Micky C, on 24 September 2014 - 04:04 PM, said:
Does he mean that's it's faster to switch between weapons in eduke32 as in you can switch to another weapon while you're still selecting the current weapon, or does he mean that the raw weapon switching time is faster?
If it's the former, then it's what Hendricks said, and IMO it's very useful and convenient, even if it does make the game ever so slightly easier. Megaton doesn't have this feature and it's noticeable in a bad way. If it's the latter, then there may be a bug?
It's the former, and I think it's pretty bad. It's not accurate at all, and it means that in a situation when an enemy would have shot you, he wouldn't have time to do so if playing in EDuke32. This may not sound like a big deal when you put it this way, as in 'one enemy shot', but multiply this by every enemy, or worse, think of it in situations when you're surrounded by enemies, it can lead to situations when you should be dead but aren't. It can easily become a big balance issue.
Also, there are plenty of instances when playing where I start hitting an enemy with the shotgun, but switch the pistol to finish him (to save ammo), and I'm sure plenty of players do this. It's a very viable tactic in EDuke32, while it shouldn't be that viable since switching to the pistol should take longer.
Whether it makes gameplay 'better' is not the question. At best it should be an option that is turned off by default and that you can turn on in the settings.
I don't see how the 'mouseewheel' change the matter. It just means that if you're turning the mousewheel during a reloading frame, the game will wait a bit before switching weapon, just like when you're pressing a weapon key in the original game.