Thanks Spiker. ;-)
I recently looked in some other maps to get some inspiration. Especialy Gambini with his freaking detailed maps is a big idol for me in that case.
So I stumbled over "blown_fuses", which is a Dukeplus map from him and then I suddenly noticed... holy crap... this map is less a quarter of the size of my map and he hit the wall limit, which I was not aware of untill I tried to add some walls in this map.
This was a totaly shocking moment for me, because I thought instantly, oh man, your map is a lot much bigger than this and you'll hit the wall limit befor it is complete.
So I load up my map, looked at the stats and calmed down. ^^
Around 5000 walls in there now, about 10000 left.
I quickly overviewed my map and thought, that would be probably enough for me, since I can lower the count with some detail reduction, if necessary.
Sprites and sector count looks good as well, but the wall count will be definetly the limiting thing for me.
But at this moment, I'm very happy that I work more with sprites then with walls and sectors, because the spritelimit ist much higher.
If I had used TROR from the begining, I quess my wall count would hit the limit much earlier.
Anyways, another thing is, the I've some fear of map bugs, since I originaly started mapping for Duke3D in Build more than a decade ago and ... you know... Build was full of bugs.
Im glad to say, after my map has around 530 sectors, 5200 walls and 2300 sprites and takes the half size of the grid map, everything works like a charm and there are no bugs, no map corruption or anything.
But the funny fact is, that I still save the map to a new file after some little progress because of this fear.
And so... my latest version and file of the map is 693. ^^
And yeah, I got all the files from 1 to 693 and I'll think I'll keep them as a little mapping history, till the release and then pack them all together to one zip file for archive.
At the moment im working on the biker-bar, which willl be a half TROR and half sprite building.
It's the last building of the parking side I've planned so far, which means, after this, I'll continue to build the millitary base, which give the map it's name.
Base entrance is allready done and looks great, but the main buildings and stuff is not there yet.
I think if I can hold my mapping speed on this project, the map will be done in 1 or 2 months.
But I'm pretty sure, after I've done all the buildings, sectors, SE and stuff, I'll will overlook everything again and put in even more things and details.
It's just the process, that you have to finish something and then you can look over it and rethink everything and make it even better.
Another fear that I have is the framerate.
This map will be realy huge.
You can fly over everthing and see pretty much everything from above (skycar will be in).
There is no building which has a roof you can't land and walk on!
So, atm everything is fine.
On my machine (Core i7, Geforce 560 GTX, Win7 64, 8 Gb RAM) framerate is okay.
But there is just 25 % of stuff in this map of what I've planned.
I've noticed that since the latest Eduke update, framerate gots higher and I hope that everything will be fine, when I release this beast.
I don't use much polymer lightings, or keep them small and also don't use to much details, which noone realy will notice.
I'm focusing to keep everything balanced and put details there, where they realy count.
So, actually, I'm realy quite optimistic.