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The Sale & Free Thread  "Post here when there's a sale for games that people here want to b"

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


 MetHy, on 24 June 2014 - 09:51 AM, said:

Also Metro Last Light Complete Edition for 6,79 ! I'll take it. i liked metro2033 a lot and was waiting for a sale on this one.

Dont let Mikko know that you like it...
I still disagree with his review on it.

User is offline   MetHy 


 The Commander, on 24 June 2014 - 10:39 AM, said:

Dont let Mikko know that you like it...
I still disagree with his review on it.

The problem is that Mikko was expecting a FPS, while it's a survival horror-FPS.

User is offline   Engel220 


 The Commander, on 24 June 2014 - 10:39 AM, said:

Dont let Mikko know that you like it...
I still disagree with his review on it.

LL was a great game, a great step up from the solid (if somewhat flawed) experience that was Metro 2033. I can't wait to try out the Redux versions, and this time around the PC version of 2033 won't be anywhere near as mangled as the original was.

This post has been edited by Engel220: 24 June 2014 - 10:50 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


I heard about those redux and I thought, spending that price again just for slightly better graphics?! That's some the worst video game concept I've ever seen and yet I've seen some shit with modern gaming. Jesus, people (especially PC users) are really ALL about the 'technical side' of games. The game came out like what, 2 years ago? This stuff should be unacceptable. Or at least it should be free to anyone who owns the game (not just 50%), and it would still be worth doing it for them because 1) I don't believe it's going to take them that much work 2)it'd be a great way to make the game known to players who missed it at the time and also to build a fanbase and look like a cool company who hands out presents.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 24 June 2014 - 10:52 AM


User is offline   Engel220 


 MetHy, on 24 June 2014 - 10:52 AM, said:

I heard about those redux and I thought, spending that price again just for slightly better graphics?! That's some the worst video game concept I've ever seen and yet I've seen some shit with modern gaming. Jesus, people (especially PC users) are really ALL about the 'technical side' of games. The game came out like what, 2 years ago? This stuff should be unacceptable. Or at least it should be free to anyone who owns the game (not just 50%), and it would still be worth doing it for them because 1) I don't believe it's going to take them that much work 2)it'd be a great way to make the game known to players who missed it at the time and also to build a fanbase and look like a cool company who hands out presents.

2033 was 4 years ago, Last Light just over 1 year ago.

As far as LL being remastered goes, I agree that it'll only go so far in terms of worthwhile difference and is not that necessary. 2033, however, will benefit from 4A's lessons with Last Light not just by offering a PC version with more optimisation and graphical/setting management additions (which the original lacked and suffered for), but it will also get gameplay tweaks, mechanics and features that benefitted LL (ironing out glitches with gas mask filter swapping, wiping rain from your mask, making torches less inconvenient ect).

In short, remastering a game barely a year old is a waste of time, but taking a good but flawed older game and fixing the flaws to make the experience better along with bonus graphic improvements never hurts.

This post has been edited by Engel220: 24 June 2014 - 12:00 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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I enjoyed Metro 2033, well half of it anyway, I got up to some nazi section which seemed super difficult, and I just haven't gotten back to it.

Shadow Warrior 2013 has appeared as a flash sale on GOG several times for 80% off, for those who are interested it's on sale again for roughly the next two hours for those who want it DRM free (and let's face it since it's single player only there's no real reason to go for Steam).

User is offline   Lunick 


 Mickey C, on 24 June 2014 - 05:37 PM, said:

(and let's face it since it's single player only there's no real reason to go for Steam).

Steam Cloud, Trading Cards (if you want to make some money back on your purchase) and Automatic updates?

User is offline   Micky C 

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Oh yeah, in the case of ROTT 2013, automatic updates were fantastic Posted Image

And unless you're often playing on multiple computers, steam cloud doesn't do a huge amount. I'm not saying Steam isn't good, but I am saying the advantages are less apparent with games like SW 2013.

How much money would you usually make back using Trading Cards anyway?

Edit: While I'm posting, Serious Sam Complete Pack on flash sale for 85% off, $15. Pretty damn good value for the whole series including DLCs. Probably dozens of hours worth of gameplay in that.

This post has been edited by Mickey C: 24 June 2014 - 08:21 PM


User is offline   Lunick 


 Mickey C, on 24 June 2014 - 08:13 PM, said:

Oh yeah, in the case of ROTT 2013, automatic updates were fantastic Posted Image

ROTT's updates were in the 1-2gb ranges but most of Shadow Warriors were much much less than that.

 Mickey C, on 24 June 2014 - 08:13 PM, said:

And unless you're often playing on multiple computers, steam cloud doesn't do a huge amount. I'm not saying Steam isn't good, but I am saying the advantages are less apparent with games like SW 2013.

Maybe I have it uninstalled for space reasons and I want to come back to it later? ^_^

This post has been edited by Lunick: 24 June 2014 - 09:09 PM


User is offline   Gambini 


I advice people to try Shadow Warrior demo first. Seems to be a good game but has a few annoyances like terrible performance and a bloom that will burn your eyes. I almost bought Metro Last Night last night ^_^ but i first read a few reviews and all the positive ones refered it as a good sequel to Metro 2033. I think that´s not enough, Metro 2033 had awful combat, awful AI and other problems no-one seems to mention as improved or fixed in Last Night. I will wait it to be 3.74 or something i guess.

User is offline   Engel220 


 Gambini, on 25 June 2014 - 06:31 AM, said:

I advice people to try Shadow Warrior demo first. Seems to be a good game but has a few annoyances like terrible performance and a bloom that will burn your eyes. I almost bought Metro Last Night last night ^_^ but i first read a few reviews and all the positive ones refered it as a good sequel to Metro 2033. I think that´s not enough, Metro 2033 had awful combat, awful AI and other problems no-one seems to mention as improved or fixed in Last Night. I will wait it to be 3.74 or something i guess.

Last Light is a big improvement by comparison, but if you're not convinced then wait.

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


Someone sent me this link...
No idea what the game is exactly but the key seems to work on Steam.


User is offline   Gambini 


Dishonored is u$4.99 on Steam for the next 40 hours. For those who dont know it: It´s an AWESOME GAME. Something like Deus Ex but ambiented in a sort of steampunk time. VERY VERY RECOMMENTED!!!!

This post has been edited by Gambini: 26 June 2014 - 04:35 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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 Gambini, on 26 June 2014 - 04:34 PM, said:

Dishonored is u$4.99 on Steam for the next 40 hours. For those who dont know it: It´s an AWESOME GAME. Something like Deus Ex but ambiented in a sort of steampunk time. VERY VERY RECOMMENTED!!!!

It's U$11.24 for me Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

User is offline   Gambini 


Send me the money and i will gift it to you.

User is offline   MetHy 


 Gambini, on 25 June 2014 - 06:31 AM, said:

I advice people to try Shadow Warrior demo first. Seems to be a good game but has a few annoyances like terrible performance and a bloom that will burn your eyes.

Shadow Warrior was actually the FIRST game I played in which I liked the bloom. It was only in the right places, not too much, and it fit with the art direction really well.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Something I didn't realize until this steam sale is that when a game is listed as being a daily deal, usually the ENTIRE FRANCHISE is on for a similar sale as well, so it's usually worth checking out other related games in case there's something you're interested in which isn't directly advertised on the main page as being on sale.

Still pretty pissed off that the best Age of Mythology Extended Edition is only 40% off. The game is pretty damn expensive for something so sold that I already own. Most of the graphical improvements I bet are just shader-related and would have taken minimal effort to pull off, as opposed to things like recreating textures and models. I wouldn't touch it for anything less than 75% off, and even then that's a bit steep considering it would be 75% off. Greedy bastards. You could argue that Megaton and Redux are very slightly overpriced for old games as well, but at least when they do go on sale you can get them for peanuts.

User is offline   Lunick 


It was only released on Steam not long ago, geez...

I'm sure the discount will be deeper come Xmas time.

This post has been edited by Lunick: 27 June 2014 - 09:52 PM


User is offline   Gambini 


Yeah the more succesful a title is, the longer it takes to go down on price. That´s elementary economy anyway.

User is offline   Idiotska 


On the latest Steam Sale vote:


User is offline   Micky C 

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 Lunick, on 27 June 2014 - 09:52 PM, said:

It was only released on Steam not long ago, geez...

I'm sure the discount will be deeper come Xmas time.

Yeah, of course that logic would hold for a new game, however AOM isn't exactly new, it's 12 years old. Doom is still $10 on steam despite being 20 years old. I don't see Megaton coming down in price. More importantly, AOE 3 (a re-release from the same publisher) hasn't come down at all from $40 since it was released on steam over 2 years ago. The depreciation thing simply doesn't hold up as well (or at all) for these re-releases. If you guys mean a bigger discount than 40% then sure, but (and it seems everyone on the internet agrees with me), the price shouldn't have been so high in the first place.

@Idiotska, huh? I can see the games.

User is offline   Lunick 


Doom is actually 5 bucks in other regions, just Bethesda screwing us over with prices like with Dishonered.

I personally think the price should have been $20 as well but expecting such a deep discount for the game from a AAA company so soon is crazy talk. I'm not quite sure if comparing AOE3 or Megaton is the same since they include their addons too (let's not talk Redux).

User is offline   Gambini 



The depreciation thing simply doesn't hold up as well (or at all) for these re-releases.

As old as they are, at the moment of being launched on steam, their price is fixed based on the estimation on their value for players regardless of time. Many new titles are expensive mostly because they´re new. Except for Activision titles, I see all other games going crazy cheap, on sales, before their initial inertia goes to a full stop.

This post has been edited by Gambini: 28 June 2014 - 12:47 AM


User is offline   Engel220 


I bought System Shock 2 for £1 yesterday on Steam, albeit I was plastered at the time. £1 is a steal forma classic game, though, and now I can finally see why so many people keep telling me to play it.

This post has been edited by Engel220: 28 June 2014 - 03:05 AM



Should I get the Dungeons & Dragons sale set from GOG.com? I got less than 24 to decide.

User is offline   Malgon 


Most definitely. ^_^ Either Planescape Torment or Baldurs Gate 2 on their own would be worth the price of admission, but along with the rest of them it's a pretty good deal as there is an absolutely huge amount of playtime if you do decide to play them all. Go Infinity Engine games!

This post has been edited by Malgon: 29 June 2014 - 06:10 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

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So yeah in case people haven't noticed, there's only about 7 hours to go until the end of GOG's sale (everything's on sale again), and only a few more hours after that for the end of the Steam sale, where all the most popular deals have been brought back.

User is offline   MetHy 


Wolfenstein: The New Order 50% off on Steam, I recommend it.

Bioshock Infinite for -75%; how is it? I liked Bioshock 1 and 2 a lot but I'm afraid this one would be more casualized and more cinematographic than 1&2.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Humble 2K bundle. Get Bioshock 1,2 and infinite for $20, including other games such as Mafia 2 and XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
They claim it'll cost you $209 to buy all the games seperately (not taking into account steam sales of course!)


This post has been edited by Micky C: 08 July 2014 - 03:46 PM


User is offline   HulkNukem 


I bought the Humble 2K bundle specifically for Darkness 2, Spec Ops, and The Bureau as I have the rest on PC, but it has been over an hour since I paid for them and I still haven't gotten confirmation yet the purchase is in my bank statement. This better go through soon, because the average is quickly picking up in price and I hope my initial payment amount doesn't get passed and suddenly I don't get the extra stuff.

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