jkas789, on 27 March 2022 - 07:35 AM, said:
I think that is the absolute worst about Doomworld situation in regards to how a newbie tries to find high quality wads.
From my experience, there is a wide variety of mapping styles, and what's good and pleasing to some is absolutely terrible to others. I conclude that there's no good way to find maps that you will really like except trial and error. And since there's so many maps in existence already, asking the community allows to narrow down the range somewhat. There are also blogs by people who play and review maps, it also helps a bit.
I don't play very often so this is less of an issue with me personally, though.
The Watchtower, on 27 March 2022 - 12:51 AM, said:
It's a decision of a few, arrogant people, who consider their own opinion as norm.
I suppose there's many other places where the same kind if thing happens. Part of human nature, really. Also I don't believe that if Cacoward winners were picked entirely against the preferences of the community's majority, this would not cause an outcry of sorts. Since there isn't one, I'm assuming that at least some part of the community agrees with these nominations and genuinely likes the style, gameplay etc. Who am I to tell them otherwise?
To be honest, I've always viewed Doomworld as a
La bohème style community of artists. And artists in general often aren't exactly easy people to get along with in the first place. I guess it's natural that tensions may be running high, along with an in-group vs. out-group mentality. Again, part of human nature. Also the community is really large and there are lots of different people. Sometimes, management has to be harsh to maintain order, and things can get controversial at any moment. I'm trying to be philosophical about it. No society is perfect, and none ever manages to please everyone.
Sorry if this all sounds amateurish, but I'm not really giving the issue any deeper thought than this. Personally, it makes me upset that negativity and mutual discontent often springs from matters that are trivial at best and could be avoided altogether with some tact and attempt to understand the other's point of view. Especially in situations where there's very little, if any, actual harm being done.
The Battlelord, on 27 March 2022 - 09:38 AM, said:
Right to touch the truth of the latest comments; just give a look at the description of this mod lol:
Refracted Reality AMD-fix
Even if the fix author's criticisms are spot on (I don't know, but I have no particular reason to doubt that), I think it is all incredibly rudely written and this kind of attitude is unbecoming of adult, civilized beings. The ease with which people these days stoop down to throwing insults are one another really worries me. The same fixes could be made and described with a lot less swearing and a lot more style, even if the author holds contempt for the errors of the original developers. Even very harsh criticisms and disdain can be conveyed without resorting to plain swearing and insults, while remaining completely polite. I mean, insults can be formally very polite too. It just needs a little refinement of the language, which should be a good exercise for everyone.
And if done politely, any criticism has a better chance of reaching the person that is criticised, and accepted in a constructive manner. At least, this is what I believe.