rasmus thorup, on 28 August 2012 - 02:21 PM, said:
To me you sound like a person who has nothing else do to in life than criticize people. The internet must be heaven for you so we can't see what kind of a person you really are.
I might sound like that but in fact I consider myself to be a pretty reasonable guy and a few people here and there can always confirm that, everywhere I leave my mark, that is.
I polarize people with my comments, and usually to the negative side because I'm extremely pessimistic and extremely cynical.
I make lots of mean bad jokes that most of the time only I find funny.
If you look too deep into what I post, there's a risk that you might feel the need to commit a gory suicide due to various reasons, or maybe, just maybe you too could potentially laugh and find some humor hidden in there.
rasmus thorup, on 28 August 2012 - 02:21 PM, said:
At least he has the balls to show who he is instead of looking down at other people.
Since when is that an argument? It totally isn't.
There are many 13 year old boys and girls that show their faces on sites like facebook for everybody to see.
That doesn't involve balls, it involves a simple decision of whether you want to show your face to every fag in this world, or not.
Having your face plastered all over the internet could potentially cost you legal problems, suddenly the wish to have your face online will go down and if that's not your case, it is mine!
The only reason I see for Fresch to worry about putting his pics online, is because he is risking to getting every poser from the internet knocking at his door asking to be his new best friend. Either that or his pics might get shown at the awfully morbid happenings category from the bottom page of most weekend news papers world wide.
rasmus thorup, on 28 August 2012 - 02:21 PM, said:
There is always something negative to comment on someone. I don't like posers who think they are awesome, but really, you don't know what he is thinking, he is probably a really nice guy with no greater expectations to himself than anyone else.
I know exactly what he's thinking.
He's thinking something along the lines of.
"Man I am such a sexy mother fucker and finally my true talents are needed at making the best triple A hit fps game of all time... Every man woman and child will become my bitch soon after I release this game and ohh my god do I look sexy in this black and white pic with shopped blue eyes!!! Better put it online fast so I don't lose any potential 13 year old girls that might want to screw me at the game's release world wide carnival parade, that's going to be televised 24/7 on every news channel that ever existed"
TerminX, on 28 August 2012 - 12:07 PM, said:
Let's just meet half-way and call you Cunt Dickula.
What ever, I would have liked Cunt Fuckula better since it's more related to what I like to do most of the time.
As for calling me Dickula, I think that does me a lot of justice since that is one of my strong points.