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AMC TC ideas and suggestions  "the thread to put all your ideas and suggestions for the AMC TC in"

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


As suggested by James, I create this separate topic so you all can put your ideas for upcoming episodes, weapons, maps or whatever else you have on ideas and suggestions for the AMC TC. So feel free to chime in.

Well here are some my ideas. First off, weapons:

While I enjoyed the weapons selection of the game, I think some more futuristic Temporary Weapons of some sort. I thought about something like this:

Militech Ronin Light Assault
Posted Image

Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 35
Rate of fire : 2/3/30
Cartridge : 5.56C (5D6)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 450 eb
Reference : Blackhammer Cyberpunk Project
Length : 89 cm
Country : USA

The Militech Ronin standard edition is the classic light assault rifle of the modern battlefield. Measuring in at 35 inches in length, it only weighs 3 kilograms loaded.

I think that would fit right into the game and could be a nice addition to the existing arsenal.

Colt/Arasaka M102 AGL
Posted Image
Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : 0
Availability : common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 30
Rate of fire : 2/3/30
Cartridge : 6,8mm SPC (5D6+2)
Reliability : standard
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 1790 eb
Reference : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 96 cm
Country : Japan/USA

Made for the battlefield this assault rifle grenade launcher combo is has become a staple in many militaries around the world.Grenade launcher (+2 25 mm 8 2 ST 200m).

For those who are more into Russian guns, why not take this:

Posted Image
Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 30
Rate of fire : 2/3/30
Cartridge : 7.62S (5D6)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 680 eb
Reference : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 55 cm, crosse repliée
Country : Russia

Most modern and updated version of the legendary AK series of assault rifles.

In the megabase map you find the Barrett sniper rifle, but I thought the design and look are a bit overuse, why not replace it with something more futuristic looking? Like this for example:

Armalite-Barrett CSR-50
Posted Image
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +4
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1
Cartridge : .50 (6D10)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 1800 meters
Cost : 3925 eb
Reference : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 161 cm
Country : USA

CSR-50 is the bullpup version of the M90, more precise, more advanced but also more expensive.

Or at least have the option to buy the gun. Interesting would also be the option to get AP or explosive ammo for that gun as well. Also of course, this gun should either be able to be bought or found in levels where sniping makes sense (wide open areas and such).

Also, since you are able to research the Battlelord minigun, why not add a weapons project that leads to a man portable minigun of some sort? Would be a interesting thing if you ask me. The idea would be that you have to research some sort of hydraulic recoil reduction system first, then caseless ammo (that you can get by finding a project for it or acquire a weapon that fires caseless ammo) before you finally get a man portable minigun.

Anyway, at the end of the game, James says that AMC needs to grow, which brings me to the idea that you should be able to buy and research stuff like power Armor and so on for both you and your troops to use. I mean it would make a sense after all.

As I mentioned in the other thread, story wise the future episodes could deal with HP Lovecraft horrors from beyond the stars. My idea would be to start slow: somewhere at a remote (coastal or maybe a town that has both coast and mountains) town, reports of strange sightings gather the attention of the EDF/EAF and they ask the AMC to look into this. So you go to the town, talk to the people there and what they saw and so on and so forth. You collect evidence that leads you to belive that some cult may be responsible for this and Rusty and Sang are the ones that are send to look further into it.

What they discover is more then concerning: they actually ran into the Cult of the Yellow Sign, worshippers of Hastur. It is soon clear why they are here: they are hunting the aliens known as the Mi-Go, strange creatures from beyond the stars that worship Nyarlathotep and are searching for a rear metal that only exist on earth (at least rare for those aliens and no so much for us), at least thats what the Mi-Go say.

Soon, things heat up and its clear that both of these factions are looking for someone........or something of great value to them......and a danger to all of humanity. Now its up to the AMC to stop whatever these 2 factions have uncovered.

I think this would make a good story for an EP for the TC. Optional ep idea: "Move your Ass to Mars!" The AMC has to deal with a supposed spy/agent that is trying to get to Mars and is hunted by a unknown party, that cumulates in them going to Mars to stop a oppressive Corporate Enterprise to blow up the Mars colony and blame it on a group of insurgents, so they can then proceed with building a colony solely dedicated to super rich people.

Well, I think thats all I can think of right now. Hope others have some more ideas and suggestions tho. As I said, feel free to post em here.

This post has been edited by Lt.Havoc: 06 January 2012 - 04:27 AM


User is offline   Mikko 

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I want the Colt!

 Lt.Havoc, on 06 January 2012 - 03:47 AM, said:

I think this would make a good story for an EP for the TC. Optional ep idea: "Move your Ass to Mars!" The AMC has to deal with a supposed spy/agent that is trying to get to Mars and is hunted by a unknown party, that cumulates in them going to Mars to stop a oppressive Corporate Enterprise to blow up the Mars colony and blame it on a group of insurgents, so they can then proceed with building a colony solely dedicated to super rich people.

I don't think individual mappers want to commit themselves to a single centrally-planned idea. The great thing about working for this TC has been the freedom to do pretty much whatever you want with the tools and assets James has provided.

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


We are talking about a whole additional episode to the TC, not just usermaps. I do think you can get mappers to work on just one planned project (works for almost every mod/TC I have seen). I really dont see a problem to set up a theme and then develop a story around it. The idea I give are just that, ideas, what you do with them is all up to you. I just found the idea interesting because the EP would pay homage to total Recall ya know?

User is offline   Mikko 

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 Lt.Havoc, on 06 January 2012 - 09:03 AM, said:

We are talking about a whole additional episode to the TC, not just usermaps. I do think you can get mappers to work on just one planned project (works for almost every mod/TC I have seen).

But the first episode is essentially a collection of usermaps: no one was told what to build. The whole thing was very spontaneous.

And no, it has not worked "for almost every mod/TC"; precisely the opposite! Sticking to a centralized plan may be the biggest reason why so many (the vast majority in fact) TCs never see the light of day. It's no coincidence that TCs that have recently been released have had only one mapper (Oblivion, IW2, WGR2) or have been decentralized (AMCTC).

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


Well if thats the success of this TC then that is okay. The problem is then that people do not know what or how to suggest for the additional eps, aside from a generally outline of things like "I would like to see XYZ". At least for me, I am someone who likes things structured you know, guess that comes from being German.

User is offline   Mikko 

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Suggestions are of course always welcome. Individual mappers pursuing their own visions usually never have rigid plans, and are (or at least should be) open to ideas. For example, this TC didn't have a mecha initially and my map ended where you obtain the Mecha in the current version. It was the spontaneous addition of the Mecha by James that made me extend the map, not because James told me but because I thought he had come up with something that'd be of use to my map.

But if you have an idea for a map (I liked the Mars plot), why don't you make such a map yourself? You wouldn't have to bother with assets as they're there already. No need to extend a single idea like to over several maps when all of it can be done within the confines of a single map.

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


Well, I would have to try, but I never mapped before and dont know how it works, not can I script or code and for something so complex in mind I guess I lack the experience. I would have to start with something simple first and work my way up and that might take awhile.

User is offline   darkcaleb 


Well why not tell more about Fakir place on mars? And something about the city where amc base is near, would be cool to see a futuristic city and mars city like in Total recall.

User is offline   DN4ever 


 darkcaleb, on 06 January 2012 - 03:03 PM, said:

Well why not tell more about Fakir place on mars? And something about the city where amc base is near, would be cool to see a futuristic city and mars city like in Total recall.

Mars city ftw! :unsure:

User is offline   thatguy 


For the mars city, definitely mix it between Blade Runner and Total Recall. That would be great. Honestly I thought we were going to visit something like that based on the intro of the game, lol but that was just the character location.

Another idea could be to spoof maybe LA Noire?

This post has been edited by s.b.Newsom: 06 January 2012 - 05:38 PM


User is offline   Jblade 


Mars will be visited in the future, either in a flashback form showing Geoffrey and Rusty's recruitment or a mission set there as suggested :unsure:

I'm liking the suggestions - unfortunately I'm not a modeller but my mind is already working away at how I'd recreate those guns from various other ones and stuff. I'm a bit ill today but either tonight or tommorow I'll have a go at adding one or two in for the first patch.

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


Well, why model the guns when they are sprites to begin with? But if you need these guns as 3D models, then I will ask around and see what I can come up with. I know several people that do create 3D models for various programs.

User is offline   Jblade 


 Lt.Havoc, on 07 January 2012 - 03:17 AM, said:

Well, why model the guns when they are sprites to begin with? But if you need these guns as 3D models, then I will ask around and see what I can come up with. I know several people that do create 3D models for various programs.

I do need 3D models for the sprites for the first person view yeah :unsure:

Also there is a portable minigun in the game already! If you find the Riotgun and research the battlelord's chaingun it'll make a new research topic called 'Riotgin-minigun'

EDIT: Feeling a bit better now so I'll clarify on Mikko's points;

there is an over-arching plot I have cooked up, but other than that it's as he said - most of development was spontanious and spur of the moment. I added in an MS-Corp mech suit simply to suprise the guys during our frequent co-op matches, and it ended up becoming part of Mikko's map. Researching was added in to add some depth, and the loadout system was added in afterwards to let players properly use what they've aquired.

All of the maps, apart from the first 3, were pretty much made up on the fly. Rusty explained what he wanted, and he started building a desert town. Mikko started his own map with his own ideas, and Highwire wanted to recreate the revolution described in his backstory. Geoffrey originally had a map for him as well, but that turned into Megabase. I wanted to make a blood-style map, so Snow was born. This approach worked MUCH better than me dishing out map plans to authors like in the Survival TC, since what they wanted to build was more personal and genuine. You can tell that each author put alot into the maps, not just time and effort.

This post has been edited by James: 07 January 2012 - 03:53 AM


User is offline   Lt.Havoc 



Also there is a portable minigun in the game already! If you find the Riotgun and research the battlelord's chaingun it'll make a new research topic called 'Riotgin-minigun'

Yeah and there is the problem, I did research the battlelord chaingun BEFORE finding the riotgun and now I cant research the riot minigun. I think I already stated that in the other thread. At least the project does not show up in the weapons screen, so I guess I blew it.

User is offline   Jblade 


 Lt.Havoc, on 07 January 2012 - 03:59 AM, said:

Yeah and there is the problem, I did research the battlelord chaingun BEFORE finding the riotgun and now I cant research the riot minigun. I think I already stated that in the other thread. At least the project does not show up in the weapons screen, so I guess I blew it.

Damn, can't believe I didn't think it through properly! I'll have to find a way to make it work for people who already researched it.

EDIT: think I've got it covered now!

This post has been edited by James: 07 January 2012 - 04:47 AM


User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


Well, what did you do to fix that bug and is there a way to get the riot minigun now or do I have to wait for the patch?

Anyway, more suggestions: add 9mm AP ammo, maybe have it as a research topic or something. The pigcops can be really annoying if you dont have anything to kill them with (in the classic collection and usermaps, you do not have Flechet or explosive ammo for the shotgun).

I like that you can headshot the enemies, but it seems to be rather random. Would love to have the ability to shoot enemies heads off like in WGREalms II (I am always in favor of dismemberment).

Some addtional ideas regarding the HP Lovecraft inspired Ep I posted above:
That would make for a interesting enemy: the cloaked Migo:

Posted Image

That would make an interesting enemy that once shot, would transform into this:

Posted Image

I mean that would freak me out you know.

This post has been edited by Lt.Havoc: 07 January 2012 - 01:58 PM


User is offline   Jblade 


If you turn off auto-aim than it's much much easier to headshot enemies :unsure: If you only have a pistol than aiming for the pig-cop's head will bypass his body armour and deal extra damage. I do plan to add more ammo types, such as 4/0 buck magnum ammo for shotguns and stuff (possibly dragons breath rounds as well?)

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


Shotgun Magnum rounds would be a cool idea, dont know about dragonsbreath tho, I rather have it that Rusty gets some sort of Flare-gun and we also have the Flamethrower still. But good too know that we will get more stuff.

Edit: okay, wanted to comment on this since awhile now. While I dont mind that you use a XM-8 for James "Laser Rifle" I think that it could look even better/diffrent/more fitting.

Here, let me show you:

Posted Image

The above laser rifle even has a grenade launcher like the FN2000 one. I could ask someone to make a 3D model of this gun if you want.

This post has been edited by Lt.Havoc: 07 January 2012 - 11:55 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


Well, if they don't mind doing it for free since I'm pretty broke then sure :unsure: The XM-8 is supposed to be a callback to the version IW v2 - in this universe the developers created a laser weapon based on the XM8 weapon platform. The 5.56mm version still exists alongside the laser-rifle version as well.

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


I´ll see what I can do. Say what kind of format do these 3d renders need to be so they can turned into sprites? Something that can be put into 3DS Max or is blender enough? I would need to know what file format it needs to be before I ask around.

User is offline   Jblade 


 Lt.Havoc, on 07 January 2012 - 12:46 PM, said:

I´ll see what I can do. Say what kind of format do these 3d renders need to be so they can turned into sprites? Something that can be put into 3DS Max or is blender enough? I would need to know what file format it needs to be before I ask around.

Hmm...on second thought it might not be worth it. Pretty much every model I used for guns in AMC TC were Half-life custom models that already had animations and everything I needed to put them ingame. For someone to make those models they'd have to pretty much do all of that which is too much to ask for simply a 3D model that'll be turned into a 2D one anyways.

I'll figure a way out of creating some of these guns up myself, don't worry :unsure:

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


Well, there are a truckload of guns out there for Half-life and all sorts of other games anyway, so you need to look there and simply ask for permission to use them. Most of the time the modeller does not have a problem with it as long as he gets properly credited. I will still look around to see if anyone would like to make some of these guns into 3D models. I met some guy who creates these renders with animations in only a couple of days, so maybe it wont be a problem after all.

Say what do you think about the whole Mi-Go as an enemy idea and the lovecraftian story for one of the episodes James?

User is offline   Jblade 


I like the idea, but I already have a storyline cooked up for the main game itself (involving the Precog machines, and many other factions and stuff) As Mikko said I don't really want to commit too heavily to specific map ideas since we've all got the best results just from spontaneous developments :unsure: Having said that, having a race of shapeshifters WOULD be a really damn cool idea, and you've already given me some ideas that I'll think about for a while (not just for story, but for gameplay as well)

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


Well okay, if not a whole episode, it could at least be one or 2 maps dealing with this that leads toa bigger scheme of things. Aslo the Mi-Go are not really shapeshifters, they basically "wear" human looking replicas of faces and hands to disguise themselves as humans. Another interesting and horrifying thing about the Mi-Go is that they can remove the brains of humans and put them into some sort of tanks. you know, would be really creepy to go into a room and see this:


Now imaging that they could do this to you as well. Would make a interesting plot point where you have to get back the body and brain of some guy that got it removed like that.

Anyway, I hope other people would post some ideas/suggestions as well, seems like I am almost the only doing this. Guys, this is thread is for everyone that played the TC that has some ideas or suggestions for how to evolve this TC. So dont be shy and post it in here.

User is offline   Jblade 


 Lt.Havoc, on 07 January 2012 - 02:05 PM, said:

Now imaging that they could do this to you as well. Would make a interesting plot point where you have to get back the body and brain of some guy that got it removed like that.

...it would make an awesome level to have 2 AMC agents have their brains swapped and have their one liners voiced by each other for a time period :unsure: Maybe not the mi-go specifically but I will have to have something like that in the TC!

Also as Lt.Havoc said, anymore ideas for anything is welcome! enemies, levels, guns, .etc .etc all ideas help in some way :P

This post has been edited by James: 07 January 2012 - 02:14 PM


User is offline   Zaxtor 


That beetle thing reminded me of the film mimic.

User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


Well, the Mi-Go are strange looking aliens, the look is totally alien in every sense of the word. The Mi-go are large, pinkish, fungoid, crustacean-like entities the size of a man with a "convoluted ellipsoid" composed of pyramided, fleshy rings and covered in antennae where a head would normally be. According to two reports in the original short story, their bodies consist of a form of matter that does not occur naturally on Earth. They are capable of going into suspended animation until softened and reheated by the sun or some other source of heat. They are about 5 feet (1.5 m) long, and their crustacean-like bodies bear numerous sets of paired appendages. They also possess a pair of membranous bat-like wings which are used to fly through the "ether" of outer space (a scientific concept which is now discredited). The wings do not function well on Earth. Several other races in Lovecraft's Mythos have wings like these as well.

The blender model above is just one of many various depictions of these creatures. The most used drawing that fits them bets is this one here:

Posted Image

So yeah they are totally strange looking beings They are also downright terrifying.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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I think it'd be interesting to have more Phantasm influence, especially with a Tall Man like character as a central bad guy along with the whole going back in time in an alternate universe to meet the 'good version' of the bad guy thing from Phantasm 4.

Some 'prequel' levels would also be interesting.

User is offline   Jblade 


Spoilers about Rusty's storyline:


User is offline   Micky C 

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Are there going to be any vehicles other than the tank? I'd be interested to see what you guys can come up with in that respect.

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