Fox, on 06 January 2015 - 09:13 PM, said:
Is it possible to make CON read subdirectories? That way I can organize the files in folders without disgracefully adding paths to CON.
Meaning to enumerate the names of the files in a given directory? Lunatic
can do that. Adding a new command every time a request like this comes along doesn't scale well IMO; CON already has several redundancies
[1]. Rather, what could be done is to provide a way to call Lua functions from CON, by giving them a
state name. If you still wanted to have said functionality in CON then, you could make the function write to CON quotes, starting from a given one. Currently, Lunatic has no quote access, though.
[1]Quiz: which of the following commands can be removed without decreasing functionality:
Jblade, on 08 January 2015 - 03:10 PM, said:
Utilizing mapster script, is there a way to make custom monsters appear with rotatings and/or animations similar to how the default Duke monsters are?
Fox, on 08 January 2015 - 07:11 PM, said:
Yes. But is it worth the effort to load a script each time?
It's possible using EVENT_ANIMATESPRITES. Loading is a non-issue thanks to m32_autoexec.cfg.
Fox, on 10 January 2015 - 04:41 AM, said:
How feasible is it to set (preferably in-game) the number of bits in gamevar/gamearrays? I feel like 32 bits is a waste for boolean values. The downside is that it would require to use temporary variables for calculations.
We had that discussion already. Simply use a single gamevar/gamearray to group up to 32 boolean variables together.
Fox, on 10 January 2015 - 08:31 AM, said:
Recently it crashed several times for me, with the "cache space all locked up" message in the log. This time it also included a message about the keyboard:
Switching keyboard layout from 00000409 to 00000416
The first message does not imply a "crash" in the proper sense.
Gotta follow the keyboard layout trail, I guess.