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Duke Plus  "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"

User is offline   gooost 


Yes, and again I start asking questions without previous googling.
I know that I tryed to do that far in the past and didnt work.
Much things happend since then.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I have uploaded some new unofficial code which fixes some bugs, including: altfire using up minigun ammo even when altfiring a different weapon, excessive damage from green blood pools, at least one other thing I can't remember.

EDIT: Damnit, I found a major bug that has been around since DP 2.07. For testing purposes, I had set the alien queens to all be player allies, but I forgot to revert that when I was done testing. I am uploading another full version of DP with updated code that has that fixed (or you can just download the latest code).

I guess this proves that no one plays episode 4.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 04 February 2010 - 10:09 AM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


 DeeperThought, on Feb 4 2010, 04:44 PM, said:

I guess this proves that no one plays episode 4.

No, I played it last week, but in the end I was too lazy to bother dealing with the queen.

User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!


I haven't played anything from Ep4 for a long long time Posted Image

User is offline   Lunick 


um sorry if this has already been answered before etc but imhaving a little problem with Duke Plus

Duke Plus works fine on my Laptop with Vista but doesnt work aswell with XP, when I load the game with XP, almost all the new art has changed to a black box, this includes any new guns (the laser pistal just changes to a normal pistol)

Please Help

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


It sounds like you're running the software renderer. Make sure you choose the 32-bit openGL renderer when starting eduke32.

Edit: if you can't run the openGL renderer for whatever reason, open up the dukeplus menu and select the restore classic defaults option.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 06 February 2010 - 08:47 PM


User is offline   Lunick 


 Micky C, on Feb 6 2010, 09:39 PM, said:

It sounds like you're running the software renderer. Make sure you choose the 32-bit openGL renderer when starting eduke32.

Edit: if you can't run the openGL renderer for whatever reason, open up the dukeplus menu and select the restore classic defaults option.

I tried the first option, no difference, tried the second option only restores Duke to normal game setting, doesnt fix black box problem

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Assuming you are in software rendering mode, the reason why some of the weapons are black boxes is because they are models and are not supported by the renderer. The only way to get rid of them is to use the original weapons and disable the openGL effects (in the effects menu) or use the openGL renderer. This goes the same with many other effects. There's really no way around it unfortunately, but there are still plenty of DukePlus effects that don't use those types of graphics.

If you are in openGL mode then the art files are probably missing.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 06 February 2010 - 09:11 PM


User is offline   Lunick 


View PostMicky C, on Feb 6 2010, 10:10 PM, said:

Assuming you are in software rendering mode, the reason why some of the weapons are black boxes is because they are models and are not supported by the renderer. The only way to get rid of them is to use the original weapons and disable the openGL effects (in the effects menu) or use the openGL renderer. This goes the same with many other effects. There's really no way around it unfortunately, but there are still plenty of DukePlus effects that don't use those types of graphics.

If you are in openGL mode then the art files are probably missing.

Thanks for trying, I will just play the game on my laptop, simple as that ;)

User is offline   gooost 


Guys, girls, whoever that played DukePlus in multiplayer, can you please check which version of Eduke you used, and maybe even which version of yang you used ?
Cant get DukePlus to work OK in multiplayer ;)
Downloaded newest DukePlus and EDuke that comes with it doesent even recognise/allow "-game_dir DukePlus" when launching multiplayer.
I guess you have stored your MP-working copies of DukePlus :P


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostNY00123, on Aug 16 2009, 09:43 PM, said:

While not really tested by me, here's a solution, though I consider it to be a workaround.
Steps 1,2 should be done by all players. Step 3 should be done by the host of the YANG room.

1. In YANG, configure the EDuke32 executable to be the eduke32.exe file from the dukeplus archive.
You may use an alternative executable if you're running Linux, for instance.
But it has to be in the same directory of dukeplus as before (but not the internal DukePlus directory wih EDUKE.CON file).

2. Prepare the duke3d.grp file in the same location as the EDuke32 executable.

3. To the host, start YANG. Load the "Create a room" dialog, and in the "Extra args for everyone:" text control, type:

-game_dir DukePlus

Now you should all be set.

If that still doesn't work you have screwed up your DukePlus install.
If it does work but the game behaves oddly then that means DukePlus is broken in MP and there is nothing that can be done about that other than CON fixes which won't be on DT's priority list.

User is offline   gooost 


I have found some older version of DukePlus that works fine in multiplayer with EDuke32 20091017 ;), although heavy RPG is disabled and it is the most interesting change. :P
Newest DukePlus still bugs me with Out of Sync..

This post has been edited by gooost: 07 February 2010 - 03:38 AM


User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!


Hey there. I've taken a break from working on my Voyager mod (not that you could tell I was, heh), and I've decided to pack up and release my BSG test map as a single mission 'mini-mod' of sorts. I've got a few things that I wanted to ask about, but most of those can wait for now. At the moment I was hoping you might be able to answer something relatively simple;

Can these new camera effects be activated on some kind of timer?

Ideally for this map, I'll end up having some kind of countdown visible for the duration of the mission, that indicates how many ships have escaped (the idea being to simply defend your own ship against incoming missiles while the civilian fleet jumps away in sequence). I would use camera effects to show each ship doing its jump, however I'd probably like to have these occur at 30 intervals... with maybe 6 separate camera sequences or so in total. The only problem is that the player will either be flying around in space randomly and shooting at things in the Skycar, or sitting still manning a modified DPCANNON acting as a railgun. So it's not like a traditional map where you're walking through corridors or linear areas that make activating cameras in succession easy.

I was thinking of something rudimentary like having a bunch of D+ touch plates activate on level load - the first one activating instantly for the opening cutscene, and the rest at 30 second, 60 second, 90 second intervals etc for each separate camera effect. But can a D+ touch plate activate a camera on a timed delay? I don't know, and it's probably a silly way to go about it anyway.

I've been reading up a LOT on various aspects of CON coding on the Eduke32 wiki recently, but this still is all still beyond me, so if anyone has any ideas, I'd really appreciate it ;)

User is offline   Stabs 


dp chains (picnum 920 / lotag 1 / yvel activation #) and a shooter my freind

2595 for pistol shot, set it up timed to fire at 30 / 60 / 90 intervals

pistols kills chain, chain activates cutscene


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


Minor bug :
The alternate firing mode of the freezer does not kill a slimer while it is gnawing off your nose.

In E2L9 the MP5 sometimes turns into a miniboss gun when picked up.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: overlord.jpg

This post has been edited by LeoD: 11 February 2010 - 06:10 AM


User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!


View PostDanM, on Feb 10 2010, 05:35 PM, said:

dp chains (picnum 920 / lotag 1 / yvel activation #) and a shooter my freind

2595 for pistol shot, set it up timed to fire at 30 / 60 / 90 intervals

pistols kills chain, chain activates cut scene


Wow, what a genius idea. That works perfectly... It'll take a fair bit of precise cut scene work and such to get it working exactly as intended, but that otherwise does the trick.

What I'll do is have 6 shooters (for 6 small cut scenes) in a line. In front of each shooter, there will be 2 chains back to back. The first of each chain is just a dud, which is destroyed at level load when the player triggers a DPTOUCHPLATE that activates all the timed shooters. That way, each shooter activates right up and kills that first 'dud' chain, and with their shade set to 2, each shooter will then fire its successive cut scene-activating shot at the desired interval later.

The reason I'm doing it that way is because the cut scenes will all involve a fair few models and animated textures (some with LOTS of frames), so I want to open the level in a way that let's the player view all these assets with ample time for the game to get over the stuttering and pausing involved with getting them loaded properly. I noticed while testing all this out that if the cut scene jumps straight to one of the intensive views (lots of explosions, a big sexy Galactica mesh) then the pauses would result in the cut scene starting about halfway through its track.

Not to worry, I'll get it all hammered out soon enough. Thanks again ;)

This post has been edited by Sobek: 11 February 2010 - 05:39 PM


User is offline   Stabs 


yeh good ol dud chains, if your shooter is on 30 timer 2 dud chains and and a real one would actually make it 90

I also thought of coding variables

Say if you reach a chasm it could have a cutscene saying to activate a bridge, BUT what if you never went to the chasm first and then activated the bridge got there and it activated a cutscene saying to do something you have already done?


you would make a door close blocking the shooter from ever reaching the chain, this door would close when you activate the bridge, if you have not activated the cutscene by approaching the chasm it would have no effect regardless

i think too much ;)

This post has been edited by DanM: 11 February 2010 - 05:59 PM



While this thread is up in the list, there's something I have been meaning to ask, how do I get a mod to run as well as DukePlus? I tried adding ïnclude dukeplus\eduke.con" in the con and ïnclude dukeplus\dukeplus.def" in the def, but it doesn't work properly (textures go missing from either dukeplus or what I am trying to run on top of it, or similar problem with con files).

This whole cutscene method is intriguing, reminds me of medieval machinery, I got around lag problems by having an opening cutscene that displayed something in a black room (in this case just a logo) but had models and textures shaded to black at the bottom of the room this was in, this seemed to fix it for me, though I don't think it's as flexible as the solution above and probably is not as efficient.

User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!


View PostDanM, on Feb 12 2010, 12:28 PM, said:

yeh good ol dud chains, if your shooter is on 30 timer 2 dud chains and and a real one would actually make it 90

I also thought of coding variables

Say if you reach a chasm it could have a cutscene saying to activate a bridge, BUT what if you never went to the chasm first and then activated the bridge got there and it activated a cutscene saying to do something you have already done?


you would make a door close blocking the shooter from ever reaching the chain, this door would close when you activate the bridge, if you have not activated the cutscene by approaching the chasm it would have no effect regardless

i think too much ;)

You can't think too much... I like that kind of creative thinking.

View PostHigh Treason, on Feb 12 2010, 01:43 PM, said:

While this thread is up in the list, there's something I have been meaning to ask, how do I get a mod to run as well as DukePlus? I tried adding ïnclude dukeplus\eduke.con" in the con and ïnclude dukeplus\dukeplus.def" in the def, but it doesn't work properly (textures go missing from either dukeplus or what I am trying to run on top of it, or similar problem with con files).

I was actually curious about something like this too. I've made some minor changes to D+ code (such as changing the DPCANNON's model, projectiles and sounds among other things), and I was trying to work out some way of incorporating only these changes into CONS within my mod directory that load AFTER D+ and overwrite just those relevant bits of D+ code, because obviously, having to track and modify D+ code changes with each release is tricky, not to mention it makes a bit of a mess when I have to package a 'DukePlus' directory with my mod to overwrite what someone already has installed. I recall DeeperThought talking about something similar to someone a little while back but I couldn't find the posts...

For your setup, couldn't you do something similar to what I have now? That is, take the DukePlus bat file and just add "-jDirectory" where 'Directory' is your mod's game dir. In my case, I have a folder called 'Voyager' in my Duke directory, so my batch file reads as below;

Eduke32.exe -game_dir DukePlus -jVoyager

And that seems to work fine. But I suppose it depends on how your mod is set up to begin with...

This post has been edited by Sobek: 11 February 2010 - 07:37 PM


User is offline   Stabs 


modify the eduke.con in the dukeplus dir to point to your custom cons, its works for most stuff

include DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON
include DukePlus/dpcons/DBIKE.CON
include DukePlus/dpcons/DNE.CON

thats how i have mine setup

User is offline   Klaymen 


First let me just say thanks to all you peeps who create this beautiful stuff for dn3d ;) Haven´t played the game in like 10 years and here I find all this. Great!

Anyway, Duke plus crashes for me. A lot. I´ve only tried two episodes, "the birth" which crashes after like a minute, and "shrapnel city" which crashes after maybe 10-15 minutes. I have the latest version of eduke, plus the updated files you provided some posts above. I have tried running with both "polymer_hrp" and "duke3d_hrp" but it crashes anyway. No other files in "autoload" folder.

Any known causes to these kind of random crashes?

I have win7 64-bit, phenom x4 955 3.2ghz, 4gb ddr2 and a radeon x1950 pro. It runs hrp+polymer perfectly fine without Duke plus, but I really enjoy what you´ve done with the game, so I would really like to find a solution. Any .cfg tricks you can think of that I can try, maybe something to turn off that´s know to cause conflicts?

This post has been edited by Klaymen: 12 February 2010 - 04:41 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostKlaymen, on Feb 12 2010, 04:40 PM, said:

First let me just say thanks to all you peeps who create this beautiful stuff for dn3d ;) Haven´t played the game in like 10 years and here I find all this. Great!

Anyway, Duke plus crashes for me. A lot. I´ve only tried two episodes, "the birth" which crashes after like a minute, and "shrapnel city" which crashes after maybe 10-15 minutes. I have the latest version of eduke, plus the updated files you provided some posts above. I have tried running with both "polymer_hrp" and "duke3d_hrp" but it crashes anyway. No other files in "autoload" folder.

Any known causes to these kind of random crashes?

I have win7 64-bit, phenom x4 955 3.2ghz, 4gb ddr2 and a radeon x1950 pro. It runs hrp+polymer perfectly fine without Duke plus, but I really enjoy what you´ve done with the game, so I would really like to find a solution. Any .cfg tricks you can think of that I can try, maybe something to turn off that´s know to cause conflicts?

There was an issue that I fixed yesterday which had caused crashes for at least one person, so make sure you download the latest unofficial code from the link in my sig if you haven't done so in the last day. If the latest code doesn't help, attach a copy of your eduke32.log in your next post. Also, I need to know whether the crashes occur when not using the Polymer renderer.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 12 February 2010 - 06:50 PM


User is offline   Klaymen 


Ok, sorry, it seems like it is the polymer render and not Duke plus that crashes. When I first tried playing polymer without Duke plus I played for like 15 min and then quit the game, thinking it was working. Tried again now on a different episode and it crashed after a few minutes. Tried Duke plus without polymer and it seems to be working. Guess I´ll have to try doing some tweaking with polymer.

User is offline   williamjcm 


View PostKlaymen, on Feb 13 2010, 01:40 AM, said:

I have tried running with both "polymer_hrp" and "duke3d_hrp" but it crashes anyway. No other files in "autoload" folder.

The install instructions for Polymer HRP say that you must only have polymer_hrp.zip in your autoload folder.

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View Postwilliamjcm, on Feb 15 2010, 05:50 AM, said:

The install instructions for Polymer HRP say that you must only have polymer_hrp.zip in your autoload folder.

No one reads ReadMe's these days, what are you talking about. ;)

But I think that he meant he tried each one individually and not at the same time.

User is offline   Sobek 

  • There's coffee in that nebula!


Just a quick question if I may - with the Lotag 107 Transition effect, is an XVEL of -1 (10 seconds) as long as it can delay for? Would -2 create a 20 second delay?

It's no big deal, I'm just testing something and the 107 Transition works best. I suppose I can just use a 105 Sleeper with an XVEL of 520 (for 20 seconds).

User is offline   Stabs 


a chain, shooter, and cutscene would still work well for that effect

just add an extra of 4 to the last camera and give it a tic of 1, delay the shooter activation with a dud chain
your first camera can contain the fade out part with an extra of 1

is it possible to get the O "noise" sprite effect able to activate via a corresponding lotag number?

User is offline   necroslut 


I think I've found a few DP bugs...
If you pick up a "better" weapon (with "change weapon on pickup" on) while holding an object with the gravity gun alt fire, you will lower the grav gun but the object will still hover in front of you untill you press fire.

In DPCBP map, you can't turn off "BFG replaces devastator", which I'm quite sure isn't how it's supposed to be because the map is older than the BFG.
Last, if you try to save while close to one of those portals in DPCBP, the game crashes. This might not be DP related though, I just thought I'd mention it.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postnecroslut, on Feb 15 2010, 03:07 AM, said:

Last, if you try to save while close to one of those portals in DPCBP, the game crashes. This might not be DP related though, I just thought I'd mention it.

That sounds like an EDuke32 bug that was fixed a while back. Are you using the eduke32.exe included with DP, or are you using an older one?


Playing "Aquatic Hive" with DukePlus, there's a spot that cause a fatal error. Dunno if it's related to DP code or Eduke32. Log follows:

EDuke32 2.0.0devel 20100107
Application parameters: -gAHIVE.GRP -jDukePlus -hdukeplus.def -xEDUKE.CON -map HYDRHIVE.MAP 
Using DEF file: dukeplus.def.
Using CON file 'EDUKE.CON'.
addsearchpath(): Added C:/Duke3d/
addsearchpath(): Added DukePlus/
OS: Windows XP (5.1.2600) Service Pack 2
Large page support available
Loading opengl32.dll
Loading glu32.dll
Initializing DirectDraw...
Using config file 'eduke32.cfg'.
Scanning for GRP files...
addsearchpath(): Added C:/Duke3d/DukePlus/
Using group file 'duke3d.grp' as main group file.
Using group file 'DukePlus/DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES.zip'.
Using group file 'DukePlus/old cons.zip'.
Using group file 'AHIVE.GRP'.
Compiling: EDUKE.CON (36 bytes)
Including: DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON (396324 bytes)
Using DEF file: dukeplus.def.
Wrote eduke32.cfg
Wrote eduke32_binds.cfg
Using config file 'DukePlus/dp.cfg'.
Including: DEFS.CON (35992 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (45711 bytes)
Including: DukePlus/dpcons/DEFSPLUS.CON (53232 bytes)
Including: DukePlus/dpcons/USERPLUS.CON (57221 bytes)
Including: DukePlus/dpcons/LIGHTS.CON (25697 bytes)
Including: DukePlus/dpcons/HUDPLUS.CON (66028 bytes)
Including: DukePlus/dpcons/PLAYERPLUS.CON (124439 bytes)
Including: DukePlus/dpcons/MONSTERPLUS.CON (226289 bytes)
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON: In actor `EXPLOSION2':
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:7670: warning: found local gamevar `framerate' used within an actor; expect multiplayer synchronization issues.
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON: In event `EVENT_EGS':
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:13500: warning: found local gamevar `framerate' used within a synced event; expect multiplayer synchronization issues.
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:13500: warning: found local gamevar `framerate' used within a synced event; expect multiplayer synchronization issues.
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON: In event `EVENT_GAME':
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:16211: warning: found local gamevar `framerate' used within a synced event; expect multiplayer synchronization issues.
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:16211: warning: found local gamevar `framerate' used within a synced event; expect multiplayer synchronization issues.
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:16687: warning: found `setplayer' within a local event.
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:16688: warning: found `setplayer' within a local event.
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:16974: warning: found `ifsound' outside of a local event.
DukePlus/dpcons/DUKEPLUS.CON:16982: warning: found `ifsound' outside of a local event.
Found 9 warning(s), 0 error(s).
Resizing code buffer to 111607*4 bytes
Relocating compiled code from to 0x7f850014 to 0xaaaac44
Script compiled in 106ms
Compiled code size: 111599*4 bytes, version 1.4+
Pointer bitmap size: 13951 bytes
2876/11264 labels, 684/2048 variables
298/16384 quotes, 46 quote redefinitions
37/88 event definitions, 417 defined actors
Using level: '/HYDRHIVE.MAP'.
Initialized 32.0M cache
Loading 'dukeplus.def'
Warning: Failed including duke3d.def on line dukeplus.def:1
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/characters/1405_duke.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2524_pistol.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2530_clip.md3"
Warning: Failed loading MD2/MD3 model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2532_cliphand.md3"
Definitions file 'dukeplus.def' loaded.
RTS file DUKE.RTS was not found
Initializing OSD...
Switching kb layout from 00000410 to 00000409
Initializing DirectInput...
  - Enumerating attached input devices
	* MOUSE: Mouse
	* KEYBOARD: Tastiera
Executing "DukePlus/dp_binds.cfg"
Setting video mode 640x480 (32-bit windowed)
Enabling ATI FBO color attachment workaround.
OpenGL Information:
 Version:  1.3.4581 WinXP Release
 Vendor:   ATI Technologies Inc.
 Renderer: RADEON 9200 Series DDR x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2
Cache contains 30091438 bytes of garbage data
Initializing music...
Initializing sound...
Cache time: 4516ms
EOF: EDuke32
Cache time: 642ms
Fatal Signal caught: SIGSEGV. Bailing out.
 253 16 388
97511: 13489 ifvarn  388 -1
97514: 43786 ssp 
97515: 31337 { 
97516: 13491 getactor  388 6 399
97520: 13492 ifvare  399 0
97523: 43786 ifstrength 
97524: 13492 ifvare 
97525:	 4 guniqhudid  382 4 675
97529: 43786 ifstrength 
97530: 13492 setvar  399 6
97533: 13493 setactor  253 6 399
97537: 13495 getactor  253 16 388
97541: 13498 ifvarl 
97542:	 4 guniqhudid  253 9 20
97546: 43786 checkavailweapon 
97547: 31337 { current actor: 434 (2286)
g_errorLineNum: 13492, g_tw: 125
Uninitializing DirectInput...
Wrote DukePlus/dp.cfg
Wrote DukePlus/dp_binds.cfg
Uninitializing DirectDraw...


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