renderer, there are still things missing and buggy. But rest assured there are people working on it.

I guess the only solution is not to change the graphics settings, but it's definitely not a dukeplus bug. If you find anything weird happening with polymer and you can't find any other posts about it, this is the official thread to talk about it: http://forums.duke4....?showtopic=1333

Thanks, Micky. That's exactly what's happening. Atomic health, fire, missiles, etc. still generate light, but the shadows and other lights disappear.

I'm messing with the video settings a lot trying to figure out what works best for my system. Once I get it there, I probably won't mess with it again.

Sorry this kinda got off topic. I wasn't sure if this was just a DukePlus issue or just a Polymer issue, and I didn't want to double post.

Thanks again, all.

User is offline   williamjcm 


View PostNorvak, on Feb 26 2010, 08:12 PM, said:


Check out these maps, that show some freaky bug-effects using DukePlus....


What do u thing about?

I tested the maps and I found the LFO map filled with useful effects like the platform going back and forth.

I may make 2 suggestions about DukePlus :
1) Is it possible to make weapons firing critical hits like in Team Fortress 2 : the more damage you make, the more chances you have to score critical hits and melee attacks (by default) deal crits more often. See what I mean here and Posted Image (source : TF2 Wiki).

2) Could you add a training map like TF2's tr_walkway (video here) ? I know it may be difficult to do a map like that but I love it !


This last idea really fits more in Duke Nukem Attrition.

User is offline   NF64 

  • Touched by the Banhammer


i still dont see why deeperthought hasnt put in the things from nuclear showdown mod into dukeplus. Like when you feel the power of the weapons (ex. when you fire a weapon, the screen bounces up a little) and the arcade machines (ex. when you could make playable arcade machines)

i would really like to see that stuff with dukeplus and the hrp/polymer (since nuclear showdown wasnt compatible with hrp) <_<

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