Don't ask me why I didn't see the shotgun lying on the ground.

EDIT: And keep in mind this is just a very early attempt using an unfinished version of the renderer with a few simple CON code hacks to add lights. I didn't even use the spot lights that cast shadows.
EDIT2: Some people have asked me how to place dynamic lights in maps. I will explain how it currently works in test builds of EDuke32 using polymer (note: this has almost nothing to do with the lights in the movie above)
There are currently two types of lights: point lights and spot lights. A point light emits light uniformly in all directions, and does not cast shadows. A spot light emits light in a certain direction and does cast shadows. Both can be placed in maps via SECTOREFFECTOR (SE) sprites.
SE 49 = point light
A SECTOREFFECTOR with lotag 49 is a point light.
HITAG = light distance
The HITAG of the SE is the maximum distance, in build units, that the light will travel. Note that it is impossible to enter a number higher than 65535.
To edit these, press F8 on the SE in 2D mode, then select them and type in numbers. Numbers should be in the range 0-255
a solid sprite is a high priority light, press T once (33% transparency) for lower priority, again (66%) for lowest priority
SE 50 = spot light
light distance, color and priority are as above
SHADE = width
shade values are between -127 and 127, each gives a different width....experiment
EXTRA = horiz (up/down angle)
set EXTRA by pressing 'M on the sprite. 100 is straight ahead, higher positive values angle up, and values lower than 100 (including negative values) angle the light down.
Currently, there is no way to make blinking lights or other lighting effects (the flickering lights in the movie were accomplished with CON code that constantly changes the HITAG of SEs). I plan to add more lighting effects in Duke Plus, if this isn't done in the source code.