Rhaisher, on 31 May 2020 - 03:13 AM, said:
@TheDragonLiner, could you remind me the new obtainable decorations that were introduced in EP2 EDF missions? I remember something about a doll collection in The Final Confrontation. Am I correct?
BTW, so far, with Polymost, I've only found minor issues with a desk texture in Death at O'Koger and a skelleton sprite in Anarchy Castle. All in all, these classic maps are running good with the new version. =)
For once there's a dialogue ...
Yes Indeed there is a series of biki-girl figures in the first few levels of The Final Confrontation. If I remember correctly they are all (except 2) located in secrets up to the fun-fair-level. You know the one just after the train. I Don't remember where there are precisely.
I remember the first one sits next to the Cash Register in Lv1 and the second one is in the wall you blow up in order to get the 4th weapon in Lv2. But beyond that I forgot ^^;
I have doubt that there might be one in the Boat level but I'm not sure, you should pay close attention just in case (especially the 7th weapon secret).
Anyway, as long as you find all secrets, you have 90% chance of finding them all ^_-
The figures will be placed in James, Geoffrey, Rusty and Mikko's room. The one for Mikko will display only in Base 1, as there's Nothing in his room of Base 2 ...
BTW, speaking of texture glitches, I've had a similar thing with the "Alone in the Dark" level, in the room before the attic. Also the big pyramid of the skybox in "Catacombs" tends to often have that weird brick texture. Same deal with the rocks in the lava when you get the big key but not Always.