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Shadow Warrior: The Missing Voxels - Shadow Warrior Voxel Pack

User is offline   mxrtxn 






User is offline   Borion 


Good to see you back to messing with voxels, man! ;)

And those paper lanterns on VP thread look really good.


User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostBorion, on 28 March 2020 - 01:18 AM, said:

Good to see you back to messing with voxels, man! ;)

And those paper lanterns on VP thread look really good.


Thanks Borion, the coronavirus quarantine, forced us to stay home so I have a little bit of more time.

User is offline   mxrtxn 


Guys in the normal shadow warrior 1997 and in SWP and probably Redux too:

You can see the stone button voxel (the one with red light): in the vending machine in Seppuku Station Level 1 also in the Level 12 Bath House in the secret switch behind the towel.

To disable those you can do it in the voxfil.file and add a x or anyother letter to the name of the voxel, so the game don´t recognize it and returns to the original sprite.

BTW: With voidSW I have not encountered this problem

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 28 March 2020 - 01:19 PM


User is offline   Dzierzan 


Since WangGDX is released now and VoidSW should be released in a near future, are you going to write def script for this voxel pack to support both these ports?

User is offline   fgsfds 


If no one minds, I've made a BuildGDX compatible version of mxrtxn's pack. Should probably be compatible with VoidSW as well, but I haven't tested it yet.

User is offline   mxrtxn 


View Postfgsfds, on 20 May 2020 - 11:57 PM, said:

If no one minds, I've made a BuildGDX compatible version of mxrtxn's pack. Should probably be compatible with VoidSW as well, but I haven't tested it yet.

Cool, althought I never had a problem either with the Classic 1997 version, Redux, SWP, Voidsw. For me it works just fine in all those versions

Thanks for making it compatible with BuildGDX ;)

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 22 May 2020 - 05:51 PM


User is offline   mxrtxn 


For those who want to disable specific voxels I made the following video:


User is online   Lunick 


View Postfgsfds, on 20 May 2020 - 11:57 PM, said:

If no one minds, I've made a BuildGDX compatible version of mxrtxn's pack. Should probably be compatible with VoidSW as well, but I haven't tested it yet.

Unsure if this is a VoidSW only issue but at the start of Unfriendly Skies with this pack, these buttons show in front of the telephone booths
Posted Image
Edit: All the booths apparently in the level

User is offline   Ninjakitty 


View PostLunick, on 10 June 2020 - 08:45 PM, said:

Unsure if this is a VoidSW only issue but at the start of Unfriendly Skies with this pack, these buttons show in front of the telephone booths
Posted Image
Edit: All the booths apparently in the level

So if you replace voxel tiles weird stuff seems to happen... :)
If I replace voxels with highres sprites, and I still keep voxels turned on, they have inverted normals or something,

User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostNinjakitty, on 11 June 2020 - 12:05 PM, said:

So if you replace voxel tiles weird stuff seems to happen... :)
If I replace voxels with highres sprites, and I still keep voxels turned on, they have inverted normals or something,

Yes ninja, unfortunately the guys in the 90s never thought about this becoming an issue.

that particular voxel and sprite are seldom used in the game, so fell free to disable it just like in the video.

In the next update I will consider edit the voxfil file myself to make them disabled from the start to avoid these issues.

Thanks for your feedback is always appreciated :P

P.S: NINJA, I never used the models and high res stuff, care to share a screenshot??

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 21 June 2020 - 07:39 AM


User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostLunick, on 10 June 2020 - 08:45 PM, said:

Unsure if this is a VoidSW only issue but at the start of Unfriendly Skies with this pack, these buttons show in front of the telephone booths
Posted Image
Edit: All the booths apparently in the level

the voxels are:



in the voxfil file they are near the end of the list of voxels, add an x or any letter for that matter at the end of the voxel name, for instance stbuttnax , stbuttnbx

save the file and that will fix it :)

P.S. Glad to see the comunity using my pack :P

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 21 June 2020 - 07:58 AM


User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostDzierzan, on 20 May 2020 - 11:09 PM, said:

Since WangGDX is released now and VoidSW should be released in a near future, are you going to write def script for this voxel pack to support both these ports?

I tried the pack on all those programs and no issues so far :)

User is offline   mxrtxn 





Here´s a picture of some of them:

Posted Image

User is offline   mxrtxn 


As I mentioned in the previous message, Build GDX allows animated voxels, here´s a short video I made:

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 27 August 2020 - 07:32 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


VoidSW displays ART animations on voxels if the voxels are defined through def files.

User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostHendricks266, on 27 August 2020 - 09:42 PM, said:

VoidSW displays ART animations on voxels if the voxels are defined through def files.

That is amazing, I wish I knew how to do that...

Is it too hard to learn to do more advance stuff in sw?

If I knew more I would be doing my own mods and FPS games 90s style

Thanks for letting us know Hendricks.

P.S. I close my discord account, I am gonna open another one soon so I will show more stuff I am working on for SW :)

User is offline   mxrtxn 



Posted Image


Updated: October 20th 2020


This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 24 October 2020 - 05:52 PM


User is offline   jkas789 


Confirmed working on latest VoidSW r9271. Also yes Ninja girls shows up. ;)

User is offline   Dzierzan 


Could you make some kind of GIF of that voxel you posted? I can't really tell whether it is a sprite or a voxel.

User is offline   jkas789 


View PostDzierzan, on 24 October 2020 - 11:56 PM, said:

Could you make some kind of GIF of that voxel you posted? I can't really tell whether it is a sprite or a voxel.

Does this helps?

Posted Image

Posted Image

Tried to take the picture of two of its "faces".

It is a voxel, AFAIK it is animated in BuildGDX. I seem to remember someone mentioning this animation can be done in VoidSW as well however it has not been implemented

This post has been edited by jkas789: 25 October 2020 - 04:36 AM


User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostDzierzan, on 24 October 2020 - 11:56 PM, said:

Could you make some kind of GIF of that voxel you posted? I can't really tell whether it is a sprite or a voxel.

The huge gif below the anouncement is a voxel!

Ok I will make a quick video, I will post it later :)

User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostDzierzan, on 24 October 2020 - 11:56 PM, said:

Could you make some kind of GIF of that voxel you posted? I can't really tell whether it is a sprite or a voxel.

Is this good enough?

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 25 October 2020 - 10:15 AM


User is offline   mxrtxn 


Here´s a gif of the other animated voxel, dunno why it turned out so big...


This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 25 October 2020 - 12:40 PM


User is offline   Phredreeke 


Maybe instead of filming your screen you should just install screen recording software like OBS?

User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostPhredreeke, on 25 October 2020 - 10:35 AM, said:

Maybe instead of filming your screen you should just install screen recording software like OBS?

I resized it in ezgif but it turned out like this:

Posted Image

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 25 October 2020 - 12:31 PM


User is offline   jkas789 


Managed to get the "animated" voxel models working on VoidSW. Made a video about it to better visualize it. First animated lamp at the start of the video and second animated lamp at 1:04:

Sorry for the crappy gameplay, I wanted to get to the lamps as fast as possible :P

I managed it by copying what NightFright did on his def files for the Duke 3D Voxel Pack.

Unfortunately some errors seemed to crop up. The VoidSW log reported:


I would really apreciate if someone could explain what is going on because I don't know. :P

If anyone wants to check out the def file I wrote you can download it here (for some reason I couldn't attach the def file to the post).

This post has been edited by jkas789: 25 October 2020 - 06:34 PM


User is offline   Kylie 


mxrtxn, I'm a big fan of your work on this voxel pack. We recently played through Shadow Warrior and both the expansions in co-op and it was great to see all your additional voxels in the game.

User is offline   mxrtxn 


View Postjkas789, on 25 October 2020 - 06:32 PM, said:

Managed to get the "animated" voxel models working on VoidSW. Made a video about it to better visualize it. First animated lamp at the start of the video and second animated lamp at 1:04:

Sorry for the crappy gameplay, I wanted to get to the lamps as fast as possible :P

I managed it by copying what NightFright did on his def files for the Duke 3D Voxel Pack.

Unfortunately some errors seemed to crop up. The VoidSW log reported:


I would really apreciate if someone could explain what is going on because I don't know. :P

If anyone wants to check out the def file I wrote you can download it here (for some reason I couldn't attach the def file to the post).

OK, To be honest I have no idea how you manage to make it work so congrats for that :)

Those failure to load, are probably voxels I disabled and/or found in ohter addons like Twin Dragon or Wanton Destruction

court.kvx are the courtains in the room you begin Level 1 of Wanton Destruction. drkit.kvx is sort of a doctor´s briefcase found in the hospital level of Twin Dragon.

snakebx.kvx is the corpse of the serpent god, I disabled it because it requires way more retouching (remove the x in the voxfil.txt file and the serpent god corpse will appear voxelized)

drum1.kvx and drum2.kvx are retouched voxels of the oil drums. Minutes later I posted the download link I realized I have updated the voxfil.txt file concerning those two voxels so inside the game they didn´t appear. I updated the download link.

chain0x.kvx is a chain voxel that I had to disable because when maps have long chains, basically one sprite of the same chain on top of the next one, when in voxel mode a sort of space appears between the voxelized chains (it looks particularly odd in the airport level )

deadax.kvx: is a prototype of a dead ninja corpse, it looked so bad I had to disable it. Dunno if gonna remake one in the future.

miho2x.kvx is a voxelized magazine featuring Miho Nomoto, one of the JAV models that actually appears as a poster sprite in the original game. (That voxel along with the manga and the gameboy are not official of the game, I made them for fun and to give the comunity stuff to play with)

plane457b.kvx is acutally a voxelized airplane, the one it crashes at the end of level 12 "Bath House". Magica voxel has a size limit for voxels unfortunalely, so I only have a picture of an very ugly early prototype:


That x you see with yellow I put it in the names of the voxels inside voxfil.txt file as an alternative way to disable voxels quickly when testing basically. when adding any letter the game doesnt recognize the name with its corresponding voxels so it doesn´t show it

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 26 October 2020 - 05:30 AM


User is offline   mxrtxn 


View PostKylie, on 26 October 2020 - 02:45 AM, said:

mxrtxn, I'm a big fan of your work on this voxel pack. We recently played through Shadow Warrior and both the expansions in co-op and it was great to see all your additional voxels in the game.

That is awesome Kylie! Thanks for your support :)

I am a 90s yunkie so I guess the nostalgia is part of the reason why I made all this

If you ever make coop gameplay video, upload it to youtube ;)

This post has been edited by mxrtxn: 26 October 2020 - 06:20 AM


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