James, on 03 March 2012 - 09:00 AM, said:
I really don't understand the difficulty - just extract the zip file to your Duke nukem directory and run the bat file! It's harder to do it any other way

Incomplete statement actually... this does in fact, not work for me. The batch file requires eDuke, of course, but that is in the readme file of course. This is still incorrect.
Mikko_Sandt, on 03 March 2012 - 09:03 AM, said:
But that's just it: installing this mod requires absolutely no technical sophistication whatsoever.There's no metro folder. There's only a zipped package called metropolitan.zip. The instructions say that you should "unzip the contents of the zip" to your Duke3D directory. There shouldn't be any Metropolitan folders in your Duke3D directory.
There is still mass assumption here for people who don't "do this" all the time. Again. It certainly doesn't work on my system.
Trooper Dan, on 03 March 2012 - 09:09 AM, said:
If anyone a problem due to their Duke folder being a mess, just make a new one. Create a new folder, and copy eduke32.exe and DUKE3D.GRP to that folder. Then place the new episode in that folder and run the .bat Creating a new folder adds less than 50 MB to your hard drive. That's next to nothing, and you eliminate any possibility of confusion or file conflict
This sounds like a great idea... so I did it. Still too many errors to run... no-go again.
MetHy, on 03 April 2012 - 09:27 AM, said:
Thanks for the news post on duke4.Net This and the fact that you couldn't play Metropolitan Mayhem as an episode just shows that you need to clean your duke folder or make a new one with a more recent version of eduke32. It takes less time to do that than to go on the forum to say that the map doesn't work.
This makes more sense... what versions of eduke32 does this work with? I don't do updates unless there is a reason. I have no way to determine if the eduke32 version matters or not.
Here is what I have...
**begin paste**
EDuke32 1.5.0devel 20090313
Application parameters: /xmetropolitan.con /gmetropolitan.grp
Using CON file 'metropolitan.con'.
addsearchpath(): Added C:/3DVR/Duke3D_Metro/
Checking for updates...
Connecting to
Current version is 0... no updates available
OS: Windows XP (5.1.2600) Service Pack 3
Loading opengl32.dll
Loading glu32.dll
Initializing DirectDraw...
**end paste**
Then I get "Error(s) found in file 'metropolitan.con'. Do you want to use the INTERNAL DEFAULTS? Yes/No
Either answer 'duke3d.grp' missing CON files, re-install Duke Nukem 3D.
Well... I can figure out what is wrong. That isn't the point. The point is that some people just want to know what time it is, not how to build a watch. There is a reason some people build models from kits and others buy Die-Cast cars.
Back at the beginning of this thread, that Blue Lightning guy was getting treated pretty harsh in my opinion... because quite frankly, what he was told did not work. It didn't work for me either. I had the same results he did and followed the provided suggestions just for experiments sake. Sorry guys, you left out important pieces of information. No one said what version of eDuke this was run on. (could be an issue I have had before) No one asked what Duke Nukem 3D version he was using... for myself, this was the issue.
I have 11 Duke Nukem 3D folders for different purposes. Different versions of Duke 3D are required to play various add-ons etc. For each add-on like Caribbean, I have it in its own folder to keep it "clean" and away from normal installs of different Duke versions. I don't generally play with eDuke32, but I wanted to try this mod as it 'sounds' really interesting, conceptually.
The problem I had, is that it is NOT compatible with just any Duke3D.grp file... like many add-ons. I don't know if that was Blue Lightening's problem or not, but no-one mentioned what version of Duke Nukem you need... or at the very least stated what version they were using.
I copied the grp file from my Original "as Vanilla" as it gets, Duke Nukem 3D folder. 1.3D is the version. This doesn't work. So I grabbed the Duke3D GRP file from a Plutonium Pak installation and it fired right up. My problem solved.
So no... copying Duke3D.GRP with eDuke32 with the extracted files from this archive, does in fact, not work. It is NOT a polarized event. The are factors. It MIGHT work. (If it is a particular version) It COULD work, but no one was thorough enough to even mention a half dozen other factors involved that can actually keep this from working.
So I am back to this... SOME versions of Duke3D.grp, with SOME versions of eDuke32 with the Metropolitan episode pack will work. But to pretend it is so simple that insults are appropriate is BS.
I am really glad Metropolitan episode exists... what I played so far I really liked, just as others say, it has that simple feel too it. So many levels feel like the author was making a Duke Nukem Level for their thesis or something. Sometimes you just have to step back from the painting and say "this is finished" because as an artist making your level, there is no such thing as finished. Next week you will have learned something, thought of something etc etc and can make it "better" from your current perspective. I like the idea of the time limit in making the levels as it REALLY pushes you to only put in a "core". The core is where the fun comes from anyway, and the details most people "notice" will be layout, not that perfect texture they fly by in run mode. If I have too much time to observe the scenery, at least before blowing away all the aliens, then it loses something that is very Duke to me.
I want new Duke Nukem mods to keep coming out, especially "vanilla" ones like this, as I am not into all the HRP and so other enhancements. I see new kids come along and discover Duke Nukem every week and get all enthusiastic and want to play add-ons and maybe get into modding etc. I want that to continue. You modders are getting old and will be dying off, you know... I want new ones to hang around and learn this stuff.
Pretty interesting episode so far, as I understand its origins and purpose... but come on guys, try to remember what it was like when you knew far less about getting this sort of thing to work. Because as I stated above... it just isn't as simple as you say. There are a lot of factors that go assumed back there. I also looked in the text file and it said nothing about not working with Duke3D.grp file version 1.3D. It doesn't work with mine.