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Duke3D HRP: new/updated art assets thread  "Post and discuss new or updated textures/models for the HRP here"

User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostRellik, on May 20 2010, 04:18 AM, said:

rather than brighten the the whole thing, What you want to do is create a glow map so only the parts you want glowing will glow

Ahh yes it simple when you put it that way ... I don't know what I was thinking id already made a glowmap for the buttons , it goes on the same thing
I should be able to do that no probs

Though you shouldn't darken the metal. like what you did , but that was most likely for an example so thanks

User is offline   Mark 


That part on the machine you pointed to is the door handle that the vending guy uses to open up the machine. The whole front opens just like a refrigerator door.

This post has been edited by Marked: 19 May 2010 - 03:33 PM


User is offline   Gambini 


sorry for the dumb question but how i can download the latest unofficial updates posted here without installing that ¨Tortoise¨
thing? I may have been told how to, but i just dont recall :(

User is offline   ReaperMan 


View Postozz, on May 19 2010, 04:25 AM, said:

Posted Image

That thing on the vending machine is where you put dollar bills in, should look like a black slot with some labels on it.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Look here before you start screwing around with the vending machine's glow maps.

User is offline   Rellik 


View Postozz, on May 19 2010, 02:21 PM, said:

Though you shouldn't darken the metal. like what you did , but that was most likely for an example so thanks

That was intentional, I wanted to demonstrate what it would look if you saw it in a dark room with the glow maps. I didn't feel like loading it into the game to take a screen shot.

The whole purpose of glow maps is to create the "feel" that a texture is lit from within at a constant brightness, regardless of what the surrounding environment brightness levels are. I feel that the colored plastic parts and the buttons are "lit from within" but the metal is not.

@Hendricks266: Out of curiosity, was the glow map example I made for the vending machine appropriate?

This post has been edited by Rellik: 19 May 2010 - 08:33 PM


User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostRellik, on May 20 2010, 02:25 PM, said:

That was intentional, I wanted to demonstrate what it would look if you saw it in a dark room with the glow maps. I didn't feel like loading it into the game to take a screen shot.

The whole purpose of glow maps is to create the "feel" that a texture is lit from within at a constant brightness, regardless of what the surrounding environment brightness levels are. I feel that the colored plastic parts and the buttons are "lit from within" but the metal is not.

Yeah i overlooked that, I get what you were trying to show ...my bad :(

User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostReaperMan, on May 20 2010, 10:44 AM, said:

That thing on the vending machine is where you put dollar bills in, should look like a black slot with some labels on it.

isn't the thing that you put the dollar bills directly above this?

for all I know it could just be a logo for the vending machine or maybe another coin slot or something this tile doesn't make a whole lot of sense

a very similar cola machine is used in shadow warrior , except it doesn't have that part of the machine...

makes me wonder if it was a mistake

User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostMarked, on May 20 2010, 09:33 AM, said:

That part on the machine you pointed to is the door handle that the vending guy uses to open up the machine. The whole front opens just like a refrigerator door.

That makes the most sense!

User is offline   Night Wolf 


This is a quick experiment I threw together...
is it OK like this or should I lessen its glow?
Posted Image

User is offline   Rellik 


I like it.

It's gonna look even better once normal and spec maps are applied.

The neat thing will be that the machine will go out when you break it since the broken state will not have a glow map.

This post has been edited by Rellik: 19 May 2010 - 11:10 PM


User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostRellik, on May 20 2010, 05:07 PM, said:

I like it.

It's gonna look even better once normal and spec maps are applied.

The neat thing will be that the machine will go out when you break it since the broken state will not have a glow map.

it would be awesome if there was a way to make the machine cast a light source like the switches do but a white light .. probably not possible though

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


you could stash a small red and blue light in front of the machine, but unless you can tie it to the unbroken texture somehow, it will remain on when the machine is busted.

Also, lots of lights in game will kill your framerate till Polymer is optimised.

User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostTea Monster, on May 20 2010, 09:47 PM, said:

you could stash a small red and blue light in front of the machine, but unless you can tie it to the unbroken texture somehow, it will remain on when the machine is busted.

Also, lots of lights in game will kill your framerate till Polymer is optimised.

How did polymer light get on the switches couldn't the same thing be applied to the machine ... it would only need a very slight glow just enough to light up the floor and walls around it...

also yeah lighting does kill framerate hopefully lighting wont be so heavy on framerate in future.

Anyway here's a preview of what I've done
Posted Image


User is offline   Jinroh 


Looking great Ozz. :( The texture for broken looks really cool.

User is offline   Night Wolf 


I might change the name Dr Zepper to Dr Proton based off Rellik's idea...
I think that's not a bad idea since its duke related and a spin on Dr. Pepper
I also changed the name "Cola" to "Duke Cola"
keeping Duke Plus in mind

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postozz, on May 20 2010, 07:30 AM, said:

I also changed the name "Cola" to "Duke Cola"
keeping Duke Plus in mind

On the cola machine itself? I may be in the minority here, but I don't think that's a good idea. Having his name on the cans it dispenses in the DukePlus mod is one thing, but putting it prominently on a commonly used texture is another. I know there is already a Duke Burger in the original game, but with the addition of the cola it's going to seem like he's a big time tycoon who owns half the planet.

User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostDeeperThought, on May 21 2010, 01:03 AM, said:

On the cola machine itself? I may be in the minority here, but I don't think that's a good idea. Having his name on the cans it dispenses in the DukePlus mod is one thing, but putting it prominently on a commonly used texture is another. I know there is already a Duke Burger in the original game, but with the addition of the cola it's going to seem like he's a big time tycoon who owns half the planet.

yeah that's what I originally thought about...
Should I just keep them all basic like I've already done?
just trying to keep everyone happy

User is offline   Spiker 


View PostDeeperThought, on May 20 2010, 04:03 PM, said:

I know there is already a Duke Burger in the original game, but with the addition of the cola it's going to seem like he's a big time tycoon who owns half the planet.

I'm a king of the world baby! :(

User is offline   Rellik 


View Postozz, on May 20 2010, 06:09 AM, said:

How did polymer light get on the switches couldn't the same thing be applied to the machine ... it would only need a very slight glow just enough to light up the floor and walls around it...

The switch glows are hard coded currently.

Also, possibly related (but likely not, anything is possible w/ the right code) is that switches are sprites, not wall textures which the soda machines are.

View Postozz, on May 20 2010, 09:14 AM, said:

yeah that's what I originally thought about...
Should I just keep them all basic like I've already done?
just trying to keep everyone happy

I dunno, there's a lot at work here.

Since the machine is a generic machine with no branding on the front, you would expect a generic soda to come out. But it depends on whose filling the machine.

I'm partial to my Atomic Cola brand to keep with the theme, but that's just me. Funny thing is I originally went with Nuka Cola as a tribute to Fallout. Another idea is that Dr. Proton has founded a competing cola company to compete with Duke.

Is Duke a Tycoon? Is he really that big? What would the game creators say? I lean towards most definitely yes. If you've been following the DNF leaked materials, there is a lot to suggest that Duke is a Tycoon of sorts, and the ego to match.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


There is a lot of stuff in the DNF notes to indicate that he made out quite well (and got rich too :( ) from the first invasion. He owns a casino IIRC. So, having saved the Earth, he might have got a few sponsorship deals out of that! :(

I'll try to whip up a normal map tomorrow for the soda machine.

Here is the progress with the pistol so far. Texture is just a place-holder. But this is the low-poly with the normal map on top, so this is kind of what it might look like in game.
Repeat, the texture is just a place-holder.
Attached Image: dukepistol_014_lp.jpg Attached Image: dukepistol_015_lp.jpg Attached Image: dukepistol_013_lp.jpg

User is offline   Spiker 


Great work Tea Monster!

Also I have a question about creating normal maps in blender for textures. How do you do it? Do you load an image and create a plane so that it matches it and later subdivide it multiple times and manipulate with verticles to have the desired shape? If so what's next?

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostTea Monster, on May 20 2010, 02:28 PM, said:

There is a lot of stuff in the DNF notes to indicate that he made out quite well (and got rich too :( ) from the first invasion. He owns a casino IIRC. So, having saved the Earth, he might have got a few sponsorship deals out of that! :(

Good point, but this is still the HRP for the original Duke 3D, not a sequel.

Can hardly wait for the new pistol, it looks great so far!

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


View PostSpiker, on May 20 2010, 02:42 PM, said:

Great work Tea Monster!

Also I have a question about creating normal maps in blender for textures. How do you do it? Do you load an image and create a plane so that it matches it and later subdivide it multiple times and manipulate with verticles to have the desired shape? If so what's next?


Pretty much. Here's how I've started the cola machine. I get a large image for the background. You can either blow up the original tile in PS if there isn't already a replacement, or if there is (as in this case) you can just get a large version of the tile.

Open Blender, go to View-> Background Image and load the tile. Set the Blend in the pop-up box to 0.00 so you can see it clearly. Then start boxing in your basic shapes, tracing over the tile. You don't need to get too funky with the modelling. Just basic shapes should do fine. Remember to bevel in at the top of the shape so you get a better bake.

Attached Image: duketilescreen01.jpg

You can do your baking in Blender, but you have to swap over the channels in PS or GIMP to get a decent normal map as Blenders channels are flipped. I think its both red and green, but I can't remember just at the moment and it's just shy of midnight here. I'll get the details of the baking process tomorrow. I was going to make a second plane and do a projection uv map and bake them out that way.

For the pistol, I've used a great utility called X-Normal which is a freeware tool that does more baking than Betty Crocker packing a pulse rifle.

User is offline   Spiker 


Hhmm I'm surprised you still use the old version of Blender :(

Anyway thanks for this explanation, yeah it would be nice to have more details, especially about these chanels and baking process itself.

Now I have 3 days off so this is something I'd like to look into :( For me it's 0:36! Time to sleep now, goodnight :(

User is offline   Night Wolf 


View PostTea Monster, on May 21 2010, 07:28 AM, said:

There is a lot of stuff in the DNF notes to indicate that he made out quite well (and got rich too :( ) from the first invasion. He owns a casino IIRC. So, having saved the Earth, he might have got a few sponsorship deals out of that! :(

I'll try to whip up a normal map tomorrow for the soda machine.

Just don't do that until I submit the final design as I've changed the part at the bottom ever so slightly it was a tiny bit off the originals. I'll most likely post it up on here later today.

Hmmm about the labels again ... if that's true that would mean he became famous after duke 3d , although he does have his face on a billboard in E3L5... but nothing other then that really.
so he probably wouldn't have his own cola label yet.
I might just leave them basic for now that way it doesn't really matter.

what about this Dr. Proton idea? anyone have any thoughts on this.

also that pistol is looking great! can't wait to see it in game

User is offline   ReaperMan 


View Postozz, on May 20 2010, 02:44 AM, said:

isn't the thing that you put the dollar bills directly above this?

for all I know it could just be a logo for the vending machine or maybe another coin slot or something this tile doesn't make a whole lot of sense

a very similar cola machine is used in shadow warrior , except it doesn't have that part of the machine...

makes me wonder if it was a mistake

Maybe your right but on all the vending machines ive seen the slot for dollar bills is black.

User is offline   Night Wolf 


1215_g (Glow map) / 1215 / 1217
Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

User is offline   Rellik 


The Dr. Zepper label seems off in the glow map

View Postozz, on May 20 2010, 06:16 PM, said:

Just don't do that until I submit the final design as I've changed the part at the bottom ever so slightly it was a tiny bit off the originals. I'll most likely post it up on here later today.

Hmmm about the labels again ... if that's true that would mean he became famous after duke 3d , although he does have his face on a billboard in E3L5... but nothing other then that really.
so he probably wouldn't have his own cola label yet.
I might just leave them basic for now that way it doesn't really matter.

what about this Dr. Proton idea? anyone have any thoughts on this.

Dr. Proton would be an inside joke of sorts, perhaps appropriate.

Anyway, Duke 3d is technically the third game, so in Duke 1 + 2 he had plenty of time to get famous, he wrote his own book "Why I'm Great" and appeared on Oprah in Duke 2.

I guess he was just beginning to become a tycoon in EP4 with Duke Burger, having your own burger chain could mean having your own drink label... and yet in the N64 version, Duke Burger appears in the second level. So uh, I don't know where to go with this...

This post has been edited by Rellik: 20 May 2010 - 08:33 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View Postozz, on May 20 2010, 09:31 PM, said:

1215_g (Glow map) / 1215 / 1217
Posted Image

Not even close.

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