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Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition and Shadow Warrior Complete listed in Steam Database

User is offline   Micky C 

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User is offline   Fox 

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Would it be that different from what XBLA did with JonoF?

User is offline   Jimmy 

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New HUD looks like shit. Keep the old one.

User is offline   Lunick 


It's blurry camera footage. Let's just wait until they say something about it. They can't be too far off?

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


View PostLunick, on 16 February 2013 - 08:16 PM, said:

They can't be too far off?

It depends on what they're planning to do. If they plan to do what they did with HUD to everything else in the game, I'd say we still have a while to wait. I'm all for an HD version of the game and I hope that's what they're up to.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Are you suggesting they could be working on a HRP of the game?

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


View PostThe Big Cheese, on 16 February 2013 - 08:35 PM, said:

Are you suggesting they could be working on a HRP of the game?

Yes, but I doubt it will have 3D models.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


I must be missing something. The HUD looks the same as the original to me. Unless it's just upscaled? The video is so small, though, how can you tell?

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


View PostMusicallyInspired, on 16 February 2013 - 08:44 PM, said:

...how can you tell?

Attached File  HUD Comparison.jpg (331.97K)
Number of downloads: 353

User is offline   thatguy 


View PostNUKEMDAVE, on 16 February 2013 - 09:05 PM, said:

Blurry as hell, but different as hell. I actually like that new hud. Feels a lot less photoshopped to me. No offense, but I'm looking forward to seeing if this will end up with a professional HRP. :P

This post has been edited by s.b.Newsom: 17 February 2013 - 02:48 AM



What would you all say if when the game comes out, their idea of HD assets is stealing the HRP assets from here, without crediting them at all.
I bet quite a few people here would be upset to put it lightly.

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 17 February 2013 - 03:20 AM


User is offline   thatguy 


View PostMr.Deviance, on 17 February 2013 - 03:20 AM, said:

What would you all say if when the game comes out, their idea of HD assets is stealing the HRP assets from here, without crediting them at all.
I bet quite a few people here would be upset to put it lightly.

Yeah I don't think so. Paranoid much?

User is offline   Micky C 

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Assuming they are doing an HRP, I imagine they'd want to make it from scratch. A fair amount of art in the HRP, especially the older art, is inconsistent in quality, style, and resolution. So a new consistent HRP would look a lot more professional.

It does seem a tad (although not completely) pointless if they are doing a HRP though, since obviously we've already got a mostly finished HRP, and unless DD are going to write a new shader openGL renderer that rivals polymer, their HRP isn't going to look as good as eduke's if its modern graphics they're going for.

User is offline   Lunick 


Are we still speculating? We still have no idea what they are doing with it. In the video, all the other sprites don't seem changed.

The Shadow Warrior port for iOS had different art for the HUD too but the other stuff was left untouched.

User is offline   Sangman 


They're not gonna do an HRP. What gave you that idea?

User is offline   Spirrwell 

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Because speculation is fun and it's probably what kept Duke Nukem Forever alive and in the massive hype train. The truth is we have no idea what they're going to do other than at least a source port of Shadow Warrior and Duke3D. Now if we speculate and twist things like we did with Duke Nukem Forever, we're all going to be disappointed which is why we have the dogs here already biting at this.

We have no real experience with Devolver other than their work with other games. They haven't burned us, so let's wait and see.

This post has been edited by Spirrwell: 17 February 2013 - 07:48 AM


User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


View PostSangman, on 17 February 2013 - 05:57 AM, said:

They're not gonna do an HRP. What gave you that idea?

There's going to be some difference between the two options seen in the video to play the game in classic or + mode. What that difference is, who knows. Maybe it'll be just higher quality sound and voice clips, but I have a hard time seeing them release yet another port of many ports of the game without doing something a little bigger with it this time around. We'll see.

User is offline   Sangman 


I'm betting some extra features not unlike that replay thing in the XBLA version, I wouldn't count on an HRP complete with models and whatnot.

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


If they do an HRP, it won't resemble the community HRP. All art will probably remain 2D and cartoonish, just higher resolution.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View PostLunick, on 17 February 2013 - 05:10 AM, said:

Are we still speculating? We still have no idea what they are doing with it. In the video, all the other sprites don't seem changed.

The Shadow Warrior port for iOS had different art for the HUD too but the other stuff was left untouched.

+1 for smart thinking.

View PostSangman, on 17 February 2013 - 09:07 AM, said:

I'm betting some extra features not unlike that replay thing in the XBLA version, I wouldn't count on an HRP complete with models and whatnot.

That would be cool, but they better fix the bug where freezing yourself and thawing permanently freezes the timer.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

  • The Sarien Encounter


View PostMr.Deviance, on 17 February 2013 - 03:20 AM, said:

What would you all say if when the game comes out, their idea of HD assets is stealing the HRP assets from here, without crediting them at all.
I bet quite a few people here would be upset to put it lightly.

Possibly. But they have every right to do that, in this case.

View PostNUKEMDAVE, on 17 February 2013 - 09:24 AM, said:

If they do an HRP, it won't resemble the community HRP. All art will probably remain 2D and cartoonish, just higher resolution.

Higher resolution cartoony 2D images I think would be a bit of a blunder. The original enemies were screenshots of models, after all, with some pixel editing. Maybe they got a hold of the original models? Or maybe they'll recreated them and do new screenshots.

I'm betting on it just being a port of the XBLA features, though. Not a port, per se, but rather just a PC version of the features from the XBLA version.

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


High res tiles for the art would make me more than happy. We don't really know if they still have the 3D models anyway.

User is offline   Lunick 


You would have to think guys that they have been working on this for two months, wouldn't they already have attempted to put hires art in the game and would have showed it in the video? I just don't think they are going to do that.

I'm also guessing that both games will be ported using JonoF's code.

User is offline   Fox 

  • Fraka kaka kaka kaka-kow!


Maybe the + is because they will add some new maps? Or include the Sunstorm expansion packs?

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


View PostRadar, on 17 February 2013 - 12:44 PM, said:

We don't really know if they still have the 3D models anyway.

I've stated several times on various threads here that they still exist. The person I asked has them, but he wasn't willing to release them for good reasons. I'm hoping they'll be used in this port. Maybe that's why they were never released/leaked. They could be saving them for the future.

User is offline   Lunick 


View PostFox, on 17 February 2013 - 01:39 PM, said:

Maybe the + is because they will add some new maps? Or include the Sunstorm expansion packs?

I think for Shadow Warrior+, the expansions will be included because the original listing was Shadow Warrior Complete.

I doubt we will get them for Duke Nukem 3D+

User is offline   Micky C 

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Well we should, it's a shame that you can't buy the expansion packs first hand, rather than from 2nd hand sellers who can charge whatever they want without profiting the original makers of the expansions.

I think it's ok to ask for a large sum when people want to own a physical copy of the expansions as collectibles, however if all you want to do is play the game, then asking for that much is crazy and forces a lot of people to "acquire" them in other ways.
So I would love it if possible if they could sell the expansion packs with Duke 3D on steam (and gog).

User is offline   Corvin 

  • King of the Lamers


steam, eh, we don't need no frickin' steam.

User is offline   Lunick 


View PostCorvin, on 18 February 2013 - 08:28 PM, said:

steam, eh, we don't need no frickin' steam.

Go buy from GOG.com and use eduke32 then. It probably won't be much different that way and I beat it will be $9.99 on Steam.

User is offline   NUKEMDAVE 


This is just a Photoshop, but this is how I'd imagine the game to look like if they did indeed do a high-resolution makeover.

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