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RELEASE: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER 2013  "it wasn´t a hoax."

User is offline   Gambini 





User is offline   Jimmy 

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That Energy Leech doesn't have enough frames.

User is offline   TerminX 

  • el fundador


Sure it does. The energy leech was only ever intended to come out of a hole in the wall (like in the actual DNF game, IIRC) so it doesn't really need rear frames.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Soo.. anyone new working on a user map for this?

User is offline   NNC 


I noticed some of the items are not voxelated:

Expander (unused)
Expanderammo (unused)
Jetpack (unused)
Scuba Gear
Protective Boots
Space Suit (if that counts)
Atomic Health (although it doesn't need it)

User is offline   Cage 


I've had great fun with this one! I've beat it in two sittings (second one was pretty short - I've had to take a break after the donkey ride in the dam).

Seems to me, that you've guys tried to take the best of both modern and classic styles of first person shooters, and you've did really well in my opinion! Plus it's for 8-bits and, as a "software rendering sucker", I LOVE IT. :)

Good job! Shame that Duke community doesn't get as many releases as Doom, but the quality is very high!

User is offline   Gambini 


Thanks Cage. I remember in the days of WGR2, being amazed of how someone could be devoted to 8 bits art with your guns and such. I think you´re a sort of reference for me in that matters: Making something look good is a challenge already but it´s much more challenging and satisfactory to make it look good in 8bits.

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostCage, on 05 May 2013 - 12:57 AM, said:

Good job! Shame that Duke community doesn't get as many releases as Doom, but the quality is very high!

Quality over quantity. :)


Guess I needed completed this shitty awesomeness mod with classic renderer again, and may I ask about...any possible date about updates for bugfixes?

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 05 May 2013 - 04:39 AM


User is offline   zykov eddy 


Personally, I find 90% of Doom wads simply boring and repetitive. Sure there are some good releases like Phocas Island, TurboCharged ARCADE or Sonic Doom, but most of the wads look and play the same, even the recent ones. It's all about killing enemies, no puzzles, no good architecture and no fresh gameplay ideas.

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 05 May 2013 - 04:53 AM


User is offline   NNC 


Found all but one secrets in the game. The only one left is in map 5 (found the two SP references underwater). Some help would be welcome.

User is offline   Gambini 


View Postzykov eddy, on 05 May 2013 - 04:51 AM, said:

Personally, I find 90% of Doom wads simply boring and repetitive. Sure there are some good releases like Phocas Island, TurboCharged ARCADE or Sonic Doom, but most of the wads look and play the same, even the recent ones. It's all about killing enemies, no puzzles, no good architecture and no fresh gameplay ideas.

Well I absolutely loved Brutal Doom and in a minor degree zBlood.




User is offline   Cage 


Plus keep in mind, that a lot of the Doom releases are mods/mutators.

Gambini: It's great that you just "dug in" and actually painted in some stuff pretty well (at least it looks like it) - I've seen way too many crude copy/paste hackjobs, and ugly Paint-level edits, so this is a welcome sight. Some of the art is a bit rough around the edges, but the general presentation is good and consistent. I didn't stumble upon any palletization artifacts too, which is another sign of effort in the art dept. Not the even the most common brown skin range/brownish-orange explosion range palette mishap :) Or maybe I was distracted with the gameplay and missed it! :) Either way, thumbs up.

This post has been edited by Cage: 05 May 2013 - 06:49 AM


User is offline   Gambini 



No, you wasn´t distracted, i took extra care with that (and with how tiles look when become pal1 and 2 which is many people, even 3dr seem to overlook).

User is offline   XThX2 


Really good release I've enjoyed this more than DNF even though it lasts far shorter, which is quite disappointing. I loved everything, I'd love it if you actually remade the reloading of the guns too you know, since AFAIK you tried to merge new and old school elements. The new monsters and everything are nice, there are some weird background noises coming from the new pigs, I can't tell what, maybe low quality recording? Anyway, I found the see sound for the new slimers quite annoying but that's just me.

The other disappointing part in this mod I found is the final battle. Didn't feel as epic as it could have been. The boss looks very nice though, it's just that the final battle didn't seem as amazing as it could have been.

I love the ending, great job there :)

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


View PostXThX2, on 05 May 2013 - 06:40 AM, said:

there are some weird background noises coming from the new pigs, I can't tell what, maybe low quality recording?

I also noticed that, and forgot to mention it to Gambini. I'm pretty sure it is related to a low pitched value via CON since the original samples sounds very different.

User is offline   Gambini 


Well I´m not sure if all the sound complaints come because I lowered all sound qualities to 8bits 11mhz, just like in Duke3d.

In fact if it werent by Mikko, I would have used midi instead of ogg.

This post has been edited by Gambini: 05 May 2013 - 07:58 AM


User is offline   XThX2 


No the oggs are a perfect touch, don't ever go for midis. That's a good new school side of this mod. One bug I noticed is that you can't switch weapons while riding the donkey.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


I usually prefer MIDI.

This post has been edited by Radar: 05 May 2013 - 08:27 AM


User is offline   TerminX 

  • el fundador


MIDI is really not very preferable these days, since it sounds different depending on what you play it back on.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostGambini, on 05 May 2013 - 07:58 AM, said:

I lowered all sound qualities to 8bits 11mhz, just like in Duke3d.


User is offline   Gambini 


It´s part of the patina of the good old game. Duke, or better said John ST Jon, has an unmistakable pitch in his voice when played at that sample rate. Just compare the voices of DNF vs the voices of Duke3d and you´ll notice the former sounds much more like Duke Nukem -or the Duke Nukem we know-.

I prefer this a million times over having a botch of sounds from different sources and different qualities. The soundscape just as the visual aspect has to be consistent. I know the sound department in this project is not outstanting but that is not because this decision.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostGambini, on 05 May 2013 - 10:29 AM, said:

It´s part of the patina of the good old game. Duke, or better said John ST Jon, has an unmistakable pitch in his voice when played at that sample rate. Just compare the voices of DNF vs the voices of Duke3d and you´ll notice the former sounds much more like Duke Nukem -or the Duke Nukem we know-.

I prefer this a million times over having a botch of sounds from different sources and different qualities. The soundscape just as the visual aspect has to be consistent. I know the sound department in this project is not outstanting but that is not because this decision.

I understand, and for Duke's voice samples and some other things, what you did may be justifiable. But rigid adherence to a principle does not always work well in practice. For example, the samples from the trailer could have sounded as good as they did in the trailer, but instead they sound like shit. In cases like that it's better to be flexible and bend the rules.

User is offline   Gambini 


The problem with the sounds of the trailer is that they had lot of background noise and music. If you cut them and use as it, they will play music and explosions everytime you listen to them.

What I did for the voices was the best that could be done (considering Mike Norvak also tried and had a similar result) I took samples of the background noise and found the exact piece of the music being played from from the clean tune, and used them as a noise profile for filtering noise. This worked great for the "save the world by yourself", and Gus´ line (not featured in the mod) and acceptable for both the characters in the casino. But the Gral´s voice was not in condition to be recovered in a decent quality. And BTW they may sound good in the video but they´re played there at 22mhz as best, so there´s no point on saving them with a higher quality.

I´m not sure if the other sounds have a particular problem. I didn´t find them bad at all.

This post has been edited by Gambini: 05 May 2013 - 01:19 PM


User is offline   Mblackwell 

  • Evil Overlord


Really you should be using an EQ and a filter. That type of noise reduction is meant for the removal of hiss, drones, and odd interference, not something varied like that. That's why you get that weirdly mechanical sludgy sound.

User is offline   Gambini 


We also did some equalization. You´re encouraged to try extracting them yourself and if the result is better, we´re going to use them and credit you. But really, they were tough.

This post has been edited by Gambini: 05 May 2013 - 01:35 PM




I thoroughly enjoyed your mod.

Morningwood was superb, great work on the music.

This post has been edited by burymeinsmoke: 05 May 2013 - 01:43 PM


User is online   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


View PostNancsi, on 05 May 2013 - 12:19 AM, said:

I noticed some of the items are not voxelated:

Expander (unused)
Expanderammo (unused)
Jetpack (unused)
Scuba Gear
Protective Boots
Space Suit (if that counts)
Atomic Health (although it doesn't need it)

This is because DNF 2013 is heavily relying on ReaperMan's Voxel Pack which still is far from being finished. Anyway, they did a great job with some additional, mod-specific voxels, so maybe there are some guys around who might work on some more "official" voxels, too. :)

View PostTerminX, on 05 May 2013 - 09:01 AM, said:

MIDI is really not very preferable these days, since it sounds different depending on what you play it back on.

I have the luxury of owning a Roland SC-55 which works natively in Win7, so for me, MIDI usually sounds pretty awesome. However, this is ofc a nerd solution which hardly everyone would have the nerves to install. The OGGs included with the DNF mod bloat the whole thing quite a bit regarding filesize, but well, these days I think no one considers 50 MB or so to be worth noticing. The music is fine the way it is and fits, anyway.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 05 May 2013 - 02:32 PM


User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


To fix the Protozoid Slimer gibs color:

onevent EVENT_GAME
  ifspritepal 6
    getactor[THISACTOR].picnum TEMP
    subvar TEMP SCRAP3
    ifvarg TEMP -1
    ifvarl TEMP 4
      spritepal 28

This post has been edited by Fox: 06 May 2013 - 06:39 AM


User is offline   Jinroh 


Been playing it on and off since the release and it's killer. :) Great job guys, loved the beginning of the 2nd level, among other things. :)

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Not sure if anyone noticed, but MRCK did a guest review for this over at MSDN: http://msdn.duke4.net/revdnfmod.php

Oh, and Merlijn v. Oostrum did another review over at CGS: http://www.scent-88....s/D/dnf/dnf.php

Just in case anyone is interested in reading them.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 06 May 2013 - 06:48 AM


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