James, on 17 February 2012 - 09:20 AM, said:
Thanks for that James. Life gets better though, and the next 12 months are looking to be awesome for me so I'm really stoked!
James, on 17 February 2012 - 09:20 AM, said:
Thanks for that, I'll go check it out tonight and see what they've come up with I've been using Polymer for everything so the TROR is definitely on the cards. With the few hours a week I've had recently I've been taking the time to rebuild some maps of mine from scratch. The error checking features in the newer builds have highlighted several significant errors that have likely stemmed from my upgrading a decade old map - all my fault. I've been creating some more realistic and efficient models to use that have already drastically improved performance and visual aesthetics. It sucks to have to start over, but there were some key issues with my older maps that were causing horrific performance problems and were simply unfixable, but I'm finding that rebuilding those maps is making them far better than I could have ever hoped!
I've got some ambitious ideas planned that are already putting me in over my head in the conceptual phase... But I'm excited to give things a try!