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Duke Plus  "feedback and general discussion of Duke Plus"

User is offline   SFJake 


View PostDeeperThought, on Jan 7 2010, 11:59 AM, said:

Here's the changelog for version 2.07 so far:

BFG replacement for devastator (and removed shotgun devastator option)
the holoduke option now spawns a helpful bot instead of what it did before


I know the version isn't out yet but,

Why are you removing options to replace them with others? A Duke Bot is way too much out of a holoduke, love the current one, but you are replacing it completely? Same as Devastator. Not sure what the BFG is, but I always hated the weapon, yet dual rapid fire shotgun is so damn satisfying to use.

I don't understand why they have to go away just because more is added.

This post has been edited by SFJake: 07 January 2010 - 05:45 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostSFJake, on Jan 7 2010, 05:44 PM, said:

I know the version isn't out yet but,

Why are you removing options to replace them with others? A Duke Bot is way too much out of a holoduke, love the current one, but you are replacing it completely? Same as Devastator. Not sure what the BFG is, but I always hated the weapon, yet dual rapid fire shotgun is so damn satisfying to use.

I don't understand why they have to go away just because more is added.

In all of the time those features have existed, I think you are the first person to mention them at all (except for one person who recently expressed dislike for the shotgun devastator mode). I always assumed that people either ignored those features or didn't like them. Leaving those options in while adding the new ones is more work for me, at a time when I'm trying to tie up loose ends and move on. In Duke Plus, every weapon and inventory item has a regular version and one optional version, and I'd like to keep it that way. It's hard enough to manage as it is.

As for the holoduke being overpowered if it spawns a Duke bot: There's lots of options in Duke Plus which can make the game easier or harder. If you think it's overpowered, then don't use it, or use some other option to compensate (like advanced AI). HoloDukes are a rare item, so when I get one I want it to be very useful.

User is offline   SFJake 


My point is, not using say, the Duke Bot, means I'm now back to a very much useless Holyduke I never used.

I don't see what would be wrong with multiple options for weapons, you already can have a normal chaingun, a chaingun with overheat or the new one.

I certainly understand the need for more work, though I have no idea how is the coding around this. If there are more people interested in keeping them in, I'd ask you to reconsider doing it, but if I'm really the only that cares then lets just forget it, I'm not the only one playing this.

So, for now, its staying as it is, so about the HoloBot: When I put bots in the game, they tend to just spam big weapons and annihilate too much stuff. If the holoduke spawned a dukebot with only basic weaponry (nothing stronger than shotgun or chaingun), then it might be fun and "balanced". Or an option to choose the most powerful weapons bots (dukebots included) can have, but thats still more work.

I know you can make the game easier and harder through a lot of settings, and its at the hardest possible for me already, but I don't want to sacrifice options just because they are too strong. RPG-bots on command -is- overkill, don't you think?

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostSFJake, on Jan 7 2010, 07:19 PM, said:

I know you can make the game easier and harder through a lot of settings, and its at the hardest possible for me already, but I don't want to sacrifice options just because they are too strong. RPG-bots on command -is- overkill, don't you think?

An RPG bot spawned by a holoduke is problematic because it might be a map where the player is not supposed to have explosives yet, and the bot might blow up walls that aren't supposed to be destroyed yet (not to mention that he'll drop the RPG when he dies). Other than that, I don't think it's a big deal.

User is offline   VinsaneOne 


View PostSFJake, on Jan 7 2010, 10:19 PM, said:

I certainly understand the need for more work, though I have no idea how is the coding around this. If there are more people interested in keeping them in, I'd ask you to reconsider doing it, but if I'm really the only that cares then lets just forget it, I'm not the only one playing this.

I happen to love that shotgun mode for the devastator in tight spots with many close targets. This is why I would rather make a fresh game directory for new versions and still be able to go back to the versions I like best. You know, maybe we should make a poll on favorite weapons and such. Like that lazer pistol when shot at a mirror, bounce off and hit targets around corners using the proper angle. Also find lots of use alt firing the freezer gun, bouncing ice balls off walls through an open door and killing enemys before you even enter the room.
Yea, DT, most times you hear only complaints or bugs in stuff. Guess if more of us let you know what we like to use, and how we use it, you'd have a better idea whats worth keeping or not.
The poll might help...

User is offline   Stabs 


like the new rail gun & explosion are looking kickass with random stuff now , and lovin the new laser gun :lol: gw gambini

the 508 worked like a charm, and my only suggestion for the bfg, is perhaps make the single shot cost 2 ammo per shot, and the bfg attack takes the full 100, its just so epicley over powered, i love it, but i think it should be something you manage to do once in a blue moon if prepare for it, i think thats an excellent incentive for it

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 7 2010, 11:38 PM, said:

like the new rail gun & explosion are looking kickass with random stuff now , and lovin the new laser gun :lol: gw gambini

the 508 worked like a charm, and my only suggestion for the bfg, is perhaps make the single shot cost 2 ammo per shot, and the bfg attack takes the full 100, its just so epicley over powered, i love it, but i think it should be something you manage to do once in a blue moon if prepare for it, i think thats an excellent incentive for it

I have reduced the max ammo amount to 50, and increased the cost of the big shot from 10 to 20. By the way, you can hit the big power ball with the primary fire and cause it to detonate (kind of like the UT shock rifles). I may change it so that if it detonates on a wall, the explosion isn't as big.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I heard that you were accepting requests for mappers? I looked through the DukePlus map effects and couldn't find a way to make something activate when all the monsters in a sector/sectors are killed. It would be great to have a door or something open when you've killed all the monsters in the room!

I know there's a feature similar to this for a single monster by setting its YVEL, perhaps it's already possible to to activate something when all the monsters with the same YVEL are killed?

All I know is that this would be an awesome feature for the map I'm working on.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostMicky C, on Jan 8 2010, 04:01 PM, said:

I heard that you were accepting requests for mappers? I looked through the DukePlus map effects and couldn't find a way to make something activate when all the monsters in a sector/sectors are killed. It would be great to have a door or something open when you've killed all the monsters in the room!

I know there's a feature similar to this for a single monster by setting its YVEL, perhaps it's already possible to to activate something when all the monsters with the same YVEL are killed?

All I know is that this would be an awesome feature for the map I'm working on.

Yes, I have that feature in WGR2 and I was already planning to add it to Duke Plus. It will be in 2.07

User is offline   Stabs 


there is a slight problem with quoter activation by monsters, i just cant seem to get the picture and text to work, text comes up fine, iam not sure how to solve this as i understand whats causing it (not having a lotag of 2 for picture quotes)

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 8 2010, 06:08 PM, said:

there is a slight problem with quoter activation by monsters, i just cant seem to get the picture and text to work, text comes up fine, iam not sure how to solve this as i understand whats causing it (not having a lotag of 2 for picture quotes)

The problem is that lotag is doing double duty. Normally lotag 2 means it is a picture quoter, but lotag is used as the activation number in monster activated quoters, so there is no way to specify that it is a picture quoter if you use monster activation. Unfortunately, all the tags are used for something, so something has to be sacrificed. And keep in mind it has to continue to work in existing maps, so I can't just rewrite the code to use the tags differently, unless it is consistent with the old use.

How about this: Normally hitag is the quote number, or the tile number of the picture you want displayed. If it is a monster activated quoter (lotag>3) and you want it to show a picture, add 10000 to the hitag (so if you want it to display RPGSPRITE, you would give it a hitag of 10023). Hopefully, maps can store hitags of up to 32767.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 08 January 2010 - 06:22 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Download the latest unofficial cons (link in my sig) for the quoter fix I described above, as well as group monster activation. Group monster activation works like this (copied from the wgr2 mapster help):

zvel = group number (see below)

Groups: If a monster is part of a group, then it will not activate its yvel tag when it dies, unless all of the other monsters of the same group are already dead. These means you can create a situation where the player has to kill an entire group of monsters in order to activate something. The tag that gets activated is the one belonging to the last monster that dies (normally you would give the same yvel to every monster in the group, but this isn't strictly necessary). Group number are global. That means that there can only be one group of that number in the entire episode. If you use zvel 1 on a group of monsters in level 1, then you must not use group 1 in level 2, etc.

User is offline   Stabs 


that should be fine, i am only using 1 tile (899) with 5 - 6 pictures stacked on it with diff pal values, :lol:

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


By the way people, unless you have the latest DP beta with the new graphics (currently only DanM has it), DO NOT use the latest unofficial code, because you will get black boxes for the BFG and the new explosions (and maybe some other stuff I'm forgetting).

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I tried it out and the group monster activation works a charm. I was wondering if it's also possible for it to activate SEENINEs with the same hightag as the yvel? Although what I have in mind for it at the moment is purely for aesthetic value, so this is more of a suggestion rather than a request and ignore it if it can't/won't be included.

User is offline   Marcho 



Hello,I have played your game modifaction ¨Dukeplus" (since from version 1.95 to 2.06) and i have seen you use code from your other game (WGR2) and it´s fantastic!I have played that too and i wan´t to see how you use code from other games.
RED = Weapon/Vehicle (Optional)
LIGHT BLUE = Game effect (optional or not)
GRAY = Bug fix

-Grenade launcher
(I have seen pig cops using this but mostly its rare,this could be dropped from them)
FIRE1:Shoots a Grenade projectile
ALT-FIRE: Reloads

(I have seen in your WGR2 trailer using the old sprite of the latest flamethrower.
This could be dropped randomly from any enemy but with small change 7%
FIRE1:Throws flame rapidly (could take 5 points of ammo with every throw)
ALT-FIRE : Throws a huge fireball which toastes almost everything in a large range (could take half of the ammo)

-Gibbing system fix
(The latest release of DP brings the new gibbing system from WGR 2
still it needs fixing.After blowing up an alien you can see how wonderfuly the blood flies.
BUT you can´t grab the gibs with optional "Grab" effect and with the OPT. Gravitygun.Needs to be fixed

-Driveable L.A.R.D Tank
I have seen this on the Lord Misfit´s mod : Naferia´s Reign and it´s really amazing.I think you should chit-chat with him about the code...and might use it on DP
FIRE1: Shoots laser projectiles
ALT-FIRE: Launches Grenade projectiles
Health/Armor : 300

-Floor mirrors
As seen in the Beta version of duke nukem 3D (aka. Lameduke)This effect could be really useful and amazing to use in the latest build engine
here is a video of this

Hmm..The burning effect in WGR 2 gave me a idea.Flaregun.This could be dropped by Assault tropeers.
Flaregun shoots an flare which emits light (Polymer effect) and can be used as a weapon.Flare can inginite enemies (like in wgr2)
FIRE1:Shoots a flare which burns and emits light (also burns enemies) could take 5 points of ammo
ALT-FIRE:Shoots a flare that explodes on impact,generating huge amounts of fire (could take 1/3 of ammo)

- Improved Recon Car Crash
After taking down a Recon Car it could do a more cooler "Mayday!" - landing.
It could burst a wave of fire and then a small area could start on fire.

ps.Keep up the good work! :lol:


User is offline   Stabs 


View PostMicky C, on Jan 8 2010, 04:01 PM, said:

I heard that you were accepting requests for mappers? I looked through the DukePlus map effects and couldn't find a way to make something activate when all the monsters in a sector/sectors are killed. It would be great to have a door or something open when you've killed all the monsters in the room!

I know there's a feature similar to this for a single monster by setting its YVEL, perhaps it's already possible to to activate something when all the monsters with the same YVEL are killed?

All I know is that this would be an awesome feature for the map I'm working on.

lolwell i worked out a way to do that with door activation and a shooter, 6 doors, one activated per enemy, once all 6 doors are activated at the end is a monster (no longer blocked by closed doors) which is shot and killed by the shooter and opens a door


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 9 2010, 06:14 AM, said:

lolwell i worked out a way to do that with door activation and a shooter, 6 doors, one activated per enemy, once all 6 doors are activated at the end is a monster (no longer blocked by closed doors) which is shot and killed by the shooter and opens a door


That's clever and hilarious! The monster is like a sacrificial lamb. But obviously you'll want to do it the easy way, now, as it will save you work and save map resources.

User is offline   Stabs 


ill def be replacing some parts with that new code, now i got monsters activated quoters i can use that trick minus the doors to create a string of dialog at my leisure, though it would be great if i could get something that dosnt add to kill count but still can activate a quoter when destroyed, like a barrell or something, then i could use a pistol with single shot with a 7 second delay between shots

there is one problem i found with it, the high res blood is missing and i use it quite a bit for detail, i used it quite a bit in TTA2 aswell

if its too much hassle to relocate those new weapon tiles for it ill find another way

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 9 2010, 08:13 PM, said:

ill def be replacing some parts with that new code, now i got monsters activated quoters i can use that trick minus the doors to create a string of dialog at my leisure, though it would be great if i could get something that dosnt add to kill count but still can activate a quoter when destroyed, like a barrell or something, then i could use a pistol with single shot with a 7 second delay between shots

there is one problem i found with it, the high res blood is missing and i use it quite a bit for detail, i used it quite a bit in TTA2 aswell

if its too much hassle to relocate those new weapon tiles for it ill find another way

Currently you can use DPCHAIN (tile 92) to activate stuff, just give it a yvel and it will activate upon destruction, but it only works if you shoot it with a bullet weapon. Any of the switches (LIGHTSWITCH, DIPSWITCH, etc) will also activate quoters and other stuff when used, if you set their yvel (apparently they are currently set up to cause the activation each time you hit the switch, which might be bad and I can change that if need be). Any of the cracks, CRACK1 through CRACK4 will activate stuff when blown up (set yvel on the crack sprites). You could even make the cracks invisible and put them next to an explosive barrel or something.

If you look in tiles024, you'll notice that 8-bit versions of those blood splashes are still there, in tiles 6284-6287. However, 32 bit versions (which were defined on different tile numbers) were recently commented out. I will put them back in, but now they will be at the same tile numbers as the 8-bit versions:

//blood splashes
texture 6284 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/0013bck.png" } }
texture 6285 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/0013bck2.png" } }
texture 6286 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/0013bck3.png" } }
texture 6287 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/0013bck4.png" } }
texture 6288 { pal 0 { file "DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES/GRAPHICS/BLOOD/cblood1.png" } }

User is offline   Stabs 


chain works brillantly

ive tried using rockets on the shooter (2611) but it will always make noise no matter where u are in the lvl, so i just use 2959 i think, the normal pistol one

User is offline   MQDuck 


How do you get your health to be displayed while using DukePlus. And, for that matter, why can't I find anyone else who's ever asked this question?

User is offline   Stabs 


press the - key :lol:


DukePlus is pretty impressive indeed. Incorporating its own abilities, as well as adding a few others found in games like Blood, Shadow Warrior, and Redneck Rampage.

I'm working with a few others to get eRedneck working correctly, and many things found in DP is native to Redneck, such as pushable sectors, Swap explosion sectors, ladders, etc.

Will DP be incorporated into eDuke32 eventually instead of being an addon?

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostAndrew Hunt, on Jan 11 2010, 09:10 AM, said:

DukePlus is pretty impressive indeed. Incorporating its own abilities, as well as adding a few others found in games like Blood, Shadow Warrior, and Redneck Rampage.

I'm working with a few others to get eRedneck working correctly, and many things found in DP is native to Redneck, such as pushable sectors, Swap explosion sectors, ladders, etc.

Will DP be incorporated into eDuke32 eventually instead of being an addon?

Thanks! But actually, the DP mod does not have pushable sectors, and I'm not sure what you mean by "swap explosion sectors". Maybe you mean to say sprites? DP will definitely not be incorporated into EDuke32. While EDuke32 does fix bugs with the original Duke Nukem 3D, and adds many enhancements, it stays true to the graphics and gameplay of the original game, while DP does not. Also, EDuke32 is platform for many other mods and TCs, and a lot of the stuff in DP would interfere with them.


Good call.

And yeah the explosion swappable sectors, is in Redneck. For example, their gas stations, you can enter them as a whole building, but when you shoot the gaspump, the entire building will blow up. In makemap, basically it will be another sector off in a corner somewhere with sprite tags (explosion I think) that is special to redneck that will replace the original sectors with the new sectors.

Really weird, but cool. More advanced than raising a SE-13 and pointing it down.

Its a fun addon, but I don't think I'll be altering my level editing style for it until you have finished most of it. I like playing with quirky tricks on the build engine such as multiple stage elevators and see through water, and sector over sector with a hole you can see the sector below.

and good ol "se0trick.map"

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


There's not much more that I plan to do with DP after the next release.

User is offline   Stabs 


all i can think of is add that portal effect from wgr2, be nice to have that

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDanM, on Jan 11 2010, 11:04 PM, said:

all i can think of is add that portal effect from wgr2, be nice to have that

Last time I checked it doesn't work in Polymer, so it would do you no good.

User is offline   Stabs 


is it possible tho i could get an SE that just makes the player look forward without any controls / no weapons view for a set amount of time defined by a xvel value, yvel for another controlling angle, and zvel links it the next one in the chain, all link by hitag values

the extra bit could define the transition , fade to, instant between cameras. i think i could create some half-descent cutscenes with something like that.

but is this possible? i dont know ;)

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