Dear fallowers of the great Duke,
I've got a fear that has to be told and that is online activation.
this all started when i read about 3D realms thinking about to have a online downloadable version of DNF. while that is all good but when you have one
there is the fear of the other and for me and all the other good fans of the duke that dont have high speed internet this could do us in for having the next best thing to the invention of the computer itself. you may ask why it would be a problem and the reson is simple TOO SLOW. So to the good people of 3d realms if you must have an anti-hacking device please at least have it do able over the phone, at least then me and all the others will have a chance to play the only game that maters. So to all the fans please tell me what you think about it and in the words of the great Duke "hail to the king, baby."