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AMC TC general

User is offline   Micky C 

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The bloom also looks great on that map, you can almost feel the harsh desert heat. Too bad it's not an official eduke32 feature (yet).

User is offline   Rhaisher 


I don't know if this has already been taken into consideration, but there is a small bug with the "Quad shotgun". It happens that it does not matter which shoot mode you choose, it always displays the message that "you're changing to Quad shoot mode" (or something like that, I have not memorised the message, lol).

User is offline   Jblade 


Yeah don't worry it's already been fixed.


Hello again!

I was surprised again by all the attention to detail in this mod. Today I started up the mod to play some user maps to buy the rest of the weapons for my characters and as soon as I get back to the AMC HQ I see... Christmas trees!
Wow. There were Christmas trees everywhere with presents underneath them everywhere. I was really pleasantly surprised. Also, it was snowing in the map (I don't remember seeing any snow in September when I last played this mod).
Also, I noticed that the map adjusts to your system time, so if you play at noon it will be sunny outside and if you play at night it will be night time in the level as well. I really don't know how you guys did it, but it has to be said again, you did a SUPERB job at this mod.

One bug I noticed however. If you give the combat knife to any character (replacing the quick kick button) it seems that the combat knife cannot kill Protozoid Slimers that latch on to you. I have to shoot them (or deplete my stamina and then kick them) to kill them. Perhaps you could look into this issue for Episode 2.

Speaking of Episode 2, how is it coming along? Looking forward to playing it when it gets released!

This post has been edited by The_Sentinel: 18 December 2013 - 11:44 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


The Slimer bug I'm aware of, it's a side-effect of changing the projectile code which I never fixed since they don't appear in the main campaign of episode 1. I've already thought of a way that should be able to fix it though, thanks for reminding me.

Episode 2 is making good progress - no release date window of course but it's shaping up to be just as big as the first episode. Glad you liked the X-mas stuff btw :wub:

This post has been edited by James: 18 December 2013 - 12:34 PM



Nice, looking forward to it!

One more thing: I remember reading a few pages back that there are supposed to be some easter eggs in each character's room on their birthday. Could you share some numbers so we know what to look for? This made me really curious...

User is offline   Jblade 


It's just a sign on the wall that says happy birthday, there's no other special treat for them heh heh :wub:

User is offline   djdori11 


Is the next update still in development? What's the current status? I'm still waiting for it :(

User is offline   Micky C 

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It's definitely still in development and it's coming along well. The reason why it's taking so long is that although there are others contributing here and there, it's just me and James as the "main" mappers for a fair chunk of the episode. If you guys want something that tops episode 1 you're going to have to wait for it Posted Image


This looks excellent, packed full of solid gameplay.

As soon as I finish up my playthrough of modded Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines I'll be giving this a try.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


That'd be cool, I think someone else started a youtube playthrough before but they didn't even finish the first mission Posted Image

The TC definitely deserves a full playthrough that people can see.


Hello everyone !

I have a problem with the "speciality weapons" and more specifically about Mikko's.

I've unlocked/bought pretty much everything (although still gathering budget for the golden guns) but I miss one of Mikko's weapons and for what I've seen while looking in the files it's something called MDF Plasma gun.

While searching the forums I've read that appearantly it is located as a pick-up (just like Rusty's Uzi) that unlocks it but I never ever found it and unless I'm blind it sounds like it's nowhere to be found just like the temporary NailGun. I already tried entering command lines in order to spawn either the pick up or the weapon itself in the same way as we can do for the temporary NailGun but it always tells me I've entered a wrong Tile Reference.

So I ask you Where can I find it ?
And if it's realy nowhere to be found What should I enter as a command line in order to spawn the pick-up that unlocks it ?

I thank you in advance for the replies ^^

BTW I don't know if it's related to the thing but when I attend the Shopkeeper with Mikko there's an empty space between the Golden Talon and the Nail Gun (the buyable one).

User is offline   Somagu 


You'll be looking in the AMC Base's cafeteria. It's not a physical pickup. I can tell you straight away if you'd rather, but I feel that spoils the fun of things.


The Cafeteria ?

I admit I'd never have the idea of checking this place out :/

No don't tell me right away I think what you said is enough ^^
But if I still don't find it I'll ask again just in case but still.

Thanks a lot for telling me I'll check this out during the week-end (don't have time for games during the week).

User is offline   Jblade 


As Somagu said, it's in the cafeteria but you'll have to think outside the box a bit to find out how to get it :blink: Since you don't have much time I'll spoiler it incase you can't find it and want to find out straight-away:

Hope you're enjoying the TC :huh:


Ouh fortunately you've told me because it's not how I imagined it O_o

I thought about something like an MS Corp soldier being talkable only when playing with Mikko and he gives us the gun or something like that :/

I'm sure I wouldn't have found it, Thanks for telling me ^^

So the fact there's an empty space in the Shopkeeper's screen was a normal thing then.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


 Micky C, on 06 February 2014 - 12:33 AM, said:

That'd be cool, I think someone else started a youtube playthrough before but they didn't even finish the first mission Posted Image

The TC definitely deserves a full playthrough that people can see.

I saw, he did few vids but never finished.

I'm recording videos of playing it.
I'm at the level I think is in England, you know the snowy place where we meet Sang etc.

When is done should upload videos.

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 26 March 2014 - 06:35 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I wonder what character you're playing as :)

User is offline   Jblade 


That level is set in America, in Providence - but good to hear about the videos, looking forward to it :)

User is offline   Zaxtor 


I see.
Btw video may delay cus is soo out of sync.
I may need a faster machine and will get one very soon.

And probably replay.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


On early April or so.
I will turn my PC into a Quad-core 3.4 - 3.90 GHZ max.
I will face no more outof sync nor lag problems.
So would make a perfect video for the AMC mod,

User is offline   Jblade 


oh cool, I don't mind waiting - looking forward to it either way :)


is someone interested in this crap

User is offline   Jblade 


Pretty cool :) I can't say the artstyle fits, but voxels are always welcome in the community and if you've got a few, posting them in the community stockpile would be a good idea.


Hello again !

Since it's a minor question I didn't think it deserved its own topic : I was wondering how do you get that "Be at the right place at the right time" achievement ?

I first thought it was about Mikko's level since we must rendez-vous 10 minutes later but doing the level ASAP or even in exactly 10 minutes (counting either from the beginning or from the time where he sends the signal) doesn't work and I can't realy think of any other way of obtaining it :/

Please give me a clue ^^

Thank you in advance !

User is offline   Jblade 


You're not the only one who thought that it was related to Mikko's level, there should of been a better explanation in the achivement guide I admit. The map you get it in is 'For providence' - pay attention to the belltower and the grandfather clock in the church

This post has been edited by James: 16 April 2014 - 11:53 AM



tell me if you are interested

User is offline   Jblade 


Cool, I was actually voxellising alot of the guns for the next episode's release. If you could do some for Geoffrey/Mikko/Zaxtor that would be really useful and I could use them in the TC :)


 James, on 18 April 2014 - 04:07 AM, said:

Cool, I was actually voxellising alot of the guns for the next episode's release. If you could do some for Geoffrey/Mikko/Zaxtor that would be really useful and I could use them in the TC :)

ok i'll make some more.
btw, what is Highwire's rocket luncher?

User is offline   Jblade 


It looks like a spriterip of the Far Cry rocket launcher, it shouldn't of remained ingame to be honest. I'm most likely going to replace it with an RPG-7 or maybe the rocket launcher from Commando.

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