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Daily DNF Rant Thread  "Rants about DNF and its development go here."

User is offline   kaisersoze 

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View PostPsyrgery, on Oct 21 2008, 03:27 PM, said:

This is the current status of the official 3DRealms' Duke Nukem Forever Forums:

Posted Image

Yeah, pretty much.

I can tell when I go to the forums if anything newsworthy has happened with DNF by just looking at the latest thread replied to. If it's a thread that's been in there awhile, I don't even go in anymore.

I'll browse a few other forums there and then move on.

Not really sure what's going on with George and his Twitter updates. I was expecting more DNF tidbits then what he's given us so far.

The unlockable screenshots in Duke3d were nice but you can only talk about screenshots so long until the topic gets ridiculous and the thread derails.

Sometimes I think us diehards should be sent free copies of the game when it ships for putting up with this madness throughout the years! :)

User is offline   Montykoro 


View Postkaisersoze, on Oct 21 2008, 06:26 PM, said:

Sometimes I think us diehards should be sent free copies of the game when it ships for putting up with this madness throughout the years! :)

Dream mode=1

User is offline   Dennis 


It's getting ridiculus, the management of 3Drealms are clearly incompetent and should be replaced. There is no explanation or reason valid for a 10 year development cycle. This game should be declared dead and buried and a apology should be made for 10 years of false promises, and bad design decisions.

After 10 years they release a stupid teaser where nothing could be seen with a ending "stay tuned", we are tuned for 10 freaking years. The last game you internally developed was Shadow Warrior, other games where made by external studios. There is something wrong with your management and you know it !

Perhaps George you can work at shacknews because you are clearly capable of editorial pieces, but leave the game development business, and let someone else finish this game.

/Rant off

This post has been edited by Dennis: 24 October 2008 - 02:55 AM


User is offline   crunchysuperman 

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^ As much as I love their games & how much the 3DR crew seem like really good people, it pains me to more or less agree with this post. There is something clearly wrong down there.

User is offline   Psyrgery 




User is offline   DavoX 

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It's marketing, pure marketing.

User is offline   Master Fibbles 

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Actually, it is kind of gray marketing. . .there is nothing clear about it.

User is offline   crunchysuperman 

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Entire games have been developed in about the same amount of time just since we were last told to "stay tuned". Granted, older & far more simplistic games (Will Rock was developed in under a year), but still it goes to show what can be done if you actually have some semblance of an idea of what you intend to produce.

It would be difficult to plan to waste this much development time if you actually intended to do so!

User is offline   DavoX 

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3DR LOVES the attention that the dnf development gives to them when they try to sell a third party product. It's not coming out anytime soon just because of that reason.

User is offline   Dennis 


View PostDavoX, on Oct 24 2008, 11:41 PM, said:

3DR LOVES the attention that the dnf development gives to them when they try to sell a third party product. It's not coming out anytime soon just because of that reason.



"The last game you internally developed was Shadow Warrior, other games where made by external studios."

Dennis this is wrong. Their last internally game was released in 2008 not 1997.

User is offline   Yatta 

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Technically, yes. But let's face it, it was merely a port of a very very old game.


Well there are enough things that are unquestionably true or merely a matter of opinion to rant about in this thread. No reason to make even more things up to rant about.

But actually Duke3D XBLA was a rather nice technical achievement. Two programmers(Only one of whom had any previous 360 experience) working PART TIME for a few months managing the porting, the adding of features and passing certification the first time something otherwise unheard of as the console manufacturers are pretty strict. This shows remarkable efficiency on the part of 3DR. Something IMHO that bodes very well for DNF.

User is offline   Dennis 


View PostKristian Joensen, on Oct 25 2008, 08:10 AM, said:

Well there are enough things that are unquestionably true or merely a matter of opinion to rant about in this thread. No reason to make even more things up to rant about.

But actually Duke3D XBLA was a rather nice technical achievement. Two programmers(Only one of whom had any previous 360 experience) working PART TIME for a few months managing the porting, the adding of features and passing certification the first time something otherwise unheard of as the console manufacturers are pretty strict. This shows remarkable efficiency on the part of 3DR. Something IMHO that bodes very well for DNF.

I didn't count a port of 12 year old game as a internally developed released game, but that let's not debate small tidbits, there is only thing valid:

They SUCK in the internal projects department, they suck in making internal deadlines. We have to realize by now that the game never will be released, the only rescue for this game to be released is a third party developer.
What they do have is the best talent in the industry, but the management is not capable of delivering.

This post has been edited by Dennis: 25 October 2008 - 01:03 AM


User is offline   kaisersoze 

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They have already admitted they've screwed up with the development of the game ie: too ambitious, not enough staff, management issues.

It's been a frustrating wait but I suspect when the trailer is released, all will be forgiven. Well, most of you anyways. :)

User is offline   Psyrgery 


View Postkaisersoze, on Oct 25 2008, 11:39 AM, said:

They have already admitted they've screwed up with the development of the game ie: too ambitious, not enough staff, management issues.

It's been a frustrating wait but I suspect when the trailer is released, all will be forgiven. Well, most of you anyways. :)

I really do HOPE they will give us a trailer before the end of the year because man, if they don't I will loose my faith on this game and of course I won't trust 3DRealms no more.

User is offline   crunchysuperman 

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View Postkaisersoze, on Oct 25 2008, 04:39 AM, said:

but I suspect when the trailer is released, all will be forgiven.

No, when the game is released, all will be forgiven. Trailers have been released before. :)

User is offline   kaisersoze 

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View Postcrunchysuperman, on Oct 25 2008, 08:58 AM, said:

No, when the game is released, all will be forgiven. Trailers have been released before. :)

You know, that's a good point! Doh!


I will seriously doubt this game exists if no trailer is shown this year also

User is offline   kaisersoze 

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So a full blown trailer(obviously in a highly polished state) that possibly ends with a "Summer 09" release window won't convince you guys?

I guess I can't blame you for being wary.

While George has been bashed over the management issues, he's never given up on the game.

It would be beyond stupid if they cancelled the game now.

So don't worry, it'll come out. I hope. :)

User is offline   zchri9 

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To be absolutly honost, 12 years is a long time to wait for a game...
(duh, eveyone knows that)

I would be hoping that its released next year....

User is offline   DavoX 

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View PostKristian Joensen, on Oct 25 2008, 03:10 AM, said:

But actually Duke3D XBLA was a rather nice technical achievement. Two programmers(Only one of whom had any previous 360 experience) working PART TIME for a few months managing the porting

Which gives it the same level of quality of the dnf teaser. A small group of people working part time on something. Looks like that's the motto of 3DR.

View PostKristian Joensen, on Oct 25 2008, 03:10 AM, said:

This shows remarkable efficiency on the part of 3DR. Something IMHO that bodes very well for DNF.

This boggles my mind... I mean, HOW could that possibly mean a good thing? Efficiency? that doesn't go into 3dr's equation and 12 years of game development on THE SAME GAME just proves my point. Besides, 3dr isn't just 2 guys working part time on making a 10 year old game work on a console with little to no improvement of it. The rewinding thing? I recall one of the programmers saying "Hey , I can do that, look!" as if it was easy as just changing a parameter.

This post has been edited by DavoX: 26 October 2008 - 12:24 PM


User is offline   Master Fibbles 

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View PostDavoX, on Oct 26 2008, 04:22 PM, said:

The rewinding thing? I recall one of the programmers saying "Hey , I can do that, look!" as if it was easy as just changing a parameter.

Well, if you consider that there was a recording function in the engine to begin with, it wouldn't have been that much more work. Of course, the recording function records keyboard commands, not actual screen grabs.

But you are right, the idea of efficiency is not something I think of when I think of DNF and development. They have restarted so many times. We aren't even sure how many times they have restarted the game content or engine wise.

User is offline   Psyrgery 


The treat to the fans and secrecy of 3DRealms is senseless, IMHO.

They are starting to make me fear that DNF will suck, that it will be nothing more than an average shooter with Duke in it. If they really are feeling happy and confident of the game, why won't they just show more of it? The only answer coming to me is because it will suck.

I mean, it's been almost 7 years without any kind of info about the game, we know they don't want to show stuff until they believe the time has come but COME ON, this is just ridiculous.

Why can't they just give us the forumers some tidbits of info regarding the developement? Something about "We've put a vending machine in the game with some healing items which is fun to play with". It's easy and keeps the fans calm and happy.

I guess it's too hard for them to do that, it's just easier to IGNORE the fans and post crap in Shacknews.

Seriously, I'm not asking them to just focus on the fans, that'd be egoistic. They've got other things in life to take care of, not just developing the game especially after all these years.

But is it really that difficult to drop by the forums once or twice a month and show some fresh info? Damn I'm only asking for info, not pictures nor media.

Seriously it's frustrating and annoying.

Screw 3DRealms secrecy policy.

This post has been edited by Psyrgery: 27 October 2008 - 06:08 AM


User is offline   crunchysuperman 

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View PostKristian Joensen, on Oct 25 2008, 01:10 AM, said:

This shows remarkable efficiency on the part of 3DR. Something IMHO that bodes very well for DNF.

Wow! I can't see any way that even the most ardent supporters could say something like that.

User is offline   Betelgeuse 

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View PostPsyrgery, on Oct 28 2008, 01:07 AM, said:

Why can't they just give us the forumers some tidbits of info regarding the developement? Something about "We've put a vending machine in the game with some healing items which is fun to play with". It's easy and keeps the fans calm and happy.

I guess it's too hard for them to do that, it's just easier to IGNORE the fans and post crap in Shacknews.

Seriously, I'm not asking them to just focus on the fans, that'd be egoistic. They've got other things in life to take care of, not just developing the game especially after all these years.

But is it really that difficult to drop by the forums once or twice a month and show some fresh info? Damn I'm only asking for info, not pictures nor media.

Seriously it's frustrating and annoying.

Screw 3DRealms secrecy policy.

Ugh, i couldn't agree more! c'mon...give us something 3dr.... SOMETHING!!!! rather than an anti climatic thumbnail, I'd MUCH rather prefer gameplay details... even if it were to be a small insignificant thing, something like.. "you can kick doors in with the mighty boot" ok, cool, i look forward to doing that when i have the game, yay!

User is offline   crunchysuperman 

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We all thought that was what Twitter was supposed to be for, but it seems that it's there just for George to tell us what films & food he's partaking of.

User is offline   Betelgeuse 

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haha, yes, it's quite frustrating, although interesting too read watever is happening, maybe dnf stuff will just pop up out of no where soon *crosses fingers*. seems max pain phailed, i haven't even gone too see it yet, i really want too though.

User is offline   peoplessi 

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The twitter thing is almost dead, it should include more things like the "Senior designers are presenting a new DNF map to myself and Hook now. Should be cool."

Also, I don't see the connection between the DN3D port for XBLA and DNF. I'm glad people see it as a positive, but for me it's +-0.

User is offline   Dennis 


Is it released yet ?

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