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[RELEASE] MINI MAP PACK  "A collection of ten maps made in 90 minutes each one."

User is offline   Gambini 


This wasn´t a CBP. You still can submit your entry.

I have something but I already spent two hours on it and have to work maybe one hour more to get it finished. If the map isn´t accepted here I will create my own thread named 3 hours minimaps :D

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Just finished playing the mini map pack and it was fun. I don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said, except that it was useful to me for testing a little mod I am working on.

User is offline   Micky C 

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View Postzykov eddy, on 13 February 2012 - 09:39 AM, said:

It's sad that I've missed this CBP. Hope there will be another one

View PostGambini, on 13 February 2012 - 03:42 PM, said:

This wasn´t a CBP. You still can submit your entry.

I didn't think it was a CBP either but apparently that's what everyone's calling it, so if it wasn't it is now. I was going suggest that Gambini go ahead and make that 3 hour thread for those who missed/didn't want to join the 1.5 hour one but of course, he's only joking.

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

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View PostMicky C, on 13 February 2012 - 03:52 PM, said:

I didn't think it was a CBP either but apparently that's what everyone's calling it, so if it wasn't it is now. I was going suggest that Gambini go ahead and make that 3 hour thread for those who missed/didn't want to join the 1.5 hour one but of course, he's only joking.

Well, like LeoD said before it would be cool to make this packs every month XD

User is offline   Gambini 


oh forgot to say, i also played them all. Pretty good stuff, but I specially liked Mikko´s city map. Its texture set seems so carefully choosen and everything blends so well togheter that I had my doubts he did it in the required time. Had, as said, my doubts until I noticed the map file´s name is misspelled. :D

Well, all the other maps are worth mentioning too it´s just that i dont find anything special to say about them, their authors at least knew how to write their names. I got stuck in both Micky C´s maps and in one of them i saw a lot of visual glitches, probably because I was using software. The one with the shootable buttons in the cliffs was outstandingly big and well done considering the time limit, but again i could not finish it. Norvak maps were very good too, the red room was an original setup.

EDIT: I was joking about the fact of the new thread but not about the map. What i wanted to say to ZEddy is that people can keep sending their maps.

This post has been edited by Gambini: 13 February 2012 - 03:59 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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What I was trying to say but never got around to was that if he did, it wouldn't be included in the current pack, that ship has sailed. It'd have to be part of a new pack. I think once every month would be pushing it as creativity would start to wear off as well as the general public might lose interest (at the moment this pack is fairly unique which is a big thing in its favour), but it'd definitely be nice to do this again some time.

User is offline   Mikko 

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View PostGambini, on 13 February 2012 - 03:56 PM, said:

oh forgot to say, i also played them all. Pretty good stuff, but I specially liked Mikko´s city map. Its texture set seems so carefully choosen and everything blends so well togheter that I had my doubts he did it in the required time. Had, as said, my doubts until I noticed the map file´s name is misspelled. :D

That's intentional actually. I'm still mentally somewhat stuck with the old 8-character limit.

In any case the map could not have taken more than 1h40mins and was probably under that. According to the original file, work started at 18:12 and the file was last modified at 20:58. Between that there was a coffee break (about fourty minutes), ten minutes of surfing online and about ten minutes of checking other maps. Shouldn't be that surprising as the map has very little details (look at it in 2d mode). Glad you liked it though!

User is offline   zykov eddy 


Here's my one hour map.

Attached File(s)


User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

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View Postzykov eddy, on 15 February 2012 - 06:35 AM, said:

Here's my one hour map.

Posted Image

Well, I hate to be a buzzkill, but...
Oh, what the hell. I'll give the map a play when I get home.

This post has been edited by The Mighty Bison: 15 February 2012 - 07:37 AM


User is offline   Mikko 

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View Postzykov eddy, on 15 February 2012 - 06:35 AM, said:

Here's my one hour map.

Isn't that an old map? Seems familiar.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Played it. Nice little map, but that was a cruel trick to put those false floors in the tunnels.

User is offline   zykov eddy 


View PostMikko_Sandt, on 15 February 2012 - 07:43 AM, said:

Isn't that an old map? Seems familiar.

Yeah, I posted this map in my blog some time ago. Since it fits "fast - as - shit CBP" theme, I posted it here

I also have a half an hour map, but it's horrible.

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 15 February 2012 - 09:24 AM


User is offline   Kyanos 


I am 45 mins into my map. 90% of the structure is there I just need to texture and add gameplay. I'm looking for a ruling from the powers that be.
Can I make a copy halfway through and practice/figure out what I need to do to finish this in my last 45 mins, then take a for real go at it? Or, do I need to just get back in Mapster and finish this in one shot?

User is offline   Mikko 

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The only requirement is that you don't spend more than 1.5 hours on working (in Mapster, that is) and testing the map. Mental work outside Mapster doesn't count.

This post has been edited by Mikko_Sandt: 20 February 2012 - 01:44 PM


User is offline   Kyanos 


I get it, no do-overs. I will take a nice break and think about a plan, write some stuff down sprite numbers I want to use... I may have bit off more than I can chew, it's a fairly big map.

User is offline   Kyanos 


Here it is, flawed and all. I didn't set up my elevator right :P it plays through to the end pretty much, I am gonna post the fixed version soon, but here is my 90 minute map.
Attached File  The Waterfall.zip (5.51K)
Number of downloads: 282

I moved the lock away from the tagged sector. I just read DTs post about that too. Also textured behind the elevator (I obviously didn't test it) and removed one atomic health, it played fairly easy.
I made this using the polymer HRP, and DTs new hypercore mod game.con was in there too. Hence the extra health :lol:
Attached File  The Waterfall (1).zip (5.46K)
Number of downloads: 302

Oh ya, don't jump into my failed, last minute TROR house. You can't get out. I was gonna throw a devastator in there.

This post has been edited by Drek: 20 February 2012 - 08:13 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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Is this your first map Drek? It's a bit light-on in the details department, but people aren't going to smack you too hard for that given the time limit. I really wish their was a way for the underwater pal to activate when actually underwater when using TROR water without the SEs, I feel that we could kind of get away with it in the parkade map because it's shallow water, but it's a bit weird here. Of course here it's also a gameplay mechanic to make sure the player doesn't get out of the water too early, but the pal thing really bugs me. I actually found the map really hard, because I didn't get the RGP until really late. It took me 3 minutes to finish.

If it's your first map, then you have a lot of promise with your layouts in the future.

User is offline   Kyanos 


Ya this is my first map release. Thanks for the kind words. I get a lot inspiration and tricks from your maps. I saw you used the SE7s in ss.map even though you had TROR, was that to get that effect? I thought it was to keep the dragons out.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Oh yeah the unreleased serious sam style WGRealms 2 prototype map. The only difference between TROR water and regular water is that the sectors are overlapping, and the water surface is (optionally) transparent. You still need the SE 7's to achieve the full water effect, just like with normal water, as well as making the water surface blockable on both sides in the case of TROR. So yeah you need the SE 7s to get the pal change.

User is offline   Kyanos 


A true newb mistake on my part. I've only ever made water using TROR. LOL. I'm glad you liked it. And thanks for yet another tip.

User is offline   Micky C 

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I might make a third quick map. What I have planned won't be unlike Loke's idea except with a more standard map design; there's a cycloid emperor in the middle and you have to navigate the surrounding rooms avoiding his rockets to get the devastator. I'll probably work on it in 20 minute blocks but it should be ready within a week.

If we get many more of these mini maps we can start thinking about another pack.

Actually forget the 1.5 hour limit, I'll take however long I want. If you think I should be shot for breaking the rules, you're welcome not to play it Posted Image

This post has been edited by Micky C: 21 February 2012 - 02:32 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

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Ok I skipped uni today (it was only optional stuff) and finished this boss map. Climb 4 stories while having rockets pelted at you and take down the emperor. Uses TROR (duh), with both classic and polymer being fully compatible, however polymer is recommended because classic is a bit too dark. You might be able to tweak classic to your liking if you know how.

I ignored the 1.5 hour limit, but I mapped in the spirit of the CBP building as fast as I can, and not polishing things like texture allignment. I must have made it all in less than 3 hours though. It should take 3 minutes to finish.

Don't judge until you've played it.

Posted Image

Edit: the zip's been reuploaded, an unbreakable glass bug has been fixed, and the cycloid now wakes up a lot earlier.
2nd edit: the zip's been re-reuploaded because a cosmetic change I made to the cycloid's platform was glitching in classic. Gameplay is 100% identical.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Micky C: 21 February 2012 - 10:43 PM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Just played it, using vanilla Duke with Polymer. It's actually a very well executed little concept map. It looks clean and plays fairly well. I just have a few small criticisms. First, after going up the elevator early in the map, the player is blocked by a corridor he can't walk down and has to turn back and use a vent. The problem with that is that the corridor looks like you should be able to walk through it. I died a few times trying to get through because I thought it was a glitch. Second, the basic gameplay mechanic of being forced to run down exposed corridors with the Cycloid shooting at you can be extremely annoying. Just by sheer luck he manages to hit you sometimes and there's little you can do about it. This can't really be helped without changing the whole concept.

User is offline   MetHy 


Nice collection of little maps. I love the concept because it means that mappers have to stick with one idea.

I liked the boss maps the best because they felt the most complete, though both city maps were also really good.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Bump. I hope people will keep on making mini maps, it'd be nice if we can get a second pack out.

Ah hell I'll make a new TROR polymer mini map called FreeFall based around a concept I've been thinking of doing for a while. Once again I won't stick to the 1.5 hour limit.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 17 March 2012 - 02:11 AM


User is offline   Arwu 


:) Im try to do something
Maybe rooftops 2 :wub: hehe just joking. . :)

User is offline   Micky C 

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I present FreeFall; an experiment in Duke mapping. Gameplay is original, TROR used like never before, polymer is pushed a bit (but should still be playable). The game is unplayable in classic (can't look down enough) and glitchy in polymost.

Aim: Take the plunge if you dare, avoid the obstacles, find a way to survive before hitting the bottom. Estimated playing time: 50 seconds from start to finish, but a few minutes in reality as you'll need multiple attempts.
Posted Image

Ninja edit: reuploaded with music.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Micky C: 19 March 2012 - 02:56 AM


User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Played it! Nice concept and good use of TROR. I got as far as the tripbombs, and then I kept dying because I could not see the laser lines before they would blow up in many cases. So I used god mode from the tripbomb part to the bottom. Expecting the player to shoot those buttons while falling doesn't seem very fair. Anyway, I still enjoyed it.

When you said you had included music, I was afraid it was going to be Free Falling by Tom Petty.

User is offline   Micky C 

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If you know where the switches are (which you will after the second or maybe third try) then it's pretty easy to hit them if you fire constantly. I might have had autoaim on, but I'm not sure if that makes any difference with switches.

Anyway thanks for playing and commenting. Even when you only spend 4 or 5 hours on a map, it doesn't seem worth it if not many people play. I tried to do what I could about the trip bombs by manually adding laser beams to the top of the segments (it's kind of annoying that there's a delay), the secret is to wait as long as you can before moving to avoid the next set of lasers.

Btw what was the framerate like when you played it?

User is offline   MetHy 


The idea of such a long shaft you fall into is good, but I don't like the execution. It's too unfair. Like you just said it's trial&error, in which if you fail, you die.
The player should be able to see things coming underneath him and what is expected of him much beforehand.

I didn't finish the map because I didn't feel like memorizing every single second of the map like the mapper expects me to.

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