Sem, on 28 April 2014 - 08:03 AM, said:
I dunno... It feels like Blood could not be worth that much to buy, yet still it could bring such a good income thanks to the impact the game has made and it's still making. I remember when people tried to have the game remade in HD and everybody went woooo, until the company who owns such thing (Atari, I believe?) stopped the project and they went ahhhh.... I dunno if the people who knows the rights for the game is selling it, but I think it can bring some money! Right Interceptor? *winkwink*
An official enhanced source port ala Megaton Edition wouldn't bring in nearly enough to cover the likely millions needed for purchasing the IP, along with lawyer fees. Despite what people on here occasionally think, Blood is a pretty niche game and wouldn't move nearly enough units of a paid source port to make acquiring the IP worth it. Unless you somehow managed to make Blood mainstream or get it endorsed by major opinion leaders to convince people to buy the token source port on Steam in masses, it's better off rotting in IP hell from a financial point of view. Since finances ultimately are the reason why games are made, Blood is screwed for the time being.
MrFlibble, on 28 April 2014 - 12:20 PM, said:
Sounds like a perfect plan to find out who actually owns
Strife IP now - have some major gaming/modding sites leak fake info about a potential copyright infringement project, and check where a cease & desist order will come from

The problem with that is that you'd piss off whoever owned the IP, so good luck trying to convince them to greenlight something like a beta being released.