To be released very soon!
All maps should be sent to me by PM at the latest on that date. Any map not sent by that date will not appear in the episode.
So I just played this Doom wad Going Down
And it gave me the idea of doing something similar for Duke. Call it a rip-off if you will but it's not like the guy invented the idea anyway, others games did it more than 15 years ago (like Operation Body Count), and while the concept is the same, the execution will be completely different anyway.
The idea is simple : an episode taking place in a single building. The aim is to go up, each map is a floor. Each mappers make a floor/map.
You start at the staircases, and end at the staircases. The way to go to the next floor is locked so the player has to get the key to reach the next floor/map.
Rules :
-Each mapper makes his floor/map based on the same template for consistency. Template by Cage Here
-For gameplay sake, each map will start weapon-less. This will avoid gameplay issues as each mapper will build his map independently (I wanted to put a "check weapons at door" sign above the locked doors in the staircases but couldn't find it, i'll add it when doing the final touches).
-Each mapper should specify and 'reserve' the theme of his floor/map so that we don't end up having 2 too similar floors. I guess it's fine if we had 2 (set of) offices or 2 (set of) apartments as they'll end up different but I think it's still better if each floor is on a different theme.
-No TROR, no hi res textures, no custom textures, no polymer.
-Have at least 1 secret in the map
-please add co-op spawn points to your map for max 8 players
-Choose and add a music in midi format (can be anything, can be from the original game). If you don't provide a music, it will be dethtoll unless someone else can think of a fitting music for your floor. Also please state the name of the midi and where it comes from so that I can add it in the credits for the .txt file
-Please make it 2 difficulty settings, Let's Rock and Come Get Some
-You'll be asked to write a line or two about your map for the .txt readme file.
-Please give your map a name.
Examples and ideas of what one can do for his floor/map:
- Please no more office(s), we got 2 already
- a floor/map based on X axis SoS
- a floor almost completly overtaken by alien-ish textures (with babes in cocoons etc)
- a floor based on having to blow up walls to make your way through it (Steambull already uses that a bit though)
- unrealistic concept maps (
- make a balcony/terace (as long as it has a ceiling and the ceiling goes all the way, don't forget there is a floor above)
- Make windows with enemies shooting from the other side. Have the player be on the edge of the building; However, be careful as if you do that,
-A gym/fitness studio
-a high standard penthouse suite
- etc
What one can't do :
- make the floor noticeably bigger or smaller (small changes of the size are fine though)
- change where the staircases are located within The room.
-interactions with another floor, stay on one floor, yours.
What do you guys say? Good idea? Who's in?
The floor is relatively small, they should be small maps not too long to make but if enough people join in and if people do GOOD design (so that the map doesn't literaly last 30 seconds) this could end up a great episode.
Maps Status / Mappers list :
- MetHy : first floor, entrance/lobby area Done + secret underground parking lot map Done + Rooftop boss map 99%
- James : Sauna Done
- Plain Simple Garek (aka Micky C) : around the theme of moving walls/ hi-tech Done
- Daedolon : Duke Burger / small office area 99%
- MRCK (aka ck3D) : different shops / mall like Done
- Steambull : Offices under construction/renovation Done
- Mister Sinister : administration floor with lights out and a couple of Locked Up-like puzzles Done
- Cage : Under construction/renovation (Offices) Done
- Mikko Sandt : maintenance / server Done
- Paul B : high security art exhibit Done
- Taivo : cinema/video store Done
- High Treason : Library with an Alien-texture infested mirror dimension Done
- Stumppy : storage room Done
- Forge : penthouse apartment Done
- Dukebot : horror (serial killer floor) 99%
On top of the lobby map I am also making a secret map which is an underground parking.
-Every mapper gets to have a car, either make a new one or copy/paste an already existing one from one of your maps
-I say 'car' but I should say 'vehicule'. Can be anything, a bike, a skateboard, a spaceship, etc
-It is not mandatory but the more vehicules the better the secret map will be, so please do make one
-Until the map is not finished, you should make and provide the car into a seperate map (or into a seperate part of your map)
-Please build it starting[color="#FF0000"] floor height -135168, with ceiling at -174080; because during copy/pasting if I have to change ceiling height it screws up some texture alignement on the car which you imagine would be a pain to realign if you have to do it on 20 cars not made by yourself
-Ideally it should[color="#FF0000"] fit into a 2816 wide and 3840 long slot. Two people are making bigger things though and those won't be into a parking slot but directly on the 'road' of the parking area. I do believe 2 bigger cars are enough for the size of the map so please make your cars fit into the slot, I know that's unfair, so if you REALLY want to make something bigger let me know and i'll see if it's possible to have it within the map.
List of people who have submitted their vehicules :
- James
- Micky C
- Paul B
- Forge
- High Treason
- Stumppy
- Taivo
- Daedolon
- Cage