Mr. Tibbs, on 22 January 2013 - 12:47 AM, said:
That's what I want to hear! I would love to see some gameplay, without any narration. Just in-game sound and a playthough of a level. I understand that might not be very exciting for some folks, but it would be a great way for the public to get a genuine feel for the game.
Trust me, we'd actually love to show straight gameplay, but as PR says "Don't show it if it's not ready!" - and they're right.
While it certainly might be ready to show to you guys or the guys on our Facebook page or people who generally understand a game dev cycle and where we're at, straight gameplay is certainly not polished enough yet to release to the general public, press or even via Machinima as we've done with our trailers. Even some of the things you've already seen in early gameplay and trailers have drastically changed in the past few months. We've got completely different weapon sounds, new animations, ever changing enemy AI, improved environments, different lighting, PhysX and Apex destruction - it's an ever evolving beast and so is our PR and marketing plan.
Like everything else - it's a balancing act. While I wish Fred and the leads at Interceptor planned our dev cycle based around marketing and PR - that's not the way they do things (nor do most small developers) and I'm not going to push them to get certain things ready just so we can show them off earlier than we have to. We work with what we've got and what's ready to show and as we have more we'll show more!
If I could describe what it "feels" like? It actually feels a lot like ROTT 95, scary as that sounds. I think it's a combination of the right player movespeed, head bobbing, FOV, and obviously the overall ROTTen aesthetic -
but it really does "feel" like ROTT 95. It didn't really hit me until one night when I was recording gameplay footage for one of our dev diaries and I was tabbing back and forth between ROTT 95 Comm-bat (with bots) and ROTT 2013... It just felt the same. Crazy, innit?
What you should know is that we DO take nearly every single comment to heart, especially from you guys. I mean, you've known about this thing longer than anyone and damn near blew the whistle on it before the reveal. (I told Fred not to put Joe's name on the team page but nooooooooooooooooooooo)
Anyway, as I said - feel free to ask any other questions and I'll always answer as best I can. If I don't see your questions here I can always be found @DaveOshry on Twitter or at