Cathy, on 14 June 2013 - 03:31 PM, said:
So no, it really shouldn't be.
For a Duke FPS it should be.
Another thing for Duke is: Don't let him do stuff a lot players wouldn't do.
There was a study (cannot find link) that said that people who are insecure in life or haven't found their role in life yet and aren't that satsfied with their real life tend to create avatars in games that are mighty exaggerated warrors (I think those are also the ones ones that call themselves "666_MegaKiller_1337") and those who already found their role in life and are satisfied with their lifes tend to create avatars that mostly look close to themselves.
The former group also tends to to enjoy games more where a fully fleshed out character takes actions by himself and the players play this character presented to them. The latter prefer games with heroes like Gordon Freeman where they player is basically the protagonist and fills the void with himself.
Duke is perfect for that. He has a very basic stereotypic personality which can be filled by the player but also offers a bit of the I am an alien-ass-kicking-badass. Enough for one group and little enough for the other group. In DNF, though, I had to start with a Duke who decided to have women by his side which I had thrown out of the window (or at least had sent into an education- and behavior-correction-camp).
For me and my tastes a very good game is HL in that regard. The character is in a situation similar to something we all had been in in some sort of: Going to work or school and fulfilling our duties there. Something we can relate to. That is all. The rest are events that are forced upon him.
On the other hand I hated UT3's "story" for example. I went to the shop and bought UT3 because I wanted to take part in an intergalactic tournament. Then the main protagonist decides that he wants to go into a war because of some slain civilians I didn't even know or even care for. WTF?
Another good example of the same intention for player and protagonist is Monkey Island:
- Player goes to shop, sees pirate game and says "Cool, I wanna play a pirate".
- Full backstory for Protagonist: "I wanna be a pirate".
Perfect match.
This of course works with more detail. I fI play Crysis for exmaple I am OK with getting orders what to do from the Generals and stuff, because that's what I expect when I play a game with soldiers. The same goes for COD too, at least in that one regard. But after that these characters often live their own life which is totally disconnected from me, my characteristics and what I would do in some situations. So I watch something and somebody totally unrelated until the gameplay sequences where I take control again.