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Blender 2.7 MD3 Export Script

User is offline   Kyanos 


I'll look into it, but I'm off to bed now, and have a busy few weeks ahead, don't expect to hear back from me on this before new years.

Did you try the other script a few posts up? The one I worked on already had that stuff coded in, I just added the comment "I think this is all wrong (matrix location)" guess I was right...

User is offline   KrisFhugz 


View PostDrek, on 07 December 2014 - 07:27 PM, said:

the other scripts on your first post sir have all the same codes for tags(EMPTY)..

but in your post Sir, on August 2014 - 10:16 AM, the importer md3(also a exporter) that you gave us sir, it works on tags really fine but it doesn't export animations and mesh well.. just tried on Blender 2.72

and by the way sir, your scripts have error.. i found in elif obj.type == Empty........... "set_frame" it should be "frame_set".
if "set_frame", the tags doesn't export sir

This post has been edited by KrisFhugz: 08 December 2014 - 02:24 PM


User is offline   Kyanos 


All this sir'ing is making me laugh... /salute/

Feel free to fix any errors, and make improvements, run with it, the world script is yours sir!

I'll probably care about it again sometime, but not today.

User is offline   KrisFhugz 


View PostDrek, on 08 December 2014 - 03:34 PM, said:

All this sir'ing is making me laugh... /salute/

Lol, now u noticed that.. don't worry, i will wait you. it's all in you.. all the hopes is in you, because we are making a mod called Zeq2-lite World War Z

and this is my work :

all thanks to u bro that you gave that script, our work is way better than before, but we need tags. aaand, that's the problem.

btw, i'm not saying that "hey there is an error in you script, u suck" .. i just wanted u to know that there is an error, sorry bro

This post has been edited by KrisFhugz: 08 December 2014 - 08:11 PM


User is offline   Kyanos 


Fixed an issue with normals, updated script is in the first post.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


Thanks for the update.


Hello! Is there a plan to update the plugin for blender 2.8?

User is offline   Mark 


Hold on, I'll find the link.

I couldn't find the link on Duke4 but the thread is here somewhere. I attached the script here in zip format.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Mark: 04 December 2019 - 06:34 AM



Working! But need to add the triangulate modifier manually. Tnx dude!



User is offline   Kyanos 


Glad it's working well, thanks Mark for putting it here, I meant to but...

The automated triangulate is out because Blender scrapped some key features in 2.8

User is offline   Tea Monster 

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User is offline   Luca91 


View PostMark, on 04 December 2019 - 06:25 AM, said:

Hold on, I'll find the link.

I couldn't find the link on Duke4 but the thread is here somewhere. I attached the script here in zip format.

FYI: if you are using python 3.8, this script will fail since there is no time.clock() function (it was deprecated earlier and completely removed now).
Before to install the script in Blender, please change any reference of time.clock() to time.process_time()

Bye and thanks for the script.

User is offline   Mark 


I just checked and my Blender 2.83 is using python 3.7.4 and md3 export seems to be ok. Unfortunately, the exporter seems to become useless with almost every Blender update. ;)

It sure would be great to get md3 import again. Its a pain having to resave a static model to OBJ just to be able to import it to Blender. Then have to save it out as md3 again.

This post has been edited by Mark: 12 April 2020 - 10:09 AM


User is offline   MexMeRcUrY 


Looks like Mark says this script gets broken on every new version of blender.... I have the latest and I got this error.on Export
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender 3.3\3.3\scripts\addons\io_export_md3.py", line 697, in execute
settings = md3Settings(savepath = self.properties.filepath,
AttributeError: 'EXPORT_OT_md3' object has no attribute 'filepath'

Havent found any new plugin that works :( I have tried all the ones out there in the internet....
anybody know how to export animated stuff into MD3? I have seen it in Duke3D HighResolutionPack and dont know how those guys achieved it

This post has been edited by MexMeRcUrY: 25 November 2022 - 01:53 AM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


That is the problem with using all these old 90's model formats. Finding something other than your game engine that will read or write the format out is going to be more and more of a problem as time and tech moves on. Unfortunately, a lot of source ports have gravitated to IQM as a replacement model format. That is trading an old, unused and unsupported model format for a new unused and unsupported model format. You are getting all the same problems but without the historic support of older software.

Every time the version of the scripting language gets upgraded, it can break old scripts written in that language.

1. Use a portable version of Blender 2.83 that is self-contained and runs from it's own folder and thus isn't installed and won't bugger up your current Blender install. Dump the plugin into that and run that version of Blender whenever you want to export an MD3.

Download the '.zip' version from here: https://download.ble...se/Blender2.83/ and unzip the folder to a location on your hard drive.

2. Use Noesis or Misfit/Maverick 3D to convert the file.

3. Speak very nicely to someone who can upgrade the plugin for the latest version of Blender. Bear in mind that you will be contacting this person regularly as every few years they upgrade the version of Python used in Blender and the script will have to be recompiled regularly.

4. Speak very nicely to one of the coders here to use the assimp plugin to import a modern file format such as FBX, or even the open source glTF file format.

This post has been edited by Tea Monster: 25 November 2022 - 05:34 AM


User is offline   Mark 


Because I run Win7 I can only go as high as Blender 2.92 and this version of md3 export works for me. No idea if it works in versions 3.0 and up. I zipped it assuming the forum wouldn't accept the .py file as an attachment.

If it works and you built your model in Blender's default scale be sure to set the scale size during export to about 5. Also Blender exports at 90 degrees off. I forget at the moment if you should rotate your model CW or CCW before exporting so it faces forward in eduke.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Mark: 25 November 2022 - 05:40 AM


User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


Nash from GZDoom has one that supposedly works with 3.2. I've not tested it though.


User is offline   Mark 


Since the error seems to be a minor one concerning filepath and not some techie mumbo jumbo it might be easier for someone to fix.

User is offline   Kyanos 


I still check up on this every once and a while.
I will try to update it over the holidays.
Please post any info that may help as I haven't been using this lately.

User is offline   Mark 


I found a different one. This is an importer. I tested and it works for static and animated md3's. However, I noticed some md3 models import with their texture displaying in Blender and some don't. I don't know why. The ones that don't, have the texture name the same as the model except for the extension of course, are located together in the same folder and Blender creates a texture node with the correct texture name. But the texture won't show until I manually load it. The model that did load the texture automatically was previous exported to md3 in Blender. Maybe thats a clue where to look.

Take a look at it if you have the time. If you can't figure it out, no big deal. Its a quick step to load textures manually if I have to. BTW, some of the script is devoted to specifically mdx format for Kingpin models. So don't worry about that portion.

Attached File(s)


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