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Those simple questions thread  "Simple questions, simple answers"

User is offline   brullov 

  • Senior Artist at TGK


Could you name the best subway level please?

User is offline   Sanek 


City of Screams is the first that comes to mind, one of the best maps (IMO) with extended subway sections.

User is offline   Perro Seco 


View Postbrullov, on 31 May 2019 - 05:38 AM, said:

Could you name the best subway level please?
City, by Jean-Marc Gruninger. One of my all time favourites, with a simple but well designed subway line, at least for a map from 1996.

Underground, by Kevin Farnfield and also from 1996. Contains a more detailed subway line, but not as immersive as the previous one.

User is offline   Sanek 


Oh, and there's ADG 02 from Alejandro, which is 100% underground map.

User is offline   brullov 

  • Senior Artist at TGK


Thank you all!

User is online   ck3D 


View Postbrullov, on 31 May 2019 - 05:38 AM, said:

Could you name the best subway level please?

Alpha/Beta City had one pretty good-looking subway section.

Sorry, just seeing this now, and the screenshot you recently posted actually reminds me of that map in terms of mood a little.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 16 June 2019 - 10:15 AM



I need a list of the updated LOGO_FLAGS bits and descriptions, as the info on wiki or SVN are scarce

Alternatively, i need to know how to hide episode and level name when automap is on

User is offline   MC84 


Is it normal for wall-aligned sprites to be unaffected by SE8 (rising door lights)? I've obviously turned off spritenoshade (cstat is 357) ... The floor-aligned sprites behave correctly, but the wall-aligned ones are unaffected by the SE. Anyone have any experience with this?

User is online   ck3D 


I swear I've seen this addressed on here before or maybe it's just a Mandela effect type of thing (as I just can't seem to find anything on the subject anymore, be it in Mapster32 2D mode key lists or in Google searches), but when working with classic ROR (not TROR), is there a way to select the particular layer of overlapping sectors you want to be working on, without having to manually pull vertices and whatnot? Map I'm currently working on has some quite extensive overlapping sections, so far I've been able to make do mostly because I've built things in the right order and copy-pasted some of the elements after first building them outside the gameplay area, but I wish I could make things easier, especially if I'm only going to complicate things even further later. What the editor does right now is, it lets me draw nested sectors in the most recently built floor (which is fine since it's exactly what I need right now; is it how the priority works?), but the sprites I have to add in 3D mode then move around in 2D mode, with the occasional dimensional slip; otherwise it just adds them to the older floor, which is also where all the 2D mode sector tag inputs seem to go to die, by the way (but I've found my workarounds). If this command exists now, has it always existed? I know I should definitely update that 2009 version of Mapster32 I've been using...

Side note: only just last week, I found out about the shortcut for automatic slopes. My mind was blown like I had just invented BURNING2 fire.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 19 November 2019 - 07:50 PM


User is offline   necroslut 


1) Is there a way to reset the shade of all the walls in a map to 0? M32-script?

2) Is there a way to offset all tiles+sprites in a map by a certain amount, say if a sub-tileset has been moves from starting at (ie) 4000 to starting at 6000. (I imagine a mapster script could do it but I wouldn't know where to start as, again, I've never used it)

3) Is it possible to make a one-way elevator? I tried making a touchplate-triggered elevator with the touchplate actually being inside the elevator, but while the elevator worked that also resulted in Duke "flying" (being pushed to the ceiling of the sector) after the elevator reaches the top.

(Edit: I should probably have posted this in the (active) "Mapping questions" thread... I didn't see it until now)

This post has been edited by necroslut: 24 April 2020 - 02:44 PM


User is offline   Kyanos 


1) Yes Mapster scripts will help you.
First "include samples/a.m32" <--- this will define the variables you need, and is full of helpful scripts to read.
Second "do for i allwalls { set wall[i].shade 0 }"

2) It would look sort of like this. Read a.m32 for tips or ask here.
"for i allsprites, ifge .picnum 4000, ifle .picnum 6000 add .picnum 1024" <untested

3) There are rising/falling only se's that could probably be used to accomplish this.

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostKyanos, on 24 April 2020 - 03:20 PM, said:

1) Yes Mapster scripts will help you.

Thank you very much!


3) There are rising/falling only se's that could probably be used to accomplish this.

Yeah, I thought of that eventually... However, I'd really want an elevator that is triggered only once by a touchplate, and after that can be re-triggered by a lever. It would be useful to have something like a "touchsprite" that isn't tied to a sector and can be killed – I suppose it could be written in .con. Well, I'll mess around with the rising floor SE for now...

Edit: Tthe rising floor SE doesn't seem to do it. It works fine if the touchplate is outside of the elevator, ut if it is placed inside, the floor never actually starts to move (though the activation sound still plays...) I guess the touchplate and elevator/platform tags "compete" with each other somehow...
Edit2: I thought I'd "solved" it by having a tiny touchplate sector right next to the elevator, but if the player moves fast he'll move past the touchplate without it triggering, so that didn't work either...

One more: Is there a way, such as a console command, to have art tiles loaded via tilefromtexture to be written into actual .art files for later use?

And yet one more: Is it possible to somehow have a touchplate "spawn" a second touchplate? For those return trips.

This post has been edited by necroslut: 25 April 2020 - 01:00 AM


User is online   ck3D 


Sounds like a pretty complex set-up but also the kind of issue you might be able to fix by combining different Activators and ActivatorLockeds, this is just my first thought though, just woke up and coffee is still infusing so maybe don't take my word for anything yet today. I know I've made originally locked swinging doors that first trigger upon one-time Touchplate use and then can be freely activated by hand, that sounds like what you're trying to do except the player is outside the sector in my case.

Placing Touchplates literally inside the elevators themselves is tricky in general, I take it that you've tried having it pointing down/raising it off a few units of the ground so that it triggers even when Duke is not exactly touching the floor of that tiny Touchplate sector? Sometimes that seems to make for some difference in how consistently effects get triggered for some reason (the player being inside a sector being easier to recognize and more likely to happen than the player stepping inside that sector).

Don't forget that Touchplates can be made one-time only by giving them a hi-tag of 1 (or whichever number of activations you want) which practically 'kills' it after it's been triggered. Not sure if it's possible to somehow ActivatorLocked a Touchplate (I don't think so) but surely there's some kind of funky combination of completely unrelated effects to be found to allow the behavior. But now this is way too tech for my morning!

This post has been edited by ck3D: 25 April 2020 - 01:41 AM


User is offline   Kyanos 


You can get some tricks done by linking activators to "timer elevators" with triggerable things unlocked after a first thing is unlocked... look at high treasons maps.


Yeah, I really ought to make a tutorial and relevant map some day for this kind of thing. Here, this might do what you want.
Attached File  __platesT.zip (4.32K)
Number of downloads: 151

Touchplates act weird with elevators (possibly related to how they affect floor height) so you can't activate the elevator directly. A 1-shot touchplate thus activates a shooter, shoots a target and that target activates the elevator, it also activates another activator in the shooter's sector to deactivate the shooter again, or else the elevator will move every five seconds.

At the top of the elevator is another 1-shot touchplate, so when you leave it opens a small door blocking another target (note, targets must be around 768 units away from eachother, or a shrinker blast, to not go off unintentionally), this shooter is woken up by the switches. Of course you could have the switches be hidden by something until this door opens too, but they act a bit funny around active sectors so I cut corners here. There's a second target in that sector to turn the shooters off automatically. There is also a door linked to the switches to prevent switch spam, as they can't be used again until the door stops moving, controlled by its GPSPEED.

In the room at the top of the elevator are two touchplate sectors, if you stand in the green one nothing will happen, again that same setup with shooters and a door blocking them. I call this an objective check as you must complete an objective before the touchplate will work.

There's an alternate 1-shot elevator, though you could set it to work again as the room it leads to shows, in its own way.
Targets act like dipswitches, so coupled with doors you effectively have a selection of logic gates at your disposal that can be stringed together in numerous ways, especially considering how mirrors bounce shrinkers, how door auto-closers work and that you can hook most effects up to them, even lights to some extent.
Running an AI off of it was a bitch though, I don't recommend that. Player speed and position detection was one thing, running a new monster solely on doors and targets is just painful.

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostHigh Treason, on 27 April 2020 - 12:24 AM, said:

Yeah, I really ought to make a tutorial and relevant map some day for this kind of thing. Here, this might do what you want.

Genius. Thanks a lot! This does exactly what I was trying to do. I never would have thought of a crazy setup like this.

Note that the example map you provided doesn't actually work, in those versions of ED32 I've tried them with, without some tinkering with shooter/target heights (the shooters otherwise miss most of the targets). If they do work in your build, that might be something to look into, in case there's been some EDuke changes that break older maps that rely on this.

This post has been edited by necroslut: 27 April 2020 - 01:08 AM



Hah, pretty much nothing I've made works in recent builds anyway so I'd be around until the end of time going back and changing them, may as well wait for the day original behaviors creep back in and hold onto 4593 for now as it's not like I map any more. Still, if behavior does revert, raising the SE36 sprites would still work and it's probably best practice to do it anyway.

Either way, let me know if you need to expand the elevator system or get stuck or something, glad it works as intended thus far.
Also, sorry about the laser spam, it just had to be done.

User is offline   Dukebot 


How can I replace in a easy and not complicated way some of the duke nukem 64 weapons (from the Duke 64 mod) so I can play usermaps with eduke32 but with those weapon sprites? I've seen that those weapons are under the "tiles" folder but have no idea how to tell eduke32 "hey, don't use default and use this one instead".

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostDukebot, on 02 May 2020 - 02:52 PM, said:

How can I replace in a easy and not complicated way some of the duke nukem 64 weapons (from the Duke 64 mod) so I can play usermaps with eduke32 but with those weapon sprites? I've seen that those weapons are under the "tiles" folder but have no idea how to tell eduke32 "hey, don't use default and use this one instead".

If you just want to replace the graphics (and/or sound) and they have the same amount of tiles, and you don't want to alter the behavior (such as implementing the grenade launcher), there's should be three easy-ish ways to do it.

A] Replace the tiles in the .art files.
B] Use .def to override the tiles.
C] Upload the tiles (into art or via def) without overwriting (such as in tiles014), and redefine the tile numbers in defs.con

User is offline   Dukebot 


View Postnecroslut, on 03 May 2020 - 02:09 AM, said:

If you just want to replace the graphics (and/or sound) and they have the same amount of tiles, and you don't want to alter the behavior (such as implementing the grenade launcher), there's should be three easy-ish ways to do it.

A] Replace the tiles in the .art files.
B] Use .def to override the tiles.
C] Upload the tiles (into art or via def) without overwriting (such as in tiles014), and redefine the tile numbers in defs.con

Any tutorials on how to replace tiles using def files? Very new to this and have no idea how to start.

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostDukebot, on 03 May 2020 - 06:05 AM, said:

Any tutorials on how to replace tiles using def files? Very new to this and have no idea how to start.

It's been a little while since I used defs, but something like this should do it...
Make an empty text file called "duke3d.def" in your mod folder, then add for each tile you want to replace:

texture 2613 { pal 0 { file "tiles/2613.png" nocompress nodownsize } }

Of course replace the number after "texture" with the tile number you want to replace (2613 is the first frame of the shotgun). In this case it points to a png called 2613 in a "tiles" subfolder, but you can of course call them whatever you want and store them in any folder you want, just make sure to point it to the right dir....

You can see the tile numbers easily in Build/Mapster, but I'm sure you know how that works...
Note that some weapons (ie shotgun, chaingun, shrinker) are made up of several smaller tiles, often a smaller firing animation is displayed on top of static full weapon sprite, but you'll notice.

This post has been edited by necroslut: 03 May 2020 - 07:19 AM


User is offline   Dukebot 


View Postnecroslut, on 03 May 2020 - 07:17 AM, said:

It's been a little while since I used defs, but something like this should do it...
Make an empty text file called "duke3d.def" in your mod folder, then add for each tile you want to replace:

texture 2613 { pal 0 { file "tiles/2613.png" nocompress nodownsize } }

Of course replace the number after "texture" with the tile number you want to replace (2613 is the first frame of the shotgun). In this case it points to a png called 2613 in a "tiles" subfolder, but you can of course call them whatever you want and store them in any folder you want, just make sure to point it to the right dir....

You can see the tile numbers easily in Build/Mapster, but I'm sure you know how that works...
Note that some weapons (ie shotgun, chaingun, shrinker) are made up of several smaller tiles, often a smaller firing animation is displayed on top of static full weapon sprite, but you'll notice.

Thanks for your answer, I followed your instructions but did not manage to make it work unfortunately, here's what I've done:

Created a folder under my eduke32 directory: Eduke32/CustomDuke.
Added a folder Eduke32/CustomDuke/tiles containing the shotgun tiles with the correct numbers (2613 and the following frames for the animation).
Created Eduke32/CustomDuke/Duke3d.def and added the following lines:

texture 2613 { pal 0 { file "tiles/2613.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 2616 { pal 0 { file "tiles/2616.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 2617 { pal 0 { file "tiles/2617.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 2618 { pal 0 { file "tiles/2618.png" nocompress nodownsize } }
texture 2619 { pal 0 { file "tiles/2619.png" nocompress nodownsize } }

Run Eduke32 selecting custom game directory "CustomDuke".

But the game is still showing the normal shotgun, I don't know if I did something wrong ;).

User is offline   necroslut 


View PostDukebot, on 03 May 2020 - 09:19 AM, said:

But the game is still showing the normal shotgun, I don't know if I did something wrong ;).

You're using software/8-bit, I take it? Try changing to Polymost and it should show... the "texture" command is only for OpenGL, and is really meant for hi-color/hi-res textures....
As I said, it was quite some time since I used def so I forgot that little detail...

For classic/software you have to use tilefromtexture. Example:
tilefromtexture 2613 { file "tiles/2613.png" xoff -108 yoff 96 }

You can skip the offsets, but chances are you have to do some offsetting to get them to display in the right position. I've barely used tilefromtexture myself (I'm editarting oldschool), so there's probably some nuance to it I've missed, but it should work...

This post has been edited by necroslut: 03 May 2020 - 09:59 AM


User is offline   Dukebot 


View Postnecroslut, on 03 May 2020 - 09:58 AM, said:

You're using software/8-bit, I take it? Try changing to Polymost and it should show... the "texture" command is only for OpenGL, and is really meant for hi-color/hi-res textures....
As I said, it was quite some time since I used def so I forgot that little detail...

For classic/software you have to use tilefromtexture. Example:
tilefromtexture 2613 { file "tiles/2613.png" xoff -108 yoff 96 }

You can skip the offsets, but chances are you have to do some offsetting to get them to display in the right position. I've barely used tilefromtexture myself (I'm editarting oldschool), so there's probably some nuance to it I've missed, but it should work...

Thank you that did the trick! With the polymost renderer how I set it up it worked. Using "tilefromtexture" worked for the software renderer but the weapon it's not well centered, I will play with the offsets to place it in the right spot.

Thank you so much for the help!


How to modify a Lizard Trooper sprite PNG without making it blue (no matter whether it's a trooper or captain) in-game? I know it probably has to do something with Duke's palette, but how do I do that in Gimp?

User is offline   Hank 


@ December Man - Not sure if I understand the question, nor if this works for png.
In old fashioned gif or bmp format the background color ignores an assigned color palette.
In gimp, well, select by color, and paste a new background color to the selection. You need a lot of patience for that and this also renders the shading nil. The trooper is always bright, even in dim lit spaces.

If you plan to do con editing, assignments to the pal would to the trick, in places where the actor changes to blue, as in frozen or even at start up.


What I meant was that I want to modify the Lizard Trooper's sprites. When I do so (on PNGs) the Lizard Troopers' and Captains' uniforms both become partially blue in-game like the sprites as if the in-game coded palette change (green and red) does not work correctly on the sprites.

This post has been edited by December Man: 06 May 2020 - 05:59 AM


User is offline   necroslut 


View PostDecember Man, on 06 May 2020 - 05:59 AM, said:

What I meant was that I want to modify the Lizard Trooper's sprites. When I do so (on PNGs) the Lizard Troopers' and Captains' uniforms both become partially blue in-game like the sprites as if the in-game coded palette change (green and red) does not work correctly on the sprites.

Are you using hitile? Because if so, you might be using a blue outside of the original palette's blue range, which are the only colors to beremapped via a palette switch (I think).

User is offline   Hank 


@ December Man
Still not sure here.
If the sprites will be rendered under the build palette, the sequence (see image) will dictate to which color they turn to. You need to be careful and convert the sprite to the duke palette, in the GIMP first, and make sure the colors fall into exactly in one of those slots, otherwise they get shifted up to the nearest color, in game, and look, well, weird.

Attached Image: palette_dumbtumb.png

This post has been edited by Hank: 06 May 2020 - 09:43 AM


User is online   Phredreeke 


That doesn't look like the Duke3D palette I'm used to!

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