Nukeaholic, on 14 May 2013 - 02:24 PM, said:
I've been thinking over the past couple of days about maybe hosting a yearly tourney similar in terms of Dooms IDL but for Team Duke Match. It'll probably work like this; sign ups for teams each year, a website to keep a track record of games and spectators viewing the game like IDL. Now, I understand there's not much in the multiplayer department in terms of being able to play online (I'm more or less talking about EDuke32 at the moment). I was just wondering how many would be interested in something like this and your thoughts on it. I thought it would be a nice idea for more competitive duking. Just out of interest, is there a relatively big competitive scene here using a different port and is there something like this already? Thanks lads and lasses I'm very keen to see some thoughts on this.
I've also been interested in running tourneys.
Hosted one in the past, also used to in some other games play in Clan vs Clan tourneys. Sometimes 2 Vs. 2 clan tourney's.
Not very active at the moment though.
Well as some know already, I am just waiting for the netcode to be completed for EDuke32, then I would have some interest in hosting some good servers based in the USA, possibly west, east coast USA etc, since it's the most fairest for international players for co-location, and US servers seem to be the most popular in other games.
I get a very nice ping of 91ms on a dedicated US server based in New York, and it's very stable since it's hosted in a data centre, so no packet loss is expected, ping doesn't mean much when the server quality is superb, as long as it's reasonable for the game your playing and hosted in a data centre. As I have felt the good performance they can be in other games.
I am living in the UK as most know, and any co-location would be possible with dedicated servers.
With the new netcode being completed, there could be some very good lagless team games, and tourney's would be allot easier to maintain and run with allot less lag than when using "P2P", and "Master/Slave" mode, which we have been using for a long time in the Duke scene.
There could be some serious hosted EDuke32 servers in the future. Even ones for just 1 vs 1 matches, and ones for team games if the netcode is improved on.
And the beauty of not having to forward any ports, Duke games of the future hopefully will be lagless and fun to play on with nice game play, and for tourney's without the risk of lag, or players loosing the connection causing the whole game to drop out.
Since the community is small in the Duke scene, a big tourney is unlikely at the moment, but if the community was bigger if it ever got bigger, I have had some interest and ideas as well, where you can win pre-release games and other types of games in tourneys.
Since I have in the past been an eBay seller of games for the PC, XBOX 360, PS3, and pre-release games, this would be possible.
I believe even on some networks such as Kali, TEN, Heat, Wireplay UK etc, they had some stuff like that at times, even a credit system. Where players would earn credits to buy a game, or so and so.
Nice to see some other people are interested and have ideas to host tourneys as well.