Fox, on 15 March 2013 - 08:35 PM, said:
Maybe they used added contrast effect to the picture.
That shot was done for a two page spread that ran in the front of Custom PC Magazine back in November. We haven't released it to the public yet, did you steal that from my Twitter profile?! SNEAKY BASTARDS!
If you look closely you can see that the scene actually takes place in Darian's Lair. That part of the level is usually pretty empty but Fred threw a bunch of assets in there and a ton of Triads to kill. I kept telling him I wanted it "Bloodier! More gibs! More stuff on the left! More stuff on the right!" I think I made him go back and take 6-7 shots in all before we finally agreed on this one. He HATED me that week. We almost missed the deadline and the magazine would have gone with a different game for the inside fold. Also, the shot originally had a Firebomb but we changed it to the Excalibat at the last second.
Video game marketing is fun
We'll probably release this shot along with a bunch of others to the press in an upcoming blast. It's definitely one of our favorites so far.