Mblackwell, on 13 October 2012 - 06:24 PM, said:
As for distortions I'm not really sure what EmericaSkater means... I use lots of rotscrnang, and setaspect and never noticed any rendering issues.
That's part of the reason I added that it happened while I was messing around with it; I always found it peculiar that no one else that used it ever mentioned this. It happened while I was working on a (now abandoned) project, and I was never sure whether it was the version of eDuke I was using or my own coding/setup that might've been causing it, though I really don't get how it could be the latter.
The enemies all had the wackplayer command in their attack states, and this is what would happen after they hit me. Take the skybox trick out, and this would never occur (and vice versa, if you got rid of the wackplayer commands).