ImpieTheThird, on 21 February 2022 - 09:55 PM, said:
This is a lesser-known mod I did a few years ago, a sci-fi fantasy adaptation of a Nintendo game,
Interesting, are you basically going through every NES and SNES game adapting them into Doom in one way or another? I knew that Ghoul School and Dr. Chaos were adaptations, but I admit the only titles I ever played that were yours were Strange Aeons and those two.
jkas789, on 21 February 2022 - 09:55 PM, said:
Game pad is not bad though? It's certainly easier on the hand than a mouse at the very least.
I think that depends on the game, and if your mouse is a trackball or not. In either way I think mouse aiming is better, and I'd certainly want to hammer the attack button with a mouse more than a face button. (this really doesn't matter for Doom outside of a few mods anyway)